Travis   Arizona, United States
:SE5Reaper:J3ST3R :SE5Reaper:
CS since 1.1 and still suck. :csgogun::csgocross:
Cats are awesome. :kclove:
I attempt to be friendly. :fistbumpsleft::fistbumpsright:
Like moons make swell and wane the nescient seas, so too the sky-strewn gods ordain the tidal fates of mortal days.

And yet - a notion born in lonely hours - come ebb, come flow, come all that is beyond the breadth of our dominion: be a moon unto yourself.

Even the waves of fate can break upon the shores of will.

-Elminster Aumar
New Life with Panam.
58 47 3
Liviu 11. nov. kl. 20.38 
Risa 31. okt. kl. 19.59 
Risa 20. okt. kl. 17.08 
Jimbo 19. okt. kl. 11.50 
UgleKiska 17. okt. kl. 4.56 
Liviu 4. okt. kl. 7.02 