Mystical Rose -   Vatican City State (Holy See)
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St. Alphonsus (c. 1760): “… rightly was devotion to Our Lady called by St. Ephrem the passport of escape from hell.” (The Glories of Mary, p. 258) Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

The Vatican II sect is not the Catholic church. There's no current pope at the moment. The chair of St. Peter is Vacant, as these antipopes are in heresy and are automatically excommunicated from the church.

Outside of the church there is no salvation.

Padre Pio: “If people would only understand the value of suffering, they would not seek pleasure, but only to suffer.”[20]
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St. Alphonsus (1755): “The atmosphere of the world is noxious and pestilential. Whosoever breathes it easily catches spiritual infection. Human respect, bad example, and evil conversations are powerful incitements to earthly attachments and to estrangement of the soul from God. Everyone knows that the damnation of numberless souls is attributable to the occasions of sin so common in the world.”

“Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.” - Our Lady of La Salette

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “”The practice of the Church has always been the same, and that with the consenting judgment [i.e. consensus] of the holy fathers who certainly were accustomed to hold as having no part of Catholic communion and as banished from the Church whoever had departed in even the least way from the doctrine proposed by the authentic Magisterium.”

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum
(# 9), June 29, 1896: “No one who merely disbelieves in all (these heresies) can for that reason regard himself as a Catholic or call himself one. For there may be or arise some other heresies, which are not set out in this work of ours, and, if any one holds to a single one of these he is not a Catholic.”

Pope Pius VI, Auctorem fidei,
Aug. 28, 1794: “47. Likewise, the proposition which teaches that it is necessary, according to the natural and divine laws, for either excommunication or for suspension, that a personal examination should precede, and that, therefore, sentences called ‘ipso facto’ have no other force than that of a serious threat without any actual effect” – false, rash, pernicious, injurious to the power of the Church, erroneous

Canon 2314, 1917 Code of Canon Law
: “All apostates from the Christian faith and each and every heretic or schismatic: 1) Incur ipso facto [by that very fact] excommunication...”

Canon 2200.2, 1917 Code of Canon Law: “Positing an external violation of the law, malice (dolus) is presumed in the external forum until the contrary is proven.”

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum
(# 9), June 29, 1896: “So, with every reason for doubting removed, can it be lawful for anyone to reject any of those truths without thereby sending himself headlong into open heresy? without thereby separating himself from the Church and in one sweeping act repudiating the entirety of Christian doctrine?”]

To be saved, you must reject the Vatican II sect and its antipopes, accept and agree Catholic dogma, teaching, and principles, (it is very recommend or even regarded as essential and critical): have a devotion to the Blessed Mother, Water baptism, reject Novus Ordo (New Mass) Masses and "Latin" or "Traditional" Masses, you must pray (especially the Rosary), be in the state of Grace at death, persevere till the end, reject and condemn heresies and heretics, evangelize, cease to promote sin, not be in the state of Mortal Sin, and attend Byzantine Catholic Rite confession if you are in the state of Mortal Sin. Steps to convert are here:

Prayer to St. Therese (
"O Glorious St. Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and counsel mankind, I implore your miraculous intercession. So powerful are you in obtaining from God favors and graces that Holy Mother Church has called you 'the greatest saint of modern times.' Now I fervently beseech you to answer my petition: (specify petition) And to carry out your promises of spending heaven doing good upon earth, and of ever letting fall from heaven a shower of roses. Henceforth, dear little flower, I will fulfill your plea to be made known everywhere, and I will never cease to lead others to Jesus through you. Amen."

Prayer to St. Philomena (
O faithful virgin and glorious martyr, St. Philomena, who works so many miracles on behalf of the poor and sorrowing, have pity on me. Thou knowest the multitude and diversity of my needs. Behold me at thy feet, full of misery, but full of hope. I entreat thy charity, O great saint! Graciously hear me and obtain from God a favorable answer to the request which I now humbly lay before thee ... (Here mention your petition.) I am firmly convinced that through thy merits, through the scorn, the sufferings and the death thou didst endure, united to the merits of the Passion and death of Jesus, thy Spouse, I shall obtain what I ask of thee, and in the joy of my heart I will bless God, who is admirable in His saints. Amen. St. Philomena, powerful with God, pray for us.

5 Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. - John 3:5

Pope Innocent III, Eius exemplo, Dec. 18, 1208: "By the heart we believe and by the mouth we confess the one Church, not of heretics, but the Holy Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church outside of which we believe that no one is saved."

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Cantate Domino, 1441, ex cathedra: "The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only those who abide in it do the Church's sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia productive of eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church." "But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ...the Son of God is God and man...- This is the Catholic faith; unless each one believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved."

Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Session 2, Profession of Faith, 1870: "This true Catholic faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold..."

Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832: "With the admonition of the apostle that 'there is one God, one faith, one baptism' (Eph. 4:5) may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever. They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that 'those who are not with Christ are against Him,' (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him. Therefore, 'without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed)."

Powerful St. Benedict Exorcism Prayer:


"May the Holy Cross be my light / May the dragon never be my guide
Begone Satan / Never tempt me with your vanities
What you offer me is evil / drink the poison yourself."

How to Pray the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Most Holy Family MonasteryJuly 6, 200714 Comments

Begin the Rosary with the Sign of the Cross and the A
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Mystical Rose - 15 Jan @ 5:56pm 
The church in the Vatican right now is not the Catholic church, but a non-Catholic sect which is a prophesied counter-church. Please visit Vaticancatholicdotcom

“Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.” - Our Lady of La Salette
[TMU]☭Товарищ Дима 12 Aug, 2023 @ 11:49am 
+rep Glory to Jesus Christ and God.
Johnson the pigeon OWNER 12 May, 2023 @ 10:53am 
very mysterious and good christian
Kilgore 29 Dec, 2022 @ 3:59am 
sedevacantists lack faith & honor, they are on the same level as Martin Luther. instead of acting in his community to reform and heal the church as many other saints who saw issues in the church did he created schism, my faith is based CHRIST and i follow the seat of Peter, NOT just he who resides in it, if the Pope is incorrect i trust in the LORD to resolve it, not take it into my own hands. i will never blaspheme against the seat of Peter.
Mystical Rose - 22 Dec, 2022 @ 8:52am

St. Francis De Sales (1602): “Thus we do not say that the Pope cannot err in his private opinions, as did John XXII; or be altogether a heretic, as perhaps Honorius was. Now when he (the Pope) is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church…”
Kilgore 21 Dec, 2022 @ 7:23pm 
eeeeeew sedevecantist ...