Yi-Luen 'H1ddeN' Huang
🎧 LIVE 7 DAYS A WEEK 🎧   Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan
:N: Noah Electronic Sports :N:
 :CDCash: Steam Skin Donations :CDCash:
:N: SteelSeries :: Zowie :gear2: :N:

:virtuspro: ESEA [play.esea.net]
:virtuspro: Twitch [www.twitch.tv]
:virtuspro: Twitter
:virtuspro: FaceBook [www.facebook.com]
:virtuspro: YouTube
:virtuspro: Google+ [plus.google.com]
:virtuspro: Instagram [instagram.com]
:virtuspro: FACEIT [www.faceit.com]

:rrrecycle: Trade Offers :rrrecycle:

:coin: Donate PayPal [www.twitchalerts.com]
:coin: Donate Steam Skins

:hyperion: HiClub Official Website [hiclub.xen.zone]
:hyperion: HiClub FaceBook FPS俱樂部 [www.facebook.com] :hyperion:
:N: Noah Electronic Sports FaceBook 粉絲專頁 [www.facebook.com] :N:

:qrcode: ROCCAT 冰豹 [www.roccat.org] SAMSUNG 三星 [www.samsung.com] SilverStone 銀欣 [www.silverstonetek.com.tw] ASRock 華擎 [www.asrock.com]

:rustycup: CS:GO 2015 ESR 電競王年度大賽 - 亞軍 2nd
:rustycup: CS:GO 第三屆 2015 台灣競技交流聯賽 - 四強
:rustycup: CS:GO 2015 星燎盃實體邀請賽 - 亞軍 2nd
:rustycup: CS:GO 2015 MixBOT League - 十六強
:rustycup: CS:GO 第一屆 2015 雷金爭霸熱身賽 - 季軍 3rd
:rustycup: CS:GO 第二屆 2015 星燎盃公開賽 - 冠軍 1st
:rustycup: CS:GO 第二屆 2015 台灣競技交流聯賽 - 亞軍 2nd

:gear2: alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"
:gear2: alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
:gear2: bind "v" "+jumpthrow"
:gear2: bind "j" "noclip"
:gear2: cl_showpos 1
:gear2: cl_showfps 1
:gear2: cl_interp 0
:gear2: cl_interp_ratio 1
:gear2: cl_cmdrate 128
:gear2: cl_updaterate 128
:gear2: rate 128000
:gear2: fps_max 999
:gear2: fps_max_menu 120

:platinum: Windows Sensitivity : 6 / 11
:platinum: In-Game Sensitivity : 3
:platinum: Mouse Hz : 1000
:platinum: Mouse DPI : 400
:platinum: eDPI : 1200
:platinum: Raw Input : ON
:platinum: Mouse Acceleration : OFF

:ATDO: Config : Download :robodownload: [static.esea.net]

:ATCH: Set Launch Options : -freq 144 -tickrate 128 -novid -nojoy -high -processheap -threads 4

Update 2016/01/01 ...
Currently Offline
⇨ About Me(Updated August 1, 2022)
:global: H1ddeN :hyperion: Community :global:

:virtuspro: ESEA [play.esea.net]
:virtuspro: Twitch [www.twitch.tv]
:virtuspro: Twitter
:virtuspro: FaceBook 個人專頁 [m.facebook.com]
:virtuspro: FaceBook 粉絲專頁 [www.facebook.com]
:virtuspro: YouTube
:virtuspro: Instagram [instagram.com]

:rrrecycle: Trade Offers :rrrecycle:

:coin: PayPal Donations [www.twitchalerts.com]
:coin: Steam Skin Donations

:global: My Favourite Girls :Invincible: Community :global:

:plat2heart: Momotani Erika - 桃谷繪里香 ( 日語 : 桃谷エリカ , 1994年6月15日 , 2014年2月出道於AV界 ) [www.facebook.com]
:plat2heart: Angela Baby - 楊穎 [www.facebook.com]
:plat2heart: Fan BingBing - 范冰冰 [www.facebook.com]
:plat2heart: Tia - 李毓芬 [www.facebook.com]
:plat2heart: Joyce Chu - 朱主愛 [www.facebook.com]
:plat2heart: Winnie Chuang - 莊詠惠 [www.facebook.com]

:global: HiClub :hyperion: Noah Electronic Sports :N: Community :global:

:hyperion: HiClub Official Website [hiclub.xen.zone]

:hyperion: HiClub FaceBook FPS俱樂部 [www.facebook.com] :hyperion:

:N: Noah Electronic Sports FaceBook 粉絲專頁 [www.facebook.com] :N:

:qrcode: ROCCAT 冰豹 [www.roccat.org] SAMSUNG 三星 [www.samsung.com] SilverStone 銀欣 [www.silverstonetek.com.tw] ASRock 華擎 [www.asrock.com]

:rustycup: CS:GO 2015 ESR 電競王年度大賽 - 亞軍 2nd
:rustycup: CS:GO 第三屆 2015 台灣競技交流聯賽 - 四強
:rustycup: CS:GO 2015 星燎盃實體邀請賽 - 亞軍 2nd
:rustycup: CS:GO 2015 MixBOT League - 十六強
:rustycup: CS:GO 第一屆 2015 雷金爭霸熱身賽 - 季軍 3rd
:rustycup: CS:GO 第二屆 2015 星燎盃公開賽 - 冠軍 1st
:rustycup: CS:GO 第二屆 2015 台灣競技交流聯賽 - 亞軍 2nd

