zeniox 16 Sep @ 1:31am 
I'm feeling..... 🤔 💭 HUH Quake 1 jump noise HUH! 😏☝️
Skeppsskorpan 13 Sep @ 3:04pm 
this nígga sold me fent
big Hat arxm 13 Sep @ 10:39am
washing down the cadavers with a can of steven seagals lightning bolt :steamsunny:
big Hat arxm 11 Sep @ 4:38pm 
no no cannibalism should never become widely accepted, it is inherently high status to be a cannibal, to be a cannibal is to have refined tastes as one must indulge in the forbidden. To break away from convention, the rule of the flock is an affirmation of humanity!

The worst possible consequence of famine is that the scum of the earth begin to taste such sweet delights! :dealerrizz:
CR4cK.HEDI 11 Sep @ 3:12pm 
i predict once overpopulation becomes a truly huge problem it will become more normalized and the freshly dead shall be consumed. :bbabsmily: we wont be eating "the bugs" but human flesh
CR4cK.HEDI 11 Sep @ 3:07pm 
people arent ready for the pork truth bomb..

its the primer cannibalism - made and bred to be tasty/addictive all cause our DNA is close to pigs.. they've even transplanted organs from pigs to humans, thats how close we are. They are also genetically modifying them to try to grow human like organs so our immune system doesnt reject them.

there isnt even no direct laws against cannibalism.. theres also been conspiracies for years now about human flesh getting mixed up in the regular food supply
big Hat arxm 11 Sep @ 10:36am 
What!! call lockheed martin we need missiles and multi trillion dollar jets and aircraft carrier pronto! we have another enemy!! This is crossing the line... I was already told that Serb Bin Laden committed pearl harbour, the gulf of tonkin incident and every other false flag in history!! He has gone too far !!
Витез Лимана 11 Sep @ 10:29am 
In a classified document made drafted by the CIA it Osama's last words were actually quoted as being "ZIVELA SRBIJA"

It was also written that right before bleeding out he did the three finger salute:steamsad:.....

On his computer it was found that he had not only downloaded but also shared via Limewire many Patriotic Serb songs
Витез Лимана 11 Sep @ 10:23am

Evil Jew below trying to take credit away from Serbs.....

SERBS DID 9/11 this is very well known, OSAMA was a SERB :steamhappy:☝️
big Hat arxm 11 Sep @ 10:19am 
1995 "if the west does not wake up to islamic militantism, trust me terrorists will bring down the WTC" - Netanyahu (ex special forces, prime minister) :steamhappy:

September 10th 2001 - Washington Times
Mossad "Wild card, ruthless and cunning" has the capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian / Arab act. :steamhappy:

September 11th 2001
The 5 dancing israelis event. Observed at a viewing spot overlooking the WTC from 0800hours. 0846hours the first plane strikes the towers. :steamhappy:

