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adarel 14 Jul, 2013 @ 4:11pm 
Oh, I didn't realize you had to wait if you hadn't been active. That's kind of odd actually. It's not a perfect system for sure - I just have a weakness for cards, even virtual ones. :X
Kevin Ballestrini 14 Jul, 2013 @ 4:08pm 
Oh, and I can't unlock more trading cards via voting because I'm not level 5. I can't level up unless I craft badges. I can't complete badges without the market.... It's really not a fun system when you are on the outside =P
Kevin Ballestrini 14 Jul, 2013 @ 4:08pm 
I'm really turned off by the trading cards -- I've had a Steam account for almost 3 years now and yet I can't buy/sell/trade any cards because Civ was my first purchase this year, so I need to wait 30 days. Talk about an anti-hook.
Kevin Ballestrini 14 Jul, 2013 @ 3:29pm 
You've destroyed my productivity. That one tweet was all that was necessary for BNW to consume me entirely =P
The Governor 1 Apr, 2013 @ 4:31pm 
FINAL FOUR please. Oh hell yes!!
arislyn 19 Feb, 2013 @ 6:28am 
I love Magical Diary!! I had so much fun with the story and I can't wait for my second playthrough. I wound up with Donald on my first go where I made decisions pretty much as I would've made them in real life.