Steam Universe Steam U
Steam Universe Steam U
23 de septiembre de 2013
Todas las discusiones > Steam Controller > Detalles del tema
ssugrim 10 NOV 2015 a las 8:39 p. m.
Enabling touch for the left dpad
Because of the way the controller is shaped and the size of the left D-pad, I find it very hard to use for direction input and usually stick to using the analog stick. I did notice that the left dpad does have touch sensor like the right pad, and potentially this could be used as a directional input instead of having to press a direction. Is it possible to enable the touch capability on the left d-pad for directional input (instead of having to press on it). This would make it easier to use. This could be a toggle-able config option since I guess the sensor is running all the time any way. I'm guessing it's a matter of using the touch data instead of waiting for a press down action, solve-able in software?
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Air 10 NOV 2015 a las 9:33 p. m. 
Each touch pad has the same set of modes that are all usable by either one. Just look around in the settings for the touch pad.
CoffeeHops 11 NOV 2015 a las 10:44 a. m. 
You're looking for the Click Required dropdown in the controller settings. Set that to No and you'll have a trackpad that activates on tap instead of clicking.
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Todas las discusiones > Steam Controller > Detalles del tema