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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 271.8 hrs on record (271.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Dec, 2020 @ 7:57am

As a big fan of the From Software games since Demon's Souls, I gotta say that Sekiro has the most pleasant and fluid combat of the Series, and I am really happy that Activision had nothing to do with the development of the game.

Some complain the game offer too many cheese and ways to avoid direct combat, but that's the nature of Sekiro. Sekiro himself is a shinobi.

Some claim this game is harder than Dark Souls, but it is a matter of skill on this case. I dominated how to deflect(similar to parry) and Sekiro has infinite run, so I can deflect, do not take dmg and still manage to spring while side-stepping. For me, Sekiro was easier than Dark Souls. Also, some people call Demon of Hatred a bad design choice. The boss in particular, in my opinion, is a homage to Dark Souls because everything you learned through the game fades to dust, it is a Dark Souls boss, and it is not hard.

Talking about the game and not my personal taste/deeds it deserved 2019's goty, the scenarios, combat, story everything is so beautiful, clean and fluid. From Software kinda tried to put items that explain the story in a more clear way and that worked, the lore isn't so nebulous.

For me, this is a 9.5/10 game. If Elden Ring manages to be as good as Sekiro we have a new 2021 GOTY contender if the 30 June release rumor is true.
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