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62.6 godz. łącznie

Game starts very well, but very quickly become FarCry/AC game with outposts and stupid activities with barely any reward.

1/3 game we are moving around a city (especially first half of game? until fast travel is unlocked)
1/3 game we are having fun as spider man
1/3 game we watching cutscenes and IGC QTE (hate it since Tomb Rider)


Oh and New Game+ on Ultimate difficulty to close achievements add this nice bit of having unlocked everything, skipping everything what can be skipped and gaining absolutely nothing for a huge chunk of time............

- very buggy game
- story is ok, but often with WTF moments, I can't believe in scenario (e.g. when spider man who can stop the train couldn't save his aunt alone, lol)
- combat is mediocre at most: no individual targeting, limited ranged combat options
- dlc are poorly balanced, exp is too low, no new gadgets, only cosmetics
- challenges
- very limited stealth combat (which I like very much, except challenges with stupid detectors), game forces face-to-face combat and it's easy to get swarmed
--- no gadget hotkeys for PC (VERY big minus here)
- boss fights are without boss HP bar, just "repeat what you do until we tell you it's over"
- "rogue-like" quests without markers or clear path, just fail and restart it many times in row, it's fun!
- pointless new game+
- so called "benchmark" tab, it's like in-game achievements but with ridiculous numbers, not naturally achievable over 2 playthroughs, like disarm 500 gun-wielders.. too much farming for nothing
- 50+ levels system.. +1 hp (less than 0.5% of total hp), +1% meleed dmg feels wrong for a whopping amount of required exp
- the moments when there is no quest and text on screen "go do something for some time"
- no day/night switch or skip until very end, I was struggling at stealth mission in DLC where game decided to do it at evening, means no good visible spotlight detectors on the ground, means constant failure and anger rather than fun
- gane lacks unstuck functionality to stop crawling on the walls/sitting crouched on some points and unable to move forward/backward lol (see also most iconic spider man pose on reddit)

+ it's nice to "fly" through the city (by roofs is the fastest way, but require unlocking skills)
+ good visuals, ok animations
+ side quests (except those without map markers) are ok
+ skill system and upgrading gadgets is ok

Game feels old,
Opublikowana: 12 listopada. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 listopada.
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5.1 godz. łącznie
Thanks for free weekend, but no.

At first glance there are lots to do and progressions looks interesting you do quest and something is unlocked.. but then it just say "go kill V blood bosses".. and there is nothing to do, really, only to go and kill bosses "very far" away. Fun? Not for me. Coupled with certain game mechanics it's a no from me.

+ Polished game, music, atmosphere, surrounding.. cool.
+ Huge map, many enemies, lots of loot.

- The fast travel is VERY limited, many resources prevent from fast traveling.
- Navigation is HARD. On purpose. So that experienced players learn map and shortcut. But I am not experienced player and and sorry, no way I'll become one with such terrible navigation in a forest maze.
- Loot disappears. NO way to stack loot nearby and come later.
- Constant inventory micro-management, so many items, long trip to base, empty, go fight, full again.. ><
- Sun mechanics is at minimum VERY annoying. I hate days. I can't skip them.
- Just one base and huge map with limited fast travel.. you got the idea? LOTS of running.
- Combat is just meh. It demand to all time run away/aside and way too limited: 2 spells and 2 weapons skills (no idea what is ultimate).
- Base building is.. meh. Many crafting stations, very slow processing.
- Moving around is slow. I've got wolf form, but it takes time to become a wolf, no hotkey, so terrible.

Game is trying to just waste my time for something I don't want to do, but I have to: producing rats (1 every minute) to craft healing things, running around, slowly, mining/chopping, avoiding enemies marked with skull... there are too many of them, patrolling or sitting at certain spot, I couldn't build my base further, because there is a golem, whom I can not kill. Nice? Nope..

Blood mechanics I don't understand. I want to get bonuses, so I start eating only one type of enemey.. and no progress. I don't want to google AGAIN for tutorial explaining game mechanics, such explanation SHOULD BE inside the game, because it's IMPORTANT.

