
Artwork Showcase
im a boy
Completionist Showcase
Game Collector
_____________W3 NEV3R 1053 SCR1M5 ____________
Dedicated to the Scrim Team That Never Loses.
digi Ender .graffixx. hammertime ioScream Kind. opt1c pUcKeR Rabbit Stayfen

The head of an underground gaming cell known only as 10:53
kept secret amongst the source gaming community for 10 years.
10:53 gathers secretly at unknown times and partakes
in a ceremony known to no one on the outside of their mysterious society.
Believed to conjur digital mysiticism and strategicaly
alter city sized networking grids to their advantage.

once many players realize they are partaking in a competitive gaming experience against the legendary 10:53 they simply disconnect, offer $$ on paypal. ban us from the server, shut down the server, and most of all, they double check to make sure sv_cheats is set to 0.

the few curious, suicidal, foolish, or just plain ignorant souls that go forth unto the ritual of live on 3 soon find that they have made a terrible mistake and have some how entered the first ring of hell.
as the rounds progress closer to the marvelous victory 10:53 mercilessly pile drives the morale of the opposing teams psyche straight down into the pit of their colons.
None can Endure the unspeakable torture of what it is to challenge the 1053 and be relentlessly dragged into devastingly overwhelming, morale/ego obliterating, horrendously horrorful, unimaginablely violent,
soul desecrating defeat.
some opponents of 1053 have been reported to have fallen tragically ill after competing against us, vomitting/♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ all over themselves.
the excessively brutal dominant muscle force that is 10:53 signs into mIRC to hunt the next virgin sacrifice.

Server cvar "sv_cheats" changed to 0
Disconnect: Server shutting down
Disconnect: Kicked and banned
shank^мя™.کuy[RGA] : gg at half
Mx : alright i rage sir
Mx : ♥♥♥♥ you
dNa : legit-proof history erased
ES.CA | vieira : GL HF dont call me cheat if u dont want to be on my wall of shame <333
^ After going 9-6 on us. We won 10-0 on 2nd half.
Avalanche! Daggerz: Nice Walls
Avalanche! Daggerz: u knew when he picked up the bomb
Kind.: it makes a pickup sound.
KiN|r2 : lmao
KiN|r2 : nice to know you cheat , gg
KiN|r2 : kind
Psychedelicamania : Player Kind. has joined the game
kvaNt haz VVVVz : u jsut got demoed idiot
kvaNt haz VVVVz : nice hacks
Kind. : i dont hack
kvaNt haz VVVVz : "Kind." STEAM_0:0:xxxxxxxxx 33:45 72 0 active
Mark : gg Hope you guys do leagues heh be the shortest season ever for you guys
-After calling us "random kids" and losing 9-0 in second half.

Undefeated in #sourcescrim #sourceinvite inviteonly from
January 2010-March 2010

"The Big 5" Undefeated 2005-Present.