Co-op Institute! COIN!
Co-op Institute! COIN!
22 October, 2013
United States 
ABOUT Co-op Institute!

Welcome to COIN!

We here at the Co-op Institute believe that gaming is better together. To that end, we would like to invite you to make use of this space to meet up, plan games (including digital and tabletop!) and to catch up with friends in a place that's not Facebook.

We would also very much like for this place to become an archive of content created by you, our members! Reviews, industry thoughts, guides, or even your favorite LoL build or Payday 2 talents all belong here. Share with us, we want to see what you think!

We are a private group, but are always looking for new members! After our initial enrollment, we will take new members on a case by case basis. All new members will be required to have at least 2 current members as sponsors.

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Good News Everyone!
Vent is live!
metrosine 3 Jul, 2016 @ 3:28pm 
HobbesDotEXE 1 Jul, 2014 @ 3:27pm 
Hey guys. Been a but of a wallflower ere and havent intended to. So in effort of being a productive member of the group id like to start participating a but more as well as streaming on good ol

Our shenbanigans shall go reported and perhaps we can entertain eachother as we go. Maybe if someone cant play they can watch us from work.

I will be broadcasting video and audio at
Twitter @dreemteemstreem

Featuring some familiar voices like Littleonion, Kdaesung, and more! We would love the support andthe followers to keep entertaining. Also looking to do a portal 2 co-op blind date. Might be interesting for two strangers to play the co op campaing for the first time.
zane74 26 Dec, 2013 @ 10:59am 
I hope everyone had a very merry Xmas! Any super-exciting presents or stories? Picked up anything great on the Steam Sale? Feel free to share! Would love to hear about it :)
zane74 23 Dec, 2013 @ 10:44pm 
Hey everyone! Holidays are impending! Hope you all have your shopping done, and are settling in for a relaxing holiday with family and friends.

Special shoutout to member Garr for nabbing the top spot in Syder Arcade global rankings for survival! Feats of daring-do like that are few and far between! Well done good sir!
zane74 20 Dec, 2013 @ 5:32pm 
New "Charlie Santa" Heist out now for Payday 2! Community members get a free Santa mask, and the new heist features a level from CS:GO! Get it!
zane74 15 Dec, 2013 @ 8:13pm 
Hey y'all! Been a bit quiet around here, mostly due to the holidays and busy work schedules. Lets get back on track with a game give-away from the Capn's treasure chest, eh? Who will we roll this week? 27! sdean3018! See me for prize! Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season!