After playing a bit I got boring, 0 interest in pvp, 0 interest to run and fight next V blood boss and otherwise I am stuck with progression.. Sigh.. I'll go play some other "open world" or "base building" game.. sorry.
Opublikowana: 14 września.
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1.2 godz. łącznie
It looks like a good game, but I got bored in just 1 hour. And while it feels like there is A LOT to explore, the combat is just meh..

The biggest problem is probably amount of enemies to deal with. In typical card game I'd expect to fight 1-5 opponents, in this game it's sometimes 20.. and each enemy will do something: attack, cast spell, move.. and this by itself is just too overwhelming, instead of joy and quick battles it's a long thinking to make perfect move.. perfect move isn't necessary, game doesn't penalize too heavily for small mistakes, as there are several options to compensate, still, it's too much thinking, which I dislike.

+ nice visuals, animations, sfx/vfx
+ lots of cards
+ lots of wyas to upgrade: cards, mercenaries, artifacts

- to many enemies, need to spend way to much time for a single move, it because better as enemy numbers decreases though
- UI is lacking as with previous game of this developer (have Book of Demons), it just meh UI, not optimal
- selecting card feels buggy, I often choose a wrong card, no idea how that happens
- card upgrades are like a tree with several levels.. that's also too much and worse - the basic card sometimes much better than any upgrade, so first upgrade feels like loosing, rather than gaining
- need to scroll screen to see distant enemies, not good

I played this game on a free weekends and I know one more game which I won't buy.. even on discount.
Opublikowana: 25 sierpnia.
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57.3 godz. łącznie (38.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Very "buggy" game and I don't mean the only enemy type you face..

Game constantly crashes and guess what? There is no save In this wanna-be rogue-like game. Crashing in 9/10 mission? Hell yeah, suffer, "the management will be pleased"...

I like and recommend original DRG game, it's gooodly. But this poor clone of vampire survivals? Nothing to look here, really.

P.S.: I bought this game because after playing demo I wanted to know what else there will be.. it's 4 biomes, less than 10 enemies, dozens of useless weapons (you quickly learn which one works and which falls behind swarm progression), lots of repeatable, useless and barely rewarding stuff to farm..

Opublikowana: 25 lipca.
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9.8 godz. łącznie
Unique mix of Forager and Terraria. Progress through several tiers/biomes, kill bosses, explore, upgrade character, craft, tinker gear, die a lot ;)

When the full game is released, it may be a really good game. We will see.
Opublikowana: 21 maja.
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Według 28 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
79.7 godz. łącznie
Cool AAA open-world game with lots of flaws and no Steam integration.

- No Steam achievements.
- DLC are standalone games: you are either playing good open-world base game or either of 3 DLCs.
- No end-game and rudimentary new game+ with 0 fun.
- Balance issues: game is super easy even on Nightmare difficulty, but then vault with lasers or timers and you MUST reduce difficulty temporarily.
- Annoying "checking for additional content" message every time you go into main menu, takes 1+ minute EACH time game is started.
- Poor controls which often do not work, hard coded keys which makes certain popular keybindings (ESDF) dysfunctional.
- Annoying repeatable animations: almost every action you do, opening chest, upgrading, crafting, picking up will be followed by useless animation, each of which you will see 100+ times if you made to the end.
- Unexplored things are added to a map with poorly implemented exploration mini-game, where you need to spam one key, while trying to find something unexplored by looking at every shiny thing in the distance.

+ Big world to explore, 5 biomes, diferent enemies, lots of hidden treasures, various puzzles.
+ Nice story, good cut-scenes with remarkable main characters.
+ Music, sounds, effects, surroundings, art-style of a solid AAA game.
+ Enjoyable combat.
+ Gliding (who do not like to fly?)

I bought this game with 90% discount, which is well worth the time it takes to complete base game. Some fraction of this time was spoiled by poorly designed puzzles, not working controls, bugs with physics or targeting issues. But otherwise it's a solid game.

