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Fox is just a Dog with Cat Software
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141 Hours played
Foxhole makes you learn a lot about the "War Effort" in the way you wouldn't seen in another game or genre. From the boots on the ground to the backseat in the chain of command. Foxhole gave you an endless opportunities in your playstyles.

For example you can play as a rifleman pushing over the no man's land , an officer leading the charge , arty crews from 1km deep behind your lines and even a truck driver driving for the logistic corps. With no fixed role, you can be everything you wanted.


The world of Foxhole is magnificently crafted by Devs. There is two faction in the game, The Colonials (Collies) and The Wardens. Both of the team have the same level of technology for the balace of gameplay. The world is mostly based on Interwar Europe, with riveted tanks and armored cars. Towns sometimes looks lively even it is abandoned and used solely for war. Sometimes you'd feel the scent of solitude while driving down your guns to the front. With rotten tanks lying around.

You're one of the many conscripts stepping into the realtime war with fellow friends (and sometimes foes) on your side. The war takes place in a continent maps with its own distinctive features. There is several types of environment you'll encounter. The Front , Middle and the Rear

Frontlines is the most busiest part of the game. Everywhere on the map can be the frontlines. Most people choose to go into the quick action here through garrison spawns. As the name suggest it is where the action begins, both sides send their waves and waves of poor conscripts and decent trained officers into the field, the killing field. If you lucky there will be a tank helping you push your objectives.

Middle Lines is where you second line located. It is a transportation hub for delivering goods and weapons to the front. Be cautious here too because enemy might send their elite troops often led by high ranking officers to destroy your logistic lines and bridges. But you can raid them back too, with good combination of troops and vehicles you can even open a new front in their rear !

Rear Line is one of the most "Boring Part" for action packed players, but it is also the most VITAL and IMPORTANT part of the army. If you have tried playing as logistic crew (Called Logi by players) you'll learn a lot from this. You must gather resources, turn them into Goods , Weapons and Vehicles. And ship them to the front via trucks and boats.
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小林 源文 PARODY
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Background Music From Steel Division 2 for HOI4 version 1.14.4 IRONMAN COMPATIBLE List of BGM : Approaching The Summit - Mark Petrie - Andrew Prahlow Battle Call - Andreas Adler Battle Lines - Terry-Devine-King Dissent - Mark Petrie - Andrew Prahlow Fields
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sagagt505 19 Dec, 2021 @ 10:30pm 
Hello! Long time no see.
Time to PADORU.