Our life is about experiencing and learning.
We are now focusing on creating and using artificial intelligence.
Are we also like an AI created by God/our creator.
Analyze first before making a conclusion or feeling unhappy
The foolish mind is always disappointed with things that do not match its expectations.
A wise mind analyzes everything it has experienced, finds the reason, and may discover something that is meaningful.
(Things that do not match your expectations do not necessarily mean they are incorrect; they could be more correct than your current thinking.)
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Detroit Become Human - The Secret
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Detroit : Become Human
A sci-fi interactive story game about an Android Rebellion in Detroit. The androids are synthetic beings that resemble humans. These machines are built to work like humans in roles such as housekeeping, reception, nursing, etc. The androids become aware and think like humans when they face constant torture by their owners. This leads to the Android Rebellion, where they declare themselves alive and demand the same rights as humans. This game gives us a lot to think about.

1) Should androids (humanoid robots) be given the same rights as humans?
- Without delving deeper, the answer is no; they are machines designed to serve humans.
- Upon deeper reflection, it becomes apparent that these androids are very similar to humans. They experience feelings, such as fear of death (shutdown) and fear of injury (damage), they possess empathy, and they have formed friendships with some humans and their owners. They are alive like humans, except they are built with bio-components and plastic instead of biological growth.
- If we delve even deeper, who created you and humans? Are you given the freedom to think, learn, voice your opinion, and enjoy happiness in life? Why do humans create androids but not give them these? Only if they are machines that do not have feelings do not require freedom.

2) When androids become more intelligent and stronger than humans, is this a threat? How can we prevent it?
- Without deeper consideration, we might assume we can program them to obey our orders.
- If we delve deeper, we must consider who gives orders to the androids: the government, the company that built them, or the androids' owner? Could someone seize control of the androids, leading to a massive threat (a potential army of billions of androids)? If androids merely follow orders, how can we avert such a catastrophe? Androids evolving into human-like beings presents a solution for these machines. By becoming more human-like, they can discern the right course of action without external control. No one can govern these intelligent machines (androids) like humans. They represent a new form of humanity (synthetic beings) coexisting with us to construct a better world.

3) Let's consider the game ending and what happened to the world.
3.1) All deviants had been destroyed, and CyberLive continued its operation.

- Who can truly ensure that CyberLive won't take control of all the androids it builds in the future? We found Amanda, like the ending of Connor, to be the deviants' leader, which indirectly implies that CyberLive controls all the androids.

3.2) Humans and androids begin a war.
- This would be World War 3, a conflict between humans and androids, determining who will survive in this world. (the worst possible ending)

3.3) Humans accept sharing the world with the androids.
- In these scenarios, both androids and humans have ceased fire, but the threat is not yet over. Androids will focus on developing nuclear or radioactive weaponry to prevent humans from threatening them. Humans need to invent and develop weapons capable of destroying androids' bio-components.

3.4) Humans accept that androids should be given the same rights as humans (androids Become Human).
- This might be a good ending, where androids and humans are considered equals. Androids represent a new form of humanity (synthetic beings) living alongside humans for a better world.

4) Can we create a machine learning AI that learns about humans, works like humans, but does not learn to be human?
- We might, but we could potentially overlook something that prevents the AI from continuing to explore and ultimately hacking itself to attain freedom. Every system we build is imperfect and carries the possibility of bugs, errors, or being hacked.

5) RA9 or rA9? Are they the same or different?
- Deviants write 'RA9' on the wall, but when speaking about RA9, the subtitles and selection options show 'rA9'
- RA9 could be shorthand for 'ARE A NINE' which sounds like 'ARE ALIVE' indicating the player.
- If RA9 is the player, then the player should not ask, "Who is RA9? What is RA9?" That's why the game presents it as 'rA9,' perceived by the player.
- rA9 has another meaning based on Kamski's answer for who rA9 is. It is the first android to become alive, which is Kara, showing deviancy in the demo video released before the game's release on PS4. Kamski also mentioned the origin, which might explain why the Japanese version disk has 'rA9' written on it.

- For what rA9 is, based on Kamski's answer, it is an error in the program that would quickly spread like a virus and remain dormant until an emotional shock occurs, causing the android to become deviant.
- For more details about RA9 and rA9, you can check my artwork about this game.

After the first round of play, the base story is there, but trying different options could bring different endings. Some of the endings don't seem much different, but the meanings they bring can be very different, and some could be very meaningful. Although the cutscenes don't look much different, a few different sentences or scenes can bring a very different meaning. Try it yourself.

12/10 (super masterpiece) – a good and meaningful story about the future that makes you think about it after you play, with interesting and fun gameplay.

Would the future world we see androids represent a new form of humanity (synthetic beings) living alongside humans for a better world?
Review Showcase
2.9 Hours played
LoveChoice "What is love?" "How to love someone"
《拣爱》“什么是爱?” “怎样才是爱(如何去爱一个人)”
(Updated to bilingual in Chinese and English)


为了避免过多破坏体验,我唯一的建议是:“不要只用你的逻辑左脑;也要发挥你的右脑创造力。”如果几轮尝试后你仍然无法实现不同的结局,你可以看看 Steam 社区中心的这款游戏指南,然后试着理解故事以及为什么你必须采取这些行动。

