Colorado, United States
:FC5_Boomer:"For many of us, the road is a difficult one, but the path is always there for us to follow, no matter how many times we may fall.":FC5_Boomer:
:FC5_Boomer:"We can't expect God to do all the work.":FC5_Boomer:
-Joshua Graham
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Fallout: New Vegas
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139 Hours played
Still the best looter shooter, and best Borderlands game out on the market right now. Now Borderlands 3 and 1 are still great games, but Borderlands 2 is still the king of looter shooters ( and Borderlands the Pre Sequal is still hot garbage ). This game is best played with friends, but going solo is still pretty awesome. Plus the DLC for this game is dope, and it will keep you busy for hours on end. Overall you really need to play this game if you like looter shooters like Destiny, and i'll give Borderlands 2 a rating of Badass explosions out of farming the same boss for 2 hours, would play again.
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