Train Simulator Worst Game of the Year TS WGOTY
Train Simulator Worst Game of the Year TS WGOTY
14 November, 2013
ABOUT Train Simulator Worst Game of the Year

Train Simulator - Worst Game of the Year

This group is a place where people can gather to complain about what's wrong with the game Train Simulator.

Where bugs can be freely discussed and solutions suggested without fear of having your posts scrubbed or being banned for doing so.

This group has evolved to be more than just about Train Simulator, it now encompasses topic about other Train Simulators. Discussion of any simulator related topics is encouraged.

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Just like Train Simulator's Official Forum dissenting opinion will not be tolerated and will result in a lifetime ban.

All joking aside, we hope you enjoy participating is our discussion groups and find your visit here productive and most of all, fun!
What direction should we take with this forum.
Train Simulator 2017
spoon66 7 May, 2023 @ 8:56am 
Hi to everyone again after the world went crazy for the last few years.
I never returned to DTG cash Cow games or games and failures that fishing game and their attempt at a Flight Sim that at least got MS back into the Flight sim market.

No surprise that DTG have now been snapped up by Focus since they no longer have the Train Sim market to themselves as we can now see with the Like's Zusi 3 and Rail simulator both are abundantly better than three button RSW or whatever it is called maybe its is time MS also returned to the Train sim market across a multi platform format .

So what is everyone one up to or playing these days ?
When time permits I am currently playing the following.
Flightsim 2020.
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought.
Forza Horizons 5.
Juno New Origins.
Universal sand box.
Beam Ng Drive.
and a few others.
currently not playing any train based games.
RedLightning 2 May, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
Breaking older games has been a fad lately, in my opinion. Launchers... Removal of Content after purchase.. changes in the EULA after purchase, and outright breaking of titles because very few are buying their new copy. Generally that is..

I hope this is not the case and the 'Focus' is now on the new iteration.
Felix.AVMP 2 May, 2023 @ 7:29am 
It is really unbelievable... they seriously broke their own game - and there are still people, who defend them, while DTG decided to go silent and let their players to fix their own botched work... sheesh, even TS2013 launch was not so bad (and it was pretty bad, in fact!).

Gosh, this is probably the strongest Railworks-antidote I ever got (I will stick with my preserved copy of the older version for now... and I will see, how it goes).

And it also makes me happy, that I never jumped on the TSW bandwagon.

DTG were recently bought by Focus Entertainment, by the way.
RedLightning 1 May, 2023 @ 10:19pm 
Seems to be a standard habit of a lot of game companies as of late.

I have not even installed the latest iteration. Now your comment and another I spoke with the other day say just about the same thing.
Felix.AVMP 1 May, 2023 @ 1:45pm 
Time to dust off this group?
Newest DTG's patch for TSC is a disaster of epic proportions - and as a matter of fact, it broke the game.
RedLightning 20 Sep, 2016 @ 12:27pm 
Yea I have heard about that Digital Homocide fiasco. Not quite sure that DTG/RSC is on the same level as DH, however... it does give hope that - depending on the ultimate outcome of the case- developers will not easily get away with nonscence.

It also could go the other way 'round and give the ultimate freedom for any developer to do what they like, when they like - with the users ultimately being 'good boys and girls' cause they could get sued at the drop of a hat.

I'm quite suprised that the courts even entertained what is going on.
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Group Player of the Week:
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14 November, 2013