General Inaptitude
腾讯是一家很糟糕的公司。 共产主义在现代世界中没有立足之地。

Jokes aside; What is happening to some games is frightening; T​en​ce​​nt is taking over games and monetizing them and mining user data, then censoring anyone who speaks out against them.

Censorship, tyranny and removing people's freedom is never acceptable.
This has happened to Conan: Exiles, and is currently happening actively to E​mpyri​​on​.:steamthumbsdown:
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1,231 Hours played
Update dec 16 2022; I am a bit late, but I am DELETING this from my library as of writing this.
There can be no more pressing reason to do so than as is mentioned below. We have only seen the devs dig in deeper and act more irrationally and toxically. Apparently being Christian is extremist, and apparently having any opinion other than them is bad. And apparently having a toxic community is fine with them. They are in hell already, and all I can do now is pray for them and remove any association I once had with them; by removing it from my library too.

Unfortunately my good friend and server hoster Chip Patton recently got banned as a result of him defending his religion in an argument with an Avorion staff member. This argument revolved around an attack where the staff member in question claimed that Christianity wants certain people (trans and homosexuals) to burn in hell. This is a gross misunderstanding and slander of a loving worldview and religion which instead offers a way out of this kind of hatred that takes away the light and love from many people.

Chip was subsequently banned, first under the pretense that he was in a III% militia movement which he left long before it became extremist. And then because he had supposedly espoused transphobic, homophobic and/or racist comments.

In reality, Chip has always been a stalwart defender of all human rights, including the one to freedom of speech. In line with the latter, he has chosen not to infringe in people's right to come into the game server and play, despite being asked to ban certain people because of alleged views that they hold.

I cannot abide by any totalitarian regime, be it political or in this game developer-instituted.
Chip and I were personally responsible for finding many problems in the early game, including several very game-breaking bugs that allows hackers and exploiters to ruin games.

The wages, apparently, for our unwavering integrity on all fronts as a ban from the Avorion discord server and de-listing as a verified server.

If you do not cooperate with the censorship and condemnation of those who the Avorion/Developers tell you to censor or condemn, then you too are an undesirable element and will be dealt with harshly.

I could draw parallels with a certain regime from the main developer's home country, but I believe I do not need to make this explicit. The parallels are already painfully obvious to those who are aware of history.

I wish the Avorion community well, but I will recommend anyone who can to STEER CLEAR of any community that enshrines identity politics and political correctness above freedom, personal integrity and the ability to learn and develop. UPDATE: The Avorion devs saw fit to VAC-Ban Chip, in an obvious way of further discrediting him.

I pray for those involved in this, God bless.

I haven't written a review for this game? Seriously, I should be ashamed.

Avorion is the combination of the best aspects of games like Privateer, Space Engineers, Minecraft.
It's highly moddable, the developers are professional, responsive, responsible and capable of performing magic when it comes to performance; I never though they'd make it work as well as they managed to; this takes SERIOUS technical programming knowledge and skill. They also have a good sense of humor.

As a server admin I have had some inside views into what has happened in the development of this game, and I am deeply impressed.

As always, there are downsides, there is still the issue of troublesome balancing with the economy, and there have been some disheartening issues with cheaters in the past (Some through badly written third-party mods, and some due to base-game issues). However, the developers have made short work of these and addressed these issues very well by laying out proper guidelines that mod developers should adhere to to make this issue smaller.

I truly regret simply not having enough time to spend exploring this game and developing mods for it.
Screenshot Showcase
Duna duna duna!
3 6
Workshop Showcase
This city was built on the Islands map, and the bay was drained, all using techniques available in the vanilla, unmodified game itself. May require the '81 tile updated' mod, since my city did not unlock sufficient tiles to completely polder in all areas.
7 ratings
Created by - General Inaptitude
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dλni 31 Dec, 2022 @ 1:59pm 
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dλni 31 Dec, 2021 @ 2:09pm 
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dλni 31 Dec, 2021 @ 2:09pm 
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dλni 25 Dec, 2021 @ 2:42am 
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dλni 31 Dec, 2020 @ 11:41am 
Happy New Year! See you win 2021.