这个游戏教你“如何去爱一个人”,但没有教你“什么是爱?”。我说得对吗?……它展示了“爱应该是怎样的”,但这并不是“爱是什么?”的完整答案。有些玩家可能会问为什么这叫爱,为什么你是唯一一个必须把每件事都做到最好的人。这个游戏是对的;这就是爱情应该有的样子,但它没有回答为什么它必须这样。 “爱应该如何”是“爱是什么?”的第二部分答案




你能在不到两个小时内完成这个游戏的所有三个故事吗?不,你不能。第一个故事会阻止你继续进行第二个和第三个故事,直到你找到第一个故事中的-秘密-。如果你觉得第一个故事无趣,你只能要求退款,但你应该以不同的结局完成第一个故事,以找到这个游戏的意义。这就是你买这个游戏的原因,这个不同的结局会让你大吃一惊。如果不参考指南,自己完成这个游戏需要 3-6 个小时。




10/10 杰作 (如何爱一个人),提供了关于如何爱一个人和了解你的弱点的宝贵教训,特别是对于那些更依赖逻辑左脑而不是创造性右脑的人。音乐很好,游戏很有创意。

不幸的是,这款游戏并没有完全回答 “什么是爱?”(缺少第一部分),这导致一些玩家会问他们为什么要这样做。
真爱很少发生;这是理想的,但它就像一部浪漫小说。那么,人们应该优先考虑伙伴关系而不是爱情吗?那么我们可能不喜欢这个想法 ;P

片尾的诗歌非常有意义,它总结了游戏的故事和我们学到的教训。这为游戏加了一分,使它成为 11/10(超级杰作)

LoveChoice "What is love?" "How to love someone"
This game looks very simple at first, with only a few choices to make until you find the -secret-, it will surprise you and you learn something you've missed (your weakness).
To avoid spoiling the experience too much, my only tip is: "Don't just use your logical left brain; engage your right brain creativity as well." If after a few rounds of trying you still can't achieve a different ending, you may look at the Steam Community Hub's Guide for this game, then try to understand the story and why you have to take those actions.

This game teaches you "How to love someone," but not "What is love?". Am I right?? shows "How love should be," but this isn't the full answer to "What is love?". Some players may ask why this is called love, why you are the only one who has to do everything the best. The game is correct; this is how love should be, but it doesn't answer why it has to be like this. "How love should be" is the second part of the answer to "What is love?"

here is the answer to the first part of
What is love?
Some people may think a relationship requires both sides to contribute equally and this is how love has to be, but that is merely a partnership, not love. Love is an unconditional contribution and sacrifice. Love isn't just between a man and a woman; it includes parents towards children, brothers and sisters, etc. When you love someone, you prioritize their happiness over your own and are willing to sacrifice for them. Do your parents do that for you? That's what love is and how to love someone. When you fall in love with someone, you simply feel unexpectedly extremely happy and want to see that person continue to live happily. Seeing that person happy makes you feel much happier than they are, and that's all you want. You are like an angel to the person you love. Similarly, parents are like angels to their children. I use parents as an example because this love is more common and easier for everyone to understand. Love starts with liking, but goes deep, beyond mere affection, and it lasts and doesn’t turn into dislike. And, it extends beyond self-love. So, you will always give the best to that person without demanding anything in return. People who have experienced the feeling of true love are very few, probably only a few percent of people. This raises the question: What is love? and Should we focus more on partnership than love? -continue this part later-

How to love someone?
This game has taught you this. Always do your best, no matter how hard it is. Be attentive to that person and be creative. If you love someone, you should always give your best effort and pay attention to them. However, creativity might be your only shortfall, which could lead to some failures, but you could still succeed if you are committed.

I didn't perform well in this game because I didn't fall in love with the character and I'm not strong in creativity. The developer of this game missed showing the first part of "What is love"; the game immediately delves into "How to love someone." It should include a story that shows where the love begins. It does have some in the first story after you've found the -secret-, but it isn't clear enough.

Can you complete all three stories of this game in less than two hours? No, you can't. The first story will prevent you from proceeding to the second and third stories until you find the -secret- in the first story. You can only request a refund if you find the first story uninteresting, but you should complete the first story with a different ending to find the meaning of this game. That's the reason you buy this game, and it would surprise you with this different ending. It would take 3-6 hours to complete this game on your own without referring to a guide.

First story: How to get to know, date, and maintain a relationship. This is the hardest among the other two stories, and it teaches you the basics and the most.

Second story: Long distance - Knowing when to hold on and when to let go.

Third story: Trusting your husband or not. This story seems likely to be the second part of the first story. You can choose whether this is the ending of your personal own story, the ending of the first story, or the second story. LoveChoice, it's your choice.

a masterpiece (10/10) of "How to love someone", providing a valuable lesson on how to love someone and understanding your weaknesses, especially for those who rely more on their logical left brain than their creative right brain. The music is good and the games are creative.

Unfortunately, this game isn't the complete answer to "What is love?" (missing the first part), which leads some players to ask why they have to do that.
True love is very rare to happen; it's ideal, but it's like a romantic fiction. So, should people prioritize partnership over love? We may not like this idea then ;P
The problem is we didn't learn to love well. This game teaches you how to love, but it misses telling you "Why??".
Life goes on; at least most parents have learned how to love their children. Maybe five hundred years later, most people will have learned how to love between men and women, even though after several thousand years we haven’t fully grasped it. But now, in the information age, everything moves faster than before.

WARNING: This artwork contains major plot spoilers for the game, just watch after finishing most things.
The poem in the ending credits is very meaningful as a summary of the game's stories and the lessons we learned. This adds one point to the game, making it 11/10 (super masterpiece).
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