mz 15. juli kl. 13.46
looking for girl friends
im 23 and aiming to get over my fear of talking to girls. please add me if you'd like to be my friend!!
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Viser 115 av 40 kommentarer
Amaterasu 15. juli kl. 14.23 
Gonna be real, took a look at your profile and that could explain a number of things as to why girls ain't been keen on being around you.

As someone who is older, I'm just going to say this right now, usually as people get older, they stop looking into shallow things like looks and wealth and start valuing personal connections because we as a society have moved past the need to marry early and pop out as many kids as possible to ensure the survival of our lineage thanks to medical advancements.

A lot of women aren't going to be looking around the Steam Forums searching for boyfriends or anything like that, this isn't and will never be a dating site. But you're still young, alright, don't try to rush things, take it slow, try to get to know people, learn about them. Show interest in them. Form a friendship with the person and see if it will be able to go from there. If not, then you still have a friend. If it does, you have a girlfriend.

I say this off observation, not out of personal experience. Because I less became a better person as I grew up and more became an even more embittered misanthropic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. But, I'm okay with being alone.
Sist redigert av Amaterasu; 15. juli kl. 14.27
ReBoot 15. juli kl. 22.56 
Opprinnelig skrevet av mz:
im 23 and aiming to get over my fear of talking to girls. please add me if you'd like to be my friend!!
Pro tip: by being creepy, you won't overcome any fears.
Pretty cheap Bait post. This isn't the Off Topic Forum.
JacquesPatat 16. juli kl. 2.45 
stand up, go outside. go to park or coffee shop or bar or anywhere where there is ladies, walk up to them and say "hello". start a conversation, come back and give us a report of what happened
lgbtf2 16. juli kl. 3.03 
The best way for gamer out there to find GF is by playing MMO and i'm not kidding
Apollo702 16. juli kl. 3.23 
Others have said it well.

The creepy anime heavy profile is going to repel the girls.

Asking online and not in real life is going to repel the girls.

If you want the creepy 24/7 anime/video game/pron lifestyle. That is an option. It's also the #1 way to be alone forever.

It all depends on what you want. It's your life.
I'm going to assume that they are looking for female friends. To be honest, it's very easy to find them. Just see them as another person and don't make it special because they are the opposite gender, and you'll be fine.
Opprinnelig skrevet av Apollo702:
Others have said it well.

The creepy anime heavy profile is going to repel the girls.

Asking online and not in real life is going to repel the girls.

If you want the creepy 24/7 anime/video game/pron lifestyle. That is an option. It's also the #1 way to be alone forever.

It all depends on what you want. It's your life.
You can be creepy as hell with porn addiction and still have female friends
EASY PETE 16. juli kl. 3.44 
Easy pete has no trouble with the ladies
Vinz Clortho 16. juli kl. 3.52 
When I was a teenager, me and my friend from school used to play WWF Smackdown 2 on the PS2. It was great because you could make your own characters so we used to make a custom royal rumble and enter them all.
We would take the names from other wrestlers and combine them to make the names of the ones we created, like Kurt Rocktakerhogan or Bret the AhmedJRFarooq and so on.

We thought that was the funniest thing ever. We would spend all night making characters with huge heads and misshapen limbs, then call them a stupid name and put them in the royal rumble against kurt angle. We carried on doing that for probably about a year and then it evolved to drawing pictures of the characters at school and so on.

Now I look back as an adult and see the cringe humour is part of all teenagers and I do not begrudge the unfunny jokes that I come across on the internet.
ulia 16. juli kl. 4.05 
Opprinnelig skrevet av mz:
aiming to get over my fear of talking to girls

Having read the (hopefully satirical) vitriol on your profile it's more likely that women would be afraid of talking to you :steammocking:
Shiro♌ 16. juli kl. 4.09 
There's no way I'd ever consider approaching people who do say such bad things about me, even if it were to be generalized and nothing personal.

If you wish to attract or have more people approach you, you will have to change your mindset entirely.
Rebel 16. juli kl. 4.23 
Maybe bunnybela everyone else is lesbian or taken or both
I think the satire of your profile might fly over most people's heads, even then it's a bit much
Channel_18 16. juli kl. 5.05 
Opprinnelig skrevet av mz:
im 23 and aiming to get over my fear of talking to girls. please add me if you'd like to be my friend!!
Go out into the woods at 3am, start chanting "Booba booba booba" and within 20mins a girl will hatch out of a nearby tree stump.

Just make sure you make them see you first otherwise they might get snagged by a another nearby male.

Also be sure to bring food and water because she will be hungry and tired after awakening. They can potentially eat you if they are willing.
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Dato lagt ut: 15. juli kl. 13.46
Innlegg: 41