I'm watching you.
<------ The inventor of Flying Hugs.

If you are counterstalking me, here, this might help:

Following now, some of the best quotes from random chats. (I should add Darktard's someday)

06:11 - Kenny: Uh, im italian, Uh
06:11 - Kenny: Im Alessio uh, No.
06:11 - Kenny: Uh, i like Pizza, huh
06:11 - Alessio.: LOL
---------- And then I went to sleep. Because the sun had risen. (jk, I never sleep, I think.)


06:02 - *****: alessio is skinny
06:02 - *****: if you look at him form the side he will dissapear
06:02 - *****: and if you look at him from te front it will look like you are looking at him from the side
06:04 - Alessio: LMAO
06:04 - Alessio: that's a great quote
06:04 - Alessio: must insert in profile
---------- And then he told me not to do that, so we came to an agreement and I decided to blank out his name.


22:45 - Alessio: So you are drunk and you're playing DayZ at the same time.
22:46 - san do kakin: i am noit ploayin
22:46 - san do kakin: i was laying with a guy and he lost hinsintetner conectuon
---------- And then it turns out she really was a gurl, laying down with a guy that lost the "connection".


08:42 - Alessio: I did share
08:43 - Paul: you did
08:43 - Alessio: share with Paul
08:43 - Alessio: ♥♥♥♥♥
08:43 - Paul: thank you.
08:43 - Paul: share Paul's ♥♥♥♥
08:43 - Paul: no
08:44 - Paul: it's all mine
08:44 - Paul: wait, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥..
08:44 - Paul: ah I see
08:45 - Paul: how big is it?
08:45 - Paul: nvm it finished
08:45 - Paul: again, thank you.
---------- And then you realize that despite this sounding terribly wrong, we were just sharing a file on Google Drive.


17:41 - Alessio.: There's always worse.
---------- And then ... Euthanasia.


17:52 - Alessio: Shark.
17:52 - Shark: da!
17:52 - Alessio: Here I present to you.. A valid solution.
17:52 - Alessio: Euthanasia.
17:52 - Alessio: It's painless. It works.
17:52 - Shark: whats that
17:53 - Alessio: Sssh just accept it.
17:53 - Alessio: It'll make you forget everything and sleep.
17:53 - Alessio: Forever.
17:53 - Shark: idk what it is
17:53 - Shark: i'd
17:53 - Shark: uh
17:53 - Shark: rather not
17:53 - Alessio: Damnit.
17:53 - Alessio: Another one refuses.
---------- And then my journey for more test subjects continues.


02:27 - LazyKilroy: on how many people did you piss today? xD
02:27 - Alessio: none
02:27 - Alessio: I dont piss on people
02:27 - LazyKilroy: ure strange
---------- And then I get called strange for... not pissing on people?
현재 오프라인
Kilroy 2024년 9월 18일 오후 1시 47분 
One of those days he'll appear and say, just like in good old times: "Hey Kilroy, time to play some of RnL"....
Any time brother. Any time...
Hans Omreiste 2024년 7월 30일 오후 4시 13분 
I will remember our Skorzeny mission in Wanne!
󠀡󠀡 2023년 9월 12일 오전 10시 53분 
great DH player and a funny guy
Paul 2021년 12월 17일 오후 8시 22분 
Yo where you at you old ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Anna 2021년 11월 26일 오전 9시 49분 
It remains in memory Rnl
Cyrias 2021년 8월 24일 오후 4시 14분