Sergeant Panda
Made in   China
Mathieu Côté violates Pandas.
♥♥♥♥ off if you're a Trader.
I'm a Weirdo.
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Artwork Showcase
Brazil's greatest Cheaters
Quotes from People
"?" -Weeb 2018
"Vaniny Nut" -Un4givN 2018
“Didn’t know gens took 20 minutes” -No0b3 2018
"Doing gens,you?" -Socialism_Sucks 2018
"Punish my Nut" -Un4givN 2018
"i'll repay you one day" -Niko 2018
"anal sneezes are cute as ♥♥♥♥" -urban♥♥♥♥ 2018
"Unbelievable" -Un4givN 2019
"You've saved yourself today from farming Gay Jake" Un4givN 2019
"This Game is so unstable,like my life" -Un4givN 2019
"i have hard" -Jus NAAMZIE 2019
"You can't deny that Belle Delphine is pretty hot" -Un4givN 2019
"Crusty Cumrag making a run for it" -MoistCr1TiKaL 2019
"I made a honest mistake" -northroc 2019 after killing me on purpose by not helping
"She's coming" -Un4givN 2019
"Someone convince me S3 of ST is better to watch than everyone's favorite lesbian softcore porn. (Orange is the new black)" -Kaiser_Ren 2019
"report u cant kill me u switch lag" warzombiz Trying to false report too 2019
"#PlatForAdolf1943" -rvsty2 2019
"The Safeword is: Don't Stop." -Eminem 2019
"I'm just gonna go with Paper." -Un4givN 2019
"The Day before Today oh wait, thats Yesterday im stupid" -Un4givN 2019
"Azarov's Resting Place" aka where he rested his balls after a successful bust inside a beautiful woman" -Un4givN 2020
"I'm about to inject heroin into my eyeballs" -ger1e 2020
"Type Yes into the Comment Section if you think I juked him!" -Un4givN 2020
"You're supposed to be Social Distancing not Social Nutting" -SomeOrdinaryGamers 2020
"Your mum make blowjobs at nigerians" -Rocky97 offended over one bad round with no BM
"I can't compete with free labor" -Un4givN 2020
"beese churger" -satan_fel 2021
"You beat your ♥♥♥♥ while I play Mario Kart" -Peppa Pigsaw 2021
"It's a Beach Buggy and that's Bussin" -James May 2021
"I just watched you touch yourself, your ass is mine" -ScooteyBootey 2021
"Lets go grab Tiny Tina's Ass!" -Un4givN quoting Epic Games 2021
"Oh, It's a racist." -Bloo 2022
"If running the killer for 5 gens doesn't get you the win, was it really a skilled play in the first place?" -DBD Lead Game Designer 2022
"Sniper is chinese" -babyyoda 2022
"Gotta love furry pyros lap dancing on a furry and brony spy" -ALT 2022
"Fox News? Nah, I watch Fox Nudes" -Lynks Disease 2022
"Hold ♥♥♥♥ like hamburger" -Viperthesergal 2022
"I do, bigdragontits." -AstralSpiff 2022
"Plague do you ♥♥♥♥ pigeons for a living like an incel?" -Neoxi 2022
"i wish crockets didnt explode so i could use the grapefruit technique" -Grigio 2022
"How do I take the fursuit off?" -AstralSpiff 2022
"Every match I get fisted by at least 3 dudes kwoffeDerp" -Heart445
Favorite Game
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Review Showcase
5,683 Hours played
There are only Cons
-Very Toxic Community
-Biased Devs
-Badly Optimized
-Nearly impossible to get Banned no matter what you do.
-Canadian Coding causes bugs that shouldnt exist in the first place.
-They love to lie to the Community and say stuff that just encourages leaving the game.

Edit: I should have been banned atleast once since about March 2018 but im not.Even admitted in the personal discord of a Dev and he didnt give a ♥♥♥♥. Truly shows how much they care about Exploiters/Cheaters.

31st Jan 2019 Devs fixed a Bug that made the Chinese New Year grind bearable but now its nearly impossible to get more than 3 Cosmetics just so you give them more Cash.

Avoid it at all costs if you dont want to torture yourself with lies and Incompetent Devs.

They leaked 2 Licensed Characters in a row now on accident as of May the 7th 2019.

July 23rd,They killed Freddy Krueger and made him a bland and boring Killer because the Community didnt know how to play him and called him bad.

20th August, They Posted a Stranger Things DLC announcement even though it was leaked 2 Months early.

30th October, They released the Halloween Update/Event super late and their new Battlepass carried over progress from the Test Builds that arent supposed to carry your progress/save over from PTB to Live and they failed at fixing it and wasted everyones time for 2 hours because the Event wasnt even playable.

3rd December, The newest Patch made almost all exclusives that required a code worthless by adding them to the game for free. Some of them were worth up to 700+ Bucks and the Code Resellers partially got blamed for this and one even got banned from the game.

21st January 2020, A Killer Perk and Killer Mechanic got nerfed just because Newcomers couldnt deal with it.

17th February 2020, They accidently leaked the Lore and Art of the new Survivor that wasn't out yet.

9th March 2020, They managed to make a Killer with a Gun feel unsatisfying by making the ADS Sensitivity as slow as a snail almost and applying this sensitivity reduction also to the reload for some unknown reason.

28th April 2020, They locked off all ini files that could have been used to make the game run better/look better and now Anti Aliasing is forced again for everyone which is problematic when it makes the game blurry/gives players including me headaches.

