✞ ShermaN ✞
Michael Sherman   Reno, Nevada, United States
○Sherman on Starcraft 2 and Heroes of the Storm

Real life name is Micheal Sherman age 23. I have always enjoyed competitions. A battle of brains or bronze between two or more willing participants. I have always felt Starcraft is both and this is why I love it. I mention this game first because it will be what i play most because I have been playing it on and off since 1998. I don't think i will ever stop

→ How to find me any time


Party hard everyone. It is a great way to relax.

I was born and raised in San Jose, California. Moved to Reno, Nevada when I was turning 13 and have been here ever since.

Other games I will Stream: Final Fantasy 7,8, 13.1 League of Legend and Hearthstone also DOTA 2

I work in construction and I am looking into going back to school soon.

♥ In Starcarft:

I play all games. Teams, arcade, 1v1 , single player you will find me doing all of these!

I am the founder of Team Peace (3,200 members) and leader of Nindo Gaming . If you would like to play with me feel free to find Team Peace in groups it is a public chat.

I use the North American server mostly tho I do jump around for a little bit of practice from time to time

♥ In League of Legends: I am ok. Low level noob stuff, but with a lot of heart!!!!

♥Hearthstone: I am pretty good tho i dont play this one as much.

♥ I remember most of final fantasy pretty good runs if i do play them which is rare

Other games i play Madden, Assassins Creed

My Football team is the Packers!!!!

From time to time i will be playing random games you have more then likely never heard of
Currently Offline
AlfalfaBread 17 Jun, 2015 @ 1:11pm 
☜☆☞ heres your wings XD