1,405 people found this review helpful
176 people found this review funny
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 59.7 hrs on record (29.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Jul, 2023 @ 8:52pm

=====推荐程度(Recommendation level)=====
✓ steam必玩(Must Play)
☐ 强烈推荐(Highly recommended)
☐ 个人推荐(Personal recommendation)
☐ 游戏荒可入(Killing time)
☐ 宁愿拿钱买奶茶(Not worth)
☐ 谁买谁二笔(♥♥♥♥)

☐ <1G
☐ 1-5 G
☐ 5-10 G
☐ 10-20 G
☐ 20-50 G
☐ 50-100 G
✓ 100-200 G

✓ 无法和现实区分(Close to reality)
☐ 赏心悦目(Pleasing to the eye)
☐ 不错!(Nice)
☐ 一般(Normal)
☐ 不怎么样(Not good)
☐ 像素党秒天秒地!(Pixel style)
☐ 2D

=======游戏体验(Game Experience)=======
✓ 完美!!!(Perfect) 线上模式除外(Except online mode)
☐ 不错!(Nice)
☐ 普普通通(Ordinary)
☐ 不怎么样(Not good)
☐ 盯着墙看都比玩它强 (♥♥♥♥)
☐ 锻炼你的精神抗打击能力(Challenge your spirit)

=======声音效果(Sound effects)=======
✓ 耳朵怀孕(Perfect)
☐ 感动人心(Nice)
☐ 一般(Ordinary)
☐ 不咋样(Not good)
☐ 耳朵流产(Explosion)
☐ 音乐?什么音乐?(What sound?)

☐ 儿童(Children)
☐ 青少年(Teenagers)
✓ 成人(Adults)
☐ 老少皆宜(Suitable for all ages)

☐ 能玩扫雷的电脑都能玩(Minesweeper)
☐ 入门配置(Entry-level)
☐ 一般配置(General)
✓ 进阶级配置(Advanced)
☐ 发烧级配置(Audiophile)
☐ 神威•太湖之光(Supercomputers)
☐ 特殊硬件(Special hardware)

☐ 点点点突突突炸炸炸(Click,Click,Click)
☐ 轻松愉快 (Easy)
✓ 得动动脑子(You need a brain)
☐ 上手快精通难(Master)
☐ 烧脑(Brain dead)

=======游戏寿命(Game Length)=======
☐ 玩完就退款<2H
☐ 2-10H
☐ 10-50H
☐ 50-100H
✓ 上千乃至上万小时1000H+
☐ 我觉得我能比它先去世(I must die before it)
☐ 没有结局(No Ending)

☐ 你家的宠物也能玩(Pet Level)
✓ 中等(Normal)
☐ 困难(Difficulties)
☐ 反人类(Anti-human)
☐ 非人类(Aliens)

☐ 不需要(You don't need it.)
✓ 如果你想玩出点花样(Mild)
☐ 每关必肝(Every level must be liver)
☐ 肝痛(Liver pain)
☐ 必须24小时全天候地肝(Liver Emperor)

☐ 狗屎(♥♥♥♥)
☐ 故事?什么故事?( What's that?)
☐ 文字或语音剧情(Text or audio)
☐ 还行(Not bad)
☐ 精彩 (Wonderful)
✓ 可以作为你的第二人生(Second Life!!!)

=======玩家数量(Number of players)=======
✓ 孤独患者(Alone)
☐ 2-5
☐ 5-10
☐ 10-30
☐ 30-64
☐ 64+

☐ 外星符号(Alien symbols)
☐ 复杂英文(Complex English)
☐ 基础英文 (Basic English)
☐ 汉化MOD( Language Mod)
✓ 自带汉化!(Chinese)

☐ 免费游玩! (Free)
☐ 物有所值 (Worth the price)
☐ 如果你有点闲钱的话可以一试(If you have too much money)
☐ 不推荐原价入(Preferably at a discount)
✓ 信仰无价(Faith is priceless)

☐ 0垃圾(♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)
☐ <30 啥也不是(Can't be considered a game)
☐ 30-50 就是个笑话 (Joke)
☐ 50-80勉强及格,算是个游戏(At least you can play)
☐ 80-95算是个不错的游戏了(Nice game)
☐ 95-100这游戏牛逼!(awesome)
✓ 100+ 完全超出预定水准,精品 (beyond expectation)
☐ ∞分(死忠舔狗专属评分(die-hard fan)

✓ 几乎没有(Almost nothing)
☐ 少量(Small amount)
☐ Bug令人烦恼(Annoying)
☐ 育碧(Ubisoft)
☐ 游戏本身才是BUG(The game is the bug)

=======个人评价(Personal Evaluation)=======
Was this review helpful? Yes No Funny Award