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发布于:2022 年 9 月 9 日 上午 8:40
更新于:2022 年 9 月 9 日 上午 8:58

Short version: Fun! But does not feel like a souls-like or like controlling a robot. Also janky issues about how much mass she feels to have.

Play wise. This feels like Monster Hunter. My character does not (usually) get interrupted by enemy attacks, but it depends on the weapon.

Graphics. Still look luscious even on a steam deck at minimum settings. In fact they look a bit too luscious, several times branches and stuff got in the way of the camera, distracting.

Animation. the good: it feels clunky. *Perfect* feeling for clockwork. The bad: a lot is arcade-like does not feel human, does not feel robot.

If you love robots: This robot is essentially a human with fancy descriptors, that occasionally remembers being a robot, equipping her is not like fine tuning a machine.

Long version:

I'm not a "pro gamer", never used a controller since the Super Nintendo.
I now own a steam deck, i usually play with keyboard and mouse.
Sneer all you want.
I'm not changing controller config until i know what effect it has in/outside combat.
But i do keep trying to "okay"/"cancel" enemies instead of attacking them, because i am not used to attacking with shoulder buttons.

Tutorial level is very good and very well designed, but the popups are a serious issue, they tell you what is obvious, not what is not.
I was shown i had an inventory but was not told how to bring it up.
I was not told different weapons may or may not have different combos.

If you like robots: outside of combat or with certain weapons feels *too* human and weightless.

It also feels like a magical girl with "hammerspace".
Most of the stuff that comes out of her would have no space to be inside of her.
She has a movement with each equipment swap which implies she pops the stuff out... but out of nowhere.
She has the habit of doing lots of preparation do deliver a blow and then waste that preparation to put everything back in.

I started with the first option, the bodyguard, so she is going around lugging an "hammer" of music sheets for an automatic piano, but made of metal:

• Light: telescopic arm and then swing the mass of the metal sheets and your arms at the enemies in a very wide arc and lounge.
• Heavy: same as above but extends arm first and starts winding up a flywheel with sparks and all (for... reason? Does she need oil?) and then she engages the gears (now THAT would have caused sparks, but nothing happens) and slams the hammer. Enemies get flung around. Satisfyingly clunky.
• Special: parry, she picks the 3 music sheets and opens them, Whipple Shield style.

The graphics convey that perfectly. The movements look and feel good.

But: There is no readying for the action that i want to do, you just push a button watch the robot prepare, attack, and finally, most annoyingly, un-prepare.
A lot of work wasted.
It ends up looking like one of those wushu movie duels, unsheathe sword, attack re-sheathe sword.
The combat does not feel like i am stacking programs, i push, i watch and wait, i push again. The program is stacking in my head, not in the robot that i am commanding.
When she stops attacking and starts moving around and interacting with people she becomes super-light, that's very jarring.
It's like she suddenly gains mass only when attacking, and different weapons give her different mass.
Light weapons have enemies stop her, massive weapons go through loads of enemies and are quite hard to stop the preparation of.
The character is shown constantly running (dashing just makes you run faster), stops immediately, can turn without skidding.
But those weapons are part of her body mass, that feels weird.
But then you run into perfectly fine and sturdy boxes or benches and destroy them with a light touch.
Does my character have or not have mass?! Those do not look like rotten crates and benches kept together by sawdust.
You never lose grip because (example:) you have not yet bought the correct shoes for the environment you are traversing or (different example:) because you packed too much mass in your robot. You just run turn and stop on a dime.
The equipment itself references emotions, not your robot's capabilities. Which is jarring.
They used mocap so she moves like a human, not like a robot. Just look at that wiggling spine.
The discus was also available due to being pre-bought, its animations feel completely human, not how a robot would use it.
The monsters come at you with a given speed only if they spot you and you can pretty much time when they will reach you and plan your attacks accordingly.
But, just like you, enemies have a very long range it's hard to tell when you are being attacked from behind which is the whole point of playing in 3rd person.

Do the animation convey what she does? Yes. It is the un-preparation after each attack that feels out of place, it is how they mesh with each other that does not work with me.

So while each animation looks good and perfect, the character gains and loses mass at the touch of a button.

Story wise, the whole presentation you got in the trailer is skipped in the game itself, we start with the queen tasking her to save her, not how she was gifted to the queen and what is their relationship or how the kind went mad. You are just told those things happened, go figure it out.
She is presented as an unknown thing and therefore everything about her is jarring when you start playing.
Initial character motivations are barebone, but to a point where having less would have been actually better.

On the character aesthetics: You can change the aesthetics of your robot, but:
For some reasons the body and the head are handled in a different way, so you can end up with an effect which is ... cringe at best due to face and body color clashing.
There are several different interesting options for the body (some have a full wooden look, or fully metallic) that are not available for the head.
Vice versa there is no way to give your robot an head that does not feel like "a human being, but mechanical".
For the head you have about 4 "racial tropes" with their skin tones and a harder or a slimmer face.
The base clothing are white and very masculine for the era, a white frilly thing, but you can put on a more feminine black dress. Fittingly the initial masculine clothing makes you more agile, women's clothing make you more armored. It's in your inventory, which, as i mentioned, you are not told how to reach.
I guess the idea is that she is more feminine or more masculine based on face and dress style, but she always moves in a very feminine way (and *not* like a robot).
As i said face and body can have clashing tones which can look really problematic in some case, what surprised me is that darker face tones wear no makeup and the face is very close to real skin tones, this feels out of place.
The European and Oriental face uses white varnish with black/red/gold decors (which is as inhuman as it gets and therefore my go-to choice) i'd have used a similarly inhuman "lacquered wood" or "polished onyx" looks for the other two face options and also still used bright paint that would stand out on eyeshade and lips like it happens with the white varnish faces. Instead they look just plain.
If this is a problem with low graphics setting or a glitch that did not load the textures, i do not know. Could be, game has been out only for 24 hours.
Other things that are not an option:
• "the face has the same skin tone options as the body, including chrome and gold", not an option.
• "the face is just a painted mask and does not move", not an option.
• "the face is a simple rounded surface without eyes nose mouth", not an option.
• "the face is a giant eye/camera", not an option.
• "the face is a glass dome with tourbillon behind"...
...forget about it, your robot "has to look human", even though it can only open the mouth and blink.
I'm not exactly buying a game about playing a robot because i wanted to play a human.

