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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 499.6 hrs on record (47.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 Aug @ 12:34am

Once Human does a lot of things well, and by well, I mean better then most open-world MMOs.
* The Price = FREE (need I say more?)
* Top-notch Graphics are very nice, and seems fairly optimized
* Rewards for almost everything you do, so it feels far less grindy then most MMOs
* So much content = always something to do at any level, so it never gets boring
* Original content = every town or point-of-interest on the map offers varying challenges or missions
* Large map = plenty of varied content and varied story-line missions/plot
* Crafting and Base-Building offers a good variety as well as being relevant/important to your progress
* Premium services & upgrades are mostly Cosmetic, so not a lot of pay-to-win aspect
* Multiplayer cooperation a key component to the game, but still able to solo most content if you wish
* Each Phase and Season offers different challenges & unique rewards
* Ability to keep end-game content, as well as most types of currencies
* Playing with friends can be rather difficult, unless you start ONCE HUMAN at the exact same time & day
* Like most new games, some aspects of the game can be vague/confusing, unless you watch Youtube videos
* So many different types of currencies, upgrades, mods, & customization, can be confusing for a lot of players
* Each season "resets" the main-world maps, wiping your main base & progress earned (but you do get to keep a lot of the end-game content, as well as most forms of currency & recipe unlocks)
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