Tony Cruickshank
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HalfOpenedEye 28 Sep, 2015 @ 10:05am 
Hey, Tea.

I hope life is treating you swimmingly. I see you're playing a lot of "7 Days to Die", whatever that is ;) I lurk on the forums occasionally.

Been a bit busy with my new job and trying to keep my PhD going which is proving a tad difficult, what with the interference from academia :p.

I pop into ESO occasionally, but I sort of got bored of it. I'm still a subscriber, though, so I'll probably go back to it sooner or later. Though I'm currently looking forward to the next Star Wars episodes. Nothing like shooting people with a big gun :D
teabelly_uk 26 Sep, 2015 @ 4:04am 
hey hey, hows the gaming going? not seen you round the SnS forums in a while :(