Steam Universe Steam U
Steam Universe Steam U
23 de Setembro de 2013
Todas as discussões > Steam Controller > Detalhes do tópico
ssugrim 10 nov. 2015 às 20:39
Enabling touch for the left dpad
Because of the way the controller is shaped and the size of the left D-pad, I find it very hard to use for direction input and usually stick to using the analog stick. I did notice that the left dpad does have touch sensor like the right pad, and potentially this could be used as a directional input instead of having to press a direction. Is it possible to enable the touch capability on the left d-pad for directional input (instead of having to press on it). This would make it easier to use. This could be a toggle-able config option since I guess the sensor is running all the time any way. I'm guessing it's a matter of using the touch data instead of waiting for a press down action, solve-able in software?
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Air 10 nov. 2015 às 21:33 
Each touch pad has the same set of modes that are all usable by either one. Just look around in the settings for the touch pad.
CoffeeHops 11 nov. 2015 às 10:44 
You're looking for the Click Required dropdown in the controller settings. Set that to No and you'll have a trackpad that activates on tap instead of clicking.
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Todas as discussões > Steam Controller > Detalhes do tópico