i love the patriot act i love the narrative i love trusting intelligence agencies with no accountability and no burden of proof i love making human sacrifices for moloch i love death camps i love eternal war i love genocide i love improving US-isreali relations :steamhappy:
CR4cK.HEDI 11 Sep @ 10:16am 
yeah bro.. i have the footage
Витез Лимана 11 Sep @ 7:11am 
wait did the plaen really do that before the crashing?
CR4cK.HEDI 11 Sep @ 4:16am 
⠀⠀⠀⠦⠀ I ❤️ 9/11 :steamhappy:⠀⠀⠜⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⠏⢻⣇⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⠀⣿⣿⣿
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zeniox 11 Sep @ 1:16am 
როგორც ადამიანი, რომელიც უსმენს rap მუსიკა ბევრი, მინდა ვთქვა, რომ:
სწორედ ახლა შემიძლია ვთქვა. გმადლობთ, რომ კითხულობ ჩემს მნიშვნელოვან შეტყობინებას.
Damsel of Distress 7 Sep @ 12:24pm 
witness me
big Hat arxm 5 Sep @ 3:22pm 
something something redox reaction umm here is a prescription of white mold to ingest which will surely cancel out the build up here you go :steamsunny:
snarky felinor 5 Sep @ 1:48pm 
theres 2 weeks of black mold buildup in my lungs
Damsel of Distress 5 Sep @ 9:03am 
uh oh Stinky
-rep bot supporter
big Hat arxm 4 Sep @ 9:06am 
anyboby who clicks these links, warning! be prepared for a wonderful day filled with mirth,kindness and tranquility :)
The Greatest Nooticer 4 Sep @ 4:23am 
thank you, duly nooticed
big Hat arxm 3 Sep @ 12:40am 
Витез Лимана 2 Sep @ 3:19pm 
What did you say nіgga?😇
big Hat arxm 2 Sep @ 9:33am 
The Greatest Nooticer 2 Sep @ 5:08am 
nootice how this comment section lacks the n word somewhere?
CR4cK.HEDI 1 Sep @ 4:40pm 
♥ malignant tumor ♥ 31 Aug @ 9:20am 
big Hat arxm 31 Aug @ 9:19am 
its great i can ring up for french fry takeaway whenever i get hungry and turn the delivery boy into fish en papillote as the main dish
that`s what i call service
♥ malignant tumor ♥ 31 Aug @ 9:13am 
i want that fish spell for protein
big Hat arxm 31 Aug @ 9:13am 
I was unsure if cat massacres were a real thing or just misconception but i cast a time travel spell to get to the here and now just to be certain,
any inquisitors reading this. i also know ice spells and one which turns them into a yummy fish
♥ malignant tumor ♥ 31 Aug @ 9:04am 
i eat that cat for protein
Rozz Synthclair 31 Aug @ 5:52am 
A... cat? And also a mage/sorcerer/wizard/magician/etc at the same time? Y'know, back in the day inquisitors used to kill stray cats and the cats that belonged to people condemned to die by the church because there was a belief that witches used to turn into cats in order to hide or escape. Not saying I'm the one who's a danger to you, I'm just warning you, watch out for inquisitors. I like pointy hats too but the reason I don't wear one is because I value my life more than anything. :thecrucifix:
-rep lazan srbin
big Hat arxm 28 Aug @ 4:58pm 
i don`t like it either , whatever it is... gives me the ick
CR4cK.HEDI 28 Aug @ 9:42am 
rest in powr is all abt p0wRR
\squuueez 2 lemons together & all you got is sourr.. Diesel
CR4cK.HEDI 28 Aug @ 9:40am 
what evenb is thjat..

TriviumHawk 26 Aug @ 8:45am 
snarky felinor 25 Aug @ 12:33pm 
the moron fears the slightly smarter moron
CR4cK.HEDI 22 Aug @ 12:50pm 
⚠️🚨 important video 🚨⚠️

if you skip this then dont complain later if you never get to know the power of "saint mode"
Raz'Hikel 21 Aug @ 4:42pm 
hell yea…
big Hat arxm 21 Aug @ 12:44pm 
"New Tapes Reveal Depth of Nixon's Anti-Semitism" - Washington Post 2024

me: a sensible normal person with no hate in my heart who enjoys sunshine, lives free of 5G pollution, soy products and a mind that has not undergone MK ultra mind torture
"He was thinking about the evil that Frankfurt Schoolers do in the privacy of the white house"

rabbi who believes goys were placed on earth to be domestic servants and farmhands:
"omg! antisemitism! shut it down red alert redalert ! nooo in 1971 the US was not a factory for Israeli childkiller2000 hospital annihilator high explosive uranium munitions or a breeding ground for goy corn syrup fed slave footsoldiers, nooo those were the bad days. holocaust holocaust. Nixon was insane and misinformed!! Shut it DOWN!!!!!!! "
Витез Лимана 21 Aug @ 9:49am 
The Jew york times when they come up with yet another hit piece article :steamhappy:
big Hat arxm 20 Aug @ 4:08pm 
!!New York Times reports old retardis at it again!!