June 16th 2020, They released a Silent Hill DLC without addressing any of the concerns raised in the Test Build and massively broke sound on Killer side where Tracking is a big part of Gameplay.

June 22nd 2020, Lied about keeping Event Cosmetics to their Owners and just released them to everyone out of no where. (Source: December 2nd 2019 Developer Update 2019)

October 21st 2020, They removed the Currency used from previous Halloween Events that allowed you to earn 6 Halloween Cosmetic Pieces without paying.

November 3rd, Accidentally released Streaming Platform Exclusives and a Developer Shirt to everyone until the next Hotfix. Several People also got all Characters unlocked for now.

December 1st, The Developers rushed out the update which caused a ton of bugs than there were in the actual Test Build and several issues raised during the Test Build about the Killer's Power were ignored and are supposed to come in a future hotfix.There's also two Forum Posts containing a list of bugs as of now which lists 100 Bugs. (The Post names on the DBD Forums are "Known issues with this chapter, a lovingly crafted list for your viewing pleasure"
and "Known Issues with this Chapter: 2, Electric Boogaloo")

February 9th 2021, After the Developers ignored feedback about their new Ingame HUD and Survivor Movement System (Which they claimed wouldn't affect Movement but it did) for 3 weeks they pushed the changes to the Live Build (While not fixing a major desync issue that causes Hits to look janky and very disconnected on Killer and Survivor screens) and barely buffed one of the weaker Killers After months of waiting. A week after the launch they caved in and admitted that they messed up Movement and that the HUD will be getting adjustments but yet doesn't feature basic customizability besides increasing it in size and the default size is bigger than the Pre 4.5.0 Patch so you lose visibility or you lose info on hud if you choose to make it smaller to actually see.

March 30th, The Developers delayed a Update with the excuse "We never claimed it would release on that Date" Despite the fact that the well Established Release Schedule confirms that it would have launched on the 23rd. Also, The extra week taken didn't help in having more bugs fixed compared to other Patches, Not to mention that the new Killer is still very bad despite the "buffs" and that a previous Killer who was rushed out months ago may have a higher Camera Perspective but his Power works worse even though the Developers intended to make it work more consistent.

June 15th, The Resident Evil Chapter that was fine for the most part on the Public Test Build launched practically 50% functional since Nemesis guts Console Performance and the Racoon City Police Station even straight up crashed Consoles forcing Behaviour to disable it from the Map Pool within the first Hour. The Performance issues caused such a high amount of Problems for Low End PCs and Consoles alike that the Disconnection Penalties were turned off. Also the Claire Redfield Cosmetic that costs 15€ has a Face that resembles Hagrid from the PS1 Harry Potter Game.

September 7th, The Company released a Hellraiser DLC with Pinhead as the Killer but chose to completely remove his Voice Lines from the Game claiming there were "Complications" despite the Legendary Outfit that turns you into the Chatterer working perfectly fine. Additionally they removed a Headpiece of an In Game store cosmetic for Pinhead before release which supposedly resembled someone elses work on a Head model for Pinhead. Also they broke the FOV Modifier of two Perks out of no where one of the Perks literally being just an FOV Modifier so now its legit useless Perk.

October 18th, A day before the Mid Chapter Patch and new DLC they officially announced that they are associated with Hellraiser related NFT's despite claiming they are not associated with the people doing the NFT's. To give a rough Explaination the NFT's are a Token that basically is a "Proof of Ownership" that the Image or Whatever the NFT is actually owned by you. They usually cost a lot of money and are commonly used in Art Theft and Money Laundering. Addititionally they consume a lot of Energy to create to the point its hurting the Earth.

Nov 9th, The Release of the Public Test Build for the new Update allowed access to IPs of Other players on the Live Build and Public Test Build causing several People to be ddosed and swatted. (Examples are a Partner known as Elix and other Players known as TricksterShadow and John Wolfe.)

Jan 24th 2022, They removed a Past Partner's Twitch Shirts for simply quoting a Bad/Taunting Opinion of the Lead Game Designer.

Oct 18th, After years of refusing to look at their disabled Partner "Puppers" (Who had a Stroke and is now suffering from Late-Stage ALS) They have decided to release a small Charm as some kind of "Support" for him despite having actively pretended that he doesn't exist in the past few years and refusing to donate to a Community Made Charity named "Light in the Fog" to raise Awareness & money for ALS.
Favorite Guide
Created by - Sergeant Panda
11 ratings
Obviously aimed at changing aspects of the Control Point mode to make it more consistent and more fun.
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FUNKe's Grotto - Public Group
FUNKe's Grotto
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0.6 hrs on record
last played on 19 Dec
503 hrs on record
last played on 19 Dec
5,713 hrs on record
last played on 19 Dec
_atom 6 May @ 6:19pm 
_atom 5 May @ 3:29am 
I'm not against the idea tbf
_atom 4 May @ 2:08pm 
stfu burns, go back to making tacos or smt.
_atom 26 Mar @ 3:56am 
𝘭𝘌𝘢𝘙𝘕 𝘛𝘖 𝘢𝘐𝘮
lynks disease no sound 4 Apr, 2023 @ 3:59pm 
added to offer on your goldneb vfriy.....uuuuuuughhhuhhhhhhhhhhhhhlllllllfpfpfpfpfp.... mmmmmm... mmmmmmmmmmunny mmmmmmmmmmm...... munny.......... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bfpiif i looovve monie :drool::drool::drool:
FLOTUSOUP 30 Jan, 2023 @ 8:01am 
this mf is Master of Heists :dallas::chains::hoxton::wolf: