United States
Welcome! Use some of your limited life time on this earth to comment a hate message :lunar2019piginablanket:
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PRIMVS 25 Nov @ 7:22pm 
you're obviously not bad. i t-bagged though because you are clearly mashing though smh.
NekoJimmy 21 Nov @ 11:24pm 
why wont you block
Dinki 21 Nov @ 6:23pm 
The comments speak for themselves. Clown. :steambored::MHRISE_sleep::MHRISE_sleep:
TheParanoidPyro 20 Aug @ 7:10pm 
GGs, I don't understand what even happened at the end of that last set. I don't know how I even managed to taunt and you not kill me during it. :slugcatdead:
Cunt Monte Cristo 25 Jul @ 6:11pm 
I guess a clown in real life is also a clown in the game. Block and forget.
AlphaCrimsonEi™ 17 Jul @ 1:28pm 
for people reading this, caught this mf mashing first set till i adjusted to his bum ass. uploaded get served