kou suleiman
Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
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𝙂𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙖 6. Jan. 2020 um 17:34 
🌳😺🌋 Performance review for kou suleiman 💎💗🎽

kou suleiman accepts criticism cheerfully, and uses criticism productively to develop own abilities and skills. kou suleiman still needs to learn the job better and required supervisor's assistance regularly. Provided supervisor help is close at hand, performs the job well. Silver-tongued, and usually successful when trying to persuade others to move from their original position towards or beyond compromise. Using personality, logic, persistence, kou suleiman always manages to get the best deal. kou suleiman has the potential to be a good communicator, although may occasionally confuse some listeners. Gives others the chance to speak too, and seems to take on board their point of view.

👽 + 👃 = 🎄
Ray 13. März 2016 um 20:48 
melan-co 7. Feb. 2016 um 9:04 
Sasara_U 19. Jan. 2015 um 3:58 
Onasu 15. Dez. 2014 um 10:54 
普段はPlan Bばっかりやってます、これからよろしくお願いしますね!
Monolith0x0 21. Aug. 2014 um 22:10 