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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 609.1 hrs on record (597.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 18 Apr, 2020 @ 1:08am
Updated: 25 Jan @ 7:50am

The game was an extraordinary experience for me. Particularly the Story Mode. From the very beginning, I was drawn right into the game. It was like being in an interactive cinematic film. You felt so involved, it was one of the best fun I have had in quite a long time as far as how a game can leave a lasting impact.

The graphics are beautiful, and very picturesque. The voice acting was brilliant and the cast was very believable. While playing it, I didn't want to leave and wanted to keep on playing, because for me, it was THAT good.

Luckily, I didn't have too many issues with crashes. I got them a handful of times while playing through the Story Mode.

The game comes with STEAM achievements too which gives you even more focus of activities to do in-game as a challenge.

The game also has an online side of it. But the online, as much as it was fun playing it with a friend, lacked content. Understandably, its still in early stages. The Online, has many many issues. Lots of "disconnections from session" and I have run into some modders. The infinite loading screens are a real nuisance, that for months, I have much difficulty joining into some games, like Racing for example. Some trade missions and Moonshiner missions will fail for no reason, and you lose your stock. The infinite loading screen will not load the mission, resulting in many 'RE-LAUNCHING THE GAME.' The camp setup is so glitchy that most of the time you cannot get the camp to spawn.

* Overall, for the story mode, I will give this game a 9.5/10.
* The Graphics I will give it a 9/10.
* Music I will rate it as an 8/10
* Cast/Characters in the game a 8.5/10
* Realism like Hunting, skinning animals etc I will give that a 7/10 for the animation cutscene.

* Online Mode is a bit more tricky to give a rating, though its packed with lots of fun aspects, it is very broken with so many issues for example - the many disconnections, glitches, infinite loading screens, modders in some sessions forcing you to relaunch to change your session due to infinite loading screen preventing you to switch while already in-game. However, the Online aspect for me personally, is simply a BONUS to an awesome single-player game. This rating can change if and when Rockstar Games fixes the problems the game is currently experiencing in Online Mode.

Note: Story Missions in Online Mode were fun to do as well as the Bounty Hunter jobs, Hunting animals for Trader Business, crafting, cooking, treasure hunting (Collector Business), mini activities (when working) were stacks of fun, and the fishing was realistic and enjoyable also. So in saying that, I will give these a 6.0/10.
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