:global: CS:GO :awesome: Community :global:

:Honored: CS:GO Official
:Perseverance: ESL One [www.esl-one.com]
:Morale: ESEA [play.esea.net]
:Dignity: FACEIT [play.faceit.com]
:Spirit: CS:GO Lounge [♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com]

:global: H1ddeN :crt: PC RIGS :global:

:crt: Manufacturer : ASUS
:crt: CPU : Intel® i5-4460 3.2Ghz
:crt: GPU : GIGABYTE™ NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB
:crt: RAM : Kingston 16GB DDR3-1866Mhz
:crt: MotherBoard : ASUS H97M-E
:crt: SSD : Seagate 1TB ST1000DX001
:crt: PSU : SilverStone SST-ST60F-ESG 600W
:crt: CPU Cooler : Enermax T40-TB
:crt: Case : Enermax Ostrog ECA3250-BW Black
:crt: Monitor : BenQ XL2430T 144Hz 24 inch
:crt: OS : Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit

:F1headphones: HeadPhone : SteelSeries Siberia V2 Orange
:mouseX: Mouse : ZOWIE ZA11
:gamepad: GamePad : Xbox One Controller

:computer: KeyBoard : SteelSeries 6GV2 Red Cherry Switch
:computer: Mouse Pad : ZOWIE GTF-X
:computer: Mouse Clip : ZOWIE Camade Black
:computer: Mic : SteelSeries Lavalier
:computer: Video : E-Books W7
:computer: Sound Card : ASUS XONAR U3 USB
:computer: Sound Driver : Razer™ Surround Pro
:computer: Vision Driver : NVIDIA GeForce Experience

:global: H1ddeN :arkgears: CrossHair & ViewModel & Vedio & Mouse & Cfg Settings :global:

:echelonaim: cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshairalpha "255"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshaircolor "5"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshaircolor_b "0"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshaircolor_g "255"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshaircolor_r "0"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshairdot "0"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshairgap "-2.000000"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshairscale "0"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshairsize "5.000000"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshairstyle "4"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshairthickness "0"
:echelonaim: cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
:echelonaim: cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3"

:creedy: cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0.500000"
:creedy: cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.250000"
:creedy: viewmodel_fov "68"
:creedy: viewmodel_offset_x "2.500000"
:creedy: viewmodel_offset_y "0"
:creedy: viewmodel_offset_z "-1.500000"
:creedy: viewmodel_presetpos "0"
:creedy: cl_bob_lower_amt "5.000000"
:creedy: cl_bobamt_lat "0.100000"
:creedy: cl_bobamt_vert "0.100000"
:creedy: cl_bobcycle "0.98"

:bsod: Brightness : 2
:bsod: Color Mode : Computer Monitor
:bsod: Aspect Ratio : Normal 4:3
:bsod: Resolution : 1024 x 768
:bsod: Display Mode : FullScreen
:bsod: Laptop Power Savings : Disabled
:bsod: Global Shadow Quality : Very Low
:bsod: Model / Texture Detail : Low
:bsod: Effect Detail : Low
:bsod: Shader Detail : Low
:bsod: Multicore Rendering : Enabled
:bsod: Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode : None
:bsod: Texture Filtering Mode : Bilinear
:bsod: FXAA Anti-Aliasing : Disabled
:bsod: Wait For Vertical Sync : Disabled
:bsod: Motion Blur : Disabled

:gear2: alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"
:gear2: alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
:gear2: bind "v" "+jumpthrow"
:gear2: bind "j" "noclip"
:gear2: cl_showpos 1
:gear2: cl_showfps 1
:gear2: cl_interp 0
:gear2: cl_interp_ratio 1
:gear2: cl_cmdrate 128
:gear2: cl_updaterate 128
:gear2: rate 128000
:gear2: fps_max 999
:gear2: fps_max_menu 120

:platinum: Windows Sensitivity : 6 / 11
:platinum: In-Game Sensitivity : 3
:platinum: Mouse Hz : 1000
:platinum: Mouse DPI : 400
:platinum: eDPI : 1200
:platinum: Raw Input : ON
:platinum: Mouse Acceleration : OFF

:ATDO: Config : Download :robodownload: [static.esea.net]

:ATCH: Set Launch Options : -freq 144 -tickrate 128 -novid -nojoy -high -processheap -th
Recent Activity
3,606 hrs on record
last played on 26 Jan, 2016
3,531 hrs on record
last played on 18 Jan, 2016
0 hrs on record
last played on 10 Jan, 2016
Achievement Progress   0 of 117
Morphdna 22 Nov, 2020 @ 11:40am 
今晚我想來點....:delsmile:滷肉飯 臭豆腐 蚵仔煎 鐵板沙朗牛排 蒜苗香腸 糯米腸 割包 可麗餅 棺材板 台灣美食:luv:
Blade RunnerTN 3 Nov, 2016 @ 3:30pm 
Yi-Luen 'H1ddeN' Huang 3 Aug, 2016 @ 3:37pm 
Hello , Long time no see :)
TappyJ♥ 30 Jul, 2016 @ 6:27am 
I reached global on my smurf but i deranked to le
TappyJ♥ 30 Jul, 2016 @ 6:27am 
Long time no play :D
Yi-Luen 'H1ddeN' Huang 30 Jul, 2016 @ 1:21am 
現在沒有時間玩電腦了,工作太忙了 :eh: