Mr. Jonis
Jonathan Nilsson   Gavleborgs Lan, Sweden
Hello, I'm Jonis and I have been playing games off and online since I was 7 years old.

So what sort of games do I play? Everything from racing to hardcore stragety games as Europa Universalis. Favourite game serie of all time remains to be Total War though. I love playing games online with friends and make new friends and I'm playing a MMORPG known as Runes of Magic currently where I play for the Exercitus guild. I also play alot of League of Legends and also shooters such as Battlefriend and Red Orchestra. I have played my fair share of Call of Duty but I really prefers the shooters where you actually depend on teamwork. Oh .. and I really like cookies!

So if there is anything you wonder or if you wanna get down to bussiness and play some games, send me a message!
Jonis212 []
So what, it took your bullet 1 extra second to hit the wall. That's not lag. It took Jesus 3 days to respawn. Now THAT, is lag. []
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Mr. Gorfeld 7 Aug, 2014 @ 9:08am 
check lekc
Miss Oranje Disco Dancer 22 Dec, 2013 @ 3:35pm 
happy holidays. ♥
Mr. Jonis 14 Feb, 2013 @ 3:13pm 
Mr. Jonis 30 Dec, 2012 @ 6:54pm 
Once upon a time, there was a League of Legends team that decided to go full team jungle all with Smite and Flash for summoner spells. They started of with stealing the enemy blue buff and directly after that did Dragon used the remaining 4 smites, it was a fierce fight and one of the champions got slain during the fight but the dragon got killed and the champions went to bot lane to kill the two champions there and succeded. Together they went to mid lane and had their mid lane champion flash away to save his life. They went throught the jungle and kept going at the lanes whenever someone pushed to far, and in the end after a series of hard teamfights, they won the game.
Mr. Jonis 27 Dec, 2012 @ 5:07pm 
Christmas sale .. So cheap .. Can't resist it .. Buying games ..
Mr. Jonis 17 Dec, 2012 @ 4:50pm

LoL Epics of the Year with JumpinthePack!