Also: no "no hair" option.

Still. I very much like it.
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18 条留言
Rosie 2022 年 9 月 26 日 上午 6:18 
I saw your comment on Discord, and I just want to say I enjoyed reading every bit of it even if there's a comment from another user who completely disregarded your message and only took note that your review is long.
simone.spinozzi 2022 年 9 月 25 日 上午 8:02 
...is this game trying to make a series and setting us up to make all the bad decisions in history one by one making it all seem like "DA best choiS evAH"?

Are we going to have the pair of Athenais + Ludia join forces every time to literally go down all of the most bloody and bad moments of french history because the game paints every time the "optimal choice" to be the one that literally creates the next disaster?
simone.spinozzi 2022 年 9 月 25 日 上午 8:01 
The game paints La Fayette as a scheming double crossing man with delusions of grandeur. Which... he was not. The only choice i made in game that actually was **__*not*__** against La Fayette and made him the "winner" of the argument of "who should rule after this" was literally me refusing to pin the (game equivalent of the) Champs de Mars massacre on him as the actual instigator. Because as usual he was the perpetrator but not the instigator. And i did not like that the game tried to push that.

The game also depicts Robespierre as an upstanding citizen of high morality, noble ideals, and grand presence, with literally zero faults.

Unless this is a setup for the sequel where we will aid some "friend" of La Fayette against the reign of terror of Robespeierre, and that friend turns out to be Napoleon at the end of the game (i mean... they started as friends before Napoleon deciding he liked to be king and imprisoned him)...

simone.spinozzi 2022 年 9 月 25 日 上午 8:01 
Historically La Fayette was **__*THE*__** voice of moderation, who, however, was still a dumb military general who would totally defend himself if others attacked first, because he would not go down without fighting, and boy did he love to go and "moderate" wasp nests which saw him as "the enemy" and he should not have touched, which result in his being the perpetrator of way too many massacres, since, well... he knew how to fight back and he had an army.

Hindsight is 20/20 but that guy literally had an idiotic attitude about "talking sense" which did resulted in way too many deaths because people were foaming at their mouths.

So... do we "know history" or do we "get what the game says"? Because we cannot have both.
simone.spinozzi 2022 年 9 月 25 日 上午 8:01 
It is a nice journey, but it ends with a very rushed... "you know how the revolution went, let's not dwell on it" but that is ... very "uh?!"

Historically Robespierre started out as a slightly paranoid hot headed revolutionary and kept being a paranoid hot headed revolutionary, if anything getting hotter and hotter headed and more and more paranoid until his answer to __*everything*__ was a very red-queen "off with their heads". I mean: "Reign Of Terror" is a phrase that was literally coined thanks to Robespierre. I was extremely wary of him from the beginning. :sweat_smile:
simone.spinozzi 2022 年 9 月 25 日 上午 8:01 
The main character is a robot that feels every bit totally **__*not*__** a robot, most of her movements mimic too closely the human way of moving, only few being out of place or impossible, and those are actually well animated, but this is a sensation also reinforced due to the fact that she breathes, gasps and exhales while delivering lines (she starts not doing that but leans on it more and more as the story progresses) and the equipment she has which is (aside from being completely bogus) named about vices and emotions.

The Jimquisition did an episode on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdS2Dkllzws and i disagree with "it's not political" and "it does not explore issues". It is totally about exploring issues of what is the difference between free will and while it assumes souls exist... it does not assume a soul is an individual. Which is nice.
simone.spinozzi 2022 年 9 月 25 日 上午 8:00 
Reposting here my "post ending" review from my discord post:

Okay i finished `SteelRising` or `AcierLevant` as i jokingly call it due to the badly used and badly placed french in the game. 120th level (because it is literally impossible to have more), and lots of weapons to level 5, 4 and the rest level 3.

For a developer (Spiders) which is literally a french company with french people one would think the "french" part of the game would **__*not*__** be a problem. That... was not the case.
simone.spinozzi 2022 年 9 月 24 日 下午 9:29 
and now that i completed it, while waiting for the new game plus, i must say:

- it was a great game and very fun.

- the ending was super rushed.

- i honestly do not understand the people who said the story makes no sense. it all makes very much sense. it is also very rushed.

- the ending is fitting though i believe it was written like that for a sequel.

- i honestly thought the queen would have died. but i saved her except she disappears? That is the only thing i did not like.

- but yeah i can confirm that the protagonist gets treated too much like a human being by the vast majority of the animations and by he stuff she uses.

- loved the way that they tied the souls found on both people and automatons.
simone.spinozzi 2022 年 9 月 24 日 上午 8:11 
as usual: this is for the steam deck.
simone.spinozzi 2022 年 9 月 24 日 上午 8:11 
putting standard low video setting except for advanced video upscaling to amd (but disabled option) is the setting that "buys me the most time" in the temple.

everything else seems to just make the crashes happen sooner.