Tayoh Shadowind
Tayoh Shadowind   Suffolk, Virginia, United States
My overall favorite game is Mass Effect. Keep your hands off my space-husband.
I'm a huge nerd married to the most awesome dominatrix ever; AlphaGodith.
I'm a fluffy rapburd that does a lot of squacking and flapping of my fin-arms when I don't get my way. It's actually rather pathetic looking.

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180 Hours played
My wife recently got me to try this game, and I have actually been looking forward to playing it each day. I have never played a game that lets you free-build any structure with the level of detail this game does. I have seen examples of people literally building houses with studs in the walls just like a real house, and it is just giving me inspiration and desire to build more. I particularly love that all of the building pieces can be resized and rotated with extreme precision (we’re talking rotation down to the 0.01 degree if you really want to!) I’m a big nerd, so I just can’t express how much this pleases me! If you like building in survival-like games, you have GOT to try this one!! (And if you don’t like survival games, there is a creative mode you can use!)
AlphaGodith 13 Feb, 2021 @ 8:43am 
if you should be remembered for anything (on steam specifically) it should be your sick-ass profile!
Tayoh Shadowind 11 Feb, 2021 @ 3:39pm 
@Godith I'm the silent tribute terminal guy. This is what I'll be remembered for lol
AlphaGodith 11 Feb, 2021 @ 11:07am 
pffft it's kinda sad that most of your comments are about that mod you made for me...
dpeters1946 6 Nov, 2020 @ 11:13am 
Ирина сосу-даю 30 Oct, 2020 @ 3:52am 
+ rep
OG_Pebble 10 May, 2020 @ 11:20am 
can you travel between single player maps with the crafteble tribute mod