Aspire ToBe
Nicholas Cohen
Gold is the most expensive element due to its rarity and sun light color
Hey guys this is gold i have a yt channel at . Friendly guy and i love to snipe in mp and play zombies anytime anywhere.
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Currently Offline
Aspire ToBe 25 Oct, 2013 @ 9:33pm 
I got my account back!!!
yacks 23 Apr, 2013 @ 12:26am 
Heyyyy Gold wassup bro? Remember me? Yeah so anyway I've stopped playing PC coz Xbox was my main thang so... yeah...this is probably our last time so... I just wanna say that you're awesome keep on goin' with yo epic clan and if I could, I promise you I would DEFINITELY come back but anywyz. Thanks for everythin' man. See yaz
yacks 25 Nov, 2012 @ 6:19pm 
Hey man whats up! I just wanted to say umm...Im sorry for being a ♥♥♥♥.
Will 29 Oct, 2012 @ 10:13am 
Cya around :)
Will 29 Oct, 2012 @ 10:12am 
Hey Gold, we should play some Mw3 sometime again, those times were fun, btw i'm sorry about almost everyone leaving Aspire :[ (Knifing, Reflex, Lucky, No ♥♥♥♥, Yeti, BenJii) And El Tocino kinda, sorry to hear, Onyx is why everyones leaving is from what I've heard and understood.
yacks 28 Oct, 2012 @ 3:29pm 
Hey, Gold, I left Aspire...for good. From what Onyx said is true, kinda but I was the third person in this clan ever since hD and you called me your "Best Friend". I felt good like that but when you put REFLEX in charge and not one of us [Onyx, me or Boomguy] I felt like some loser and I had no authority. The only person I'll miss is you and Boomguy. See ya