Steam Client Beta SteamBeta
Steam Client Beta SteamBeta
8 January, 2013
All Discussions > Beta Feedback > Topic Details
Leave or Kick - One year is too long
Can I leave a Steam Family?
Steam Families are intended to contain your immediate family. As who you include in your immediate family can change over time due to growing up, marriage or other events, it is understandable that some day you may need to change to a new Steam Family.

Adults can leave a family at any time, however, they will need to wait 1 year from when they joined the previous family to create or join a new family.

(If leave, wait one year is that correct?)

As it is rare that a family member leaves the family, each Steam Family slot has a cooldown of one year before a new member can occupy that slot.

(If leave, slot family need cooldown and the one who leave need to wait 1 year to join other?)

I accidentally left my Steam Family! Do I have to wait a year to rejoin?
No. You can always rejoin the last Steam Family that you were a member of without waiting, provided that it has less than 6 members when you try.

(???????, rejoin anytime but no more than 6? what about cooldown slot?, so the one who leave can join anytime. but for new person need to wait one year????)

Can I be kicked out of a Steam Family?
Yes, adult family members can kick any family member out of the Steam Family.

(explain too short, what happen after kick, both of them need to wait one year or not?
like slot need to cooldown and person who got kick need to wait one year? and adult can kick each other even the one who join after??????)

P.S. My family is too big and it should more slot or less cooldown, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ one year is too long.
Last edited by RisheRiselia † RosaryYuki; 23 Mar @ 1:44pm
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Showing 1-15 of 59 comments
I agree, my friend added all of his friends to the group and now i cant leave cuz of the 1 year cooldown. At least let me create a new family.
ASh 24 Mar @ 4:13pm 
I agree as well. 1 year is too much
Ishin 25 Mar @ 12:03am 
Agree, one year is just too much. They need at least reduce it to one week, it would be fair amount of time for changes in a family.
Niel' 26 Mar @ 5:39pm 
Agreed! I just try a family for the beta test, lose access of all my older families share friends games and now I'm stuck with a family with zero games that really interest me :steambored:
Samuel 26 Mar @ 6:25pm 
I accidentally create a family Group and invite one of members, but when we leaved to moved to our main family group, we need to wait for a whole year to can reach our family Group. what the hell?!
it's very too Much. if it was 3 month, we could accept it, but 1 Year, ...
Last edited by Samuel; 26 Mar @ 6:29pm
Jiiieee 27 Mar @ 12:59am 
Question guys. I made a steam family with my friends so they can play my games. now do they need to make their own family and invite me so i can play their games?
DeZi 27 Mar @ 6:40am 
Originally posted by Jiiieee:
Question guys. I made a steam family with my friends so they can play my games. now do they need to make their own family and invite me so i can play their games?
No you can only be in 1 Family, and the games from every account in the family is accesable for everyone
DeZi 27 Mar @ 6:41am 
I agree that one year is too long, 1-2 month would be fair imo
I totally agree! Is there any chance they'll see this thread and reconsider this long cooldown?
withurr 29 Mar @ 10:53pm 
shakeyourbunny 30 Mar @ 1:06am 

Steam Family sharing is intended for a household NOT friends or any other stuff. What you want to do is a clear exploitation and a breach of TOS. If you still manage to do that after the fact it will be grounds for account termination (and all connected accounts).
PJ only 2 Apr @ 9:28am 
I joined a family to test this refusal and everything and such and I ended up getting screwed because when I was going to enter my real life, I couldn't take 1 month to be good, but 1 year is complicated for those who are experiencing refusal and the like, they could have a form of action least ask them to reconsider the person's situation? ticket type to evaluate time spent
1 year is just absurd, we ended up making a mistake adding the wrong people and now we got 1 slot less
it should be 6 months at the most
Originally posted by Minosón:
it should be 6 months at the most
I agree 6 month would be perfect
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