{5v5 - Bread For Life} {5v5-B4L}
{5v5 - Bread For Life} {5v5-B4L}
27 June, 2014
ABOUT {5v5 - Bread For Life}

5v5 - Bread For Life: What is it? and How can I sign up?

What is Bread For Life?
Bread For Life is a new gamemode created by RobTheAwsm to introduce a new way of playing the game. It involves: An engineer (to build teleporter to make bread), a defender; medic or pyro (to defend the engie), and 3 rangers (anyone except heavy. No doubles of any classes).
How does it work? What are the classes?
The mode will be set-up for 10 minutes a round, and the point of the game is to electrocute bread! Yes you heard me, with the short circuit, zap bread! Defenders and Engies can only use the teleporter, so be aware of how and when you use the teleporter! Every bread you zap is +1 point, every bread you MISS is -10 points.
The engie starts with a level 3 sentry, a level 1 dispenser, and level 1 teleporters by spawn doors. If the sentry or dispenser go down you can NOT rebuild. If the teleporters get destroyed you may build them back up.
The defender must stay with the engie at all times, helping him get metal from areas other than the cabinet if the dispenser goes down. You can either be a medic (to heal your engie) or pyro (to watch out for potential spies and airblast). Whatever class is defender can not be chosen to be a ranger, remember, no doubles.
Rangers have a variety of playstyles, there is a 10 minute time for a reason. They can play passive to get rid of the enemy rangers lives (without hiding near spawn area), or they can play agressive to take out the sentry and defender. Every ranger and engie kill is +1 for your team, defender kill is +3, and an entire engie nest down is +5 (can only get this once).
Is that all? Sounds like a piece of bread!
Not quite. The gamemode is set around a certain number of lives that everyone has. Rangers and Engies have 3 lives a piece, as the defender only has 1! If you die, -1 life, if you touch the supply cabinet as any class(purposely); -1 life. Spawn camping, as in staying at their spawn delebritely, is an automatic lose-all lives. If rangers stay for more than 10 seconds within the sentry/spawn area, -1 life. Only deathes can be rewarded for the other team, technicalities as written above can not.
Sound mildly interesting, Where do I sign up?
If you want to sign up for this new gamemode while it is still under development, join the group and add the group leader: RobTheAwsm. I will tell you on the group page, or personally,when a bread battle may commence. If any new rules are added, they will be applied to this board. The gamemode is currently under developement and there may very well be a tournament with enough people and a proper set of rules (with prizes ofc (big prizes :O)). So sign-up today to get started and be the first to practice this new gamemode.
Invite your friends! The more, the better the prizes! Also, feel free to read the FAQ for further questions, and add your own and I may put it up there.
Gone For 2 Weeks. Keep Providing The Love!
What is the mumble?
RobTheAwsm [TTV] 27 Jun, 2014 @ 9:19am 
Invite your friends! The more we have, the better the prizes are for when this thing gets tournamentized!
Enter chat room
27 June, 2014