I wish there were no DLCs, but more base game content, more weapons/armors, various enemies and some sort of end-game. I wish there were Steam achievements so I'd spend some extra time trying to complete them.
Opublikowana: 6 maja.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.0 godz. łącznie
Puzzles, puzzles, puzzles... no.
The base game is good because of open worlds, exploration, skill progression. And in this DLC everything shrink to puzzles.
Are they fun? Maybe, if you ONLY want to do puzzles. Like really ONLY puzzles..
Opublikowana: 6 maja.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.1 godz. łącznie
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Barely translated, poorly running and untested piece of crap.

+ Boobs everywhere..
+ Free..

- Bugs.
- Terrible translation, on/off is translated as "open/close" in Settings window, now imagine dialogues.
- Dialogues disappears before text is fully shown.
- Everything else.

Opublikowana: 16 stycznia.
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Według 20 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
2,724.2 godz. łącznie (2,722.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Its free and fun..

.. until you spend reasonable amount of time an learn that:

- Devs never read steam forums.
- Devs are very greedy. Do you want an achievement, which can only be obtained during Christmas? Then you are forced to pay, otherwise your chances are near 0% to obtain it even in few years!
- Game is buggy and there lots of QoL issues: ugly layouts, overlapping controls, freezes, problems with loading, losing crafted blocks (!) and more.
- UI is designed for mobile platform: no tooltips, no info, terribly overlapping and over-sized windows.
- It's definitely not idler, you won't go far without active gameplay. With recently added ascension mechanics you are pretty much forced to actively play 100% of time, there is no point in idling.

Stay away, you will not be able to get 100% achievements anyway.
Opublikowana: 5 stycznia.
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Według 9 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
34.9 godz. łącznie
The Forager game is the closest alternative to this game. But multiple Islands economy with strong inter-island transportation issues and lack of space (in the endgame).

It's good until around middle game. Then suddenly it become more idler-game with few absolutely necessary complete overhauls of infrastructure over the course, because some of buildings become obsolete/too slow/occupying too much precious space.

+ nice game overall;
+ easy achievements, few secrets, few bosses, few puzzles;

- spacewalk minigame: it's fun first few times, but game require you to grind it many times and it quickly become not fun;
- dialogues: skipping 3 of same dialogues every time when you want to buy some seeds? seeing same outdated and obsolete gossip? seeing empty window when everything is bought? just lol
- too slow crafting, it's really hours and hours of just blatant waiting for crafts to finish.. I basically quit game at some point, just because I can't let it run in background for so many hours and there is absolutely nothing to do in the meantime;
- no option to turn off sounds when alt-tabbing;
- some issues with AI and lack of priority for targets, the delivery chain may break completely;
- some hidden limits, like robots can't take resources from drone station, if game want to introduce limits they need to be clear (e.g. marking buildings as input-only), giving hints or provide a workaround.. sure, I could just pickup a stack of packed materials and deliver that myself, but why drones can't deliver that too???
- lack of direction: I need to google at least twice to figure out what to do next, there is no main quest or anything, there is no help in explaining steps required to finish goal if you stuck, there are some confusion, e.g. at some point game claims you got "new island" (singular), but you get "two islands" and it's hard/impossible to notice it, because map window is not designed to show you new islands;
- the game clearly had a long development, because things get changed over time, new content added without respecting initial game mechanics, which may easily confuse, e.g. at start we discover islands by using special device, then we need to deal with "wild" islands, then some islands just pops up from the sea out of nowhere...
- some mechanics are dull, e.g. housing, you just need to buy house, upgrade it, unlock furniture (buying it) until last tier, then put some of if in your house and never visit it again... game could as well just ask me for 100.000 Kredits to give me awesome perk to get 1/7 item crafted for free... ><

I am really happy I could do 100% of achievements without fully finishing all bloated content, like buying all heads. The number of heads is just stupid. Grinding pearls for unlocking all npc heads is stupid.

P.S.: WTF are monuments? I didn't figure out... I wonder who added them to the game and why..
Opublikowana: 26 grudnia 2023.
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