Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Gamepad sensitivity on relics and map is to high
I use a xbox one controller, and everything is just fine, but the rotation speed while observing relics. the slightest analog stick touch, moves the object 90 degrees.
Same for the map. Sensitivity is way to hight and don't find a way to reduce it.
I played tomb raider 2013 and rise of the tomb raider and stick sense was quite normal there.
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no problem on my end. maybe disable steam input in game properties?
Did you ever find a fix for this?
goodwin315 の投稿を引用:
Did you ever find a fix for this?

I don't think there was a fix, or if I managed to find a workaroud, but to be honest: I can't remember.
Maybe I used the mouse for that
This thread was quite old before the recent post, so we're locking it to prevent confusion.
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