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简体中文翻译中有关键性错误/A fatal translation error in the simplified Chinese version
英文版原文是“"My second is in Guest, but not in Puddle or Spindle."
中文翻译为“第二个数字可以找亡客,也可以找烂泥怪和纱魁” 即not和also的错翻

to devs
there is a fatal translation error in the simplified Chinese version
it's in corw's office, elevator password puzzle
The Chinese and English translations are completely different

the hint of 2nd number of the password,
in Eng version
it says "My second is in Guest, but not in Puddle or Spindle."
but in Simplified Chinese,
it says ""My second is in Guest, but also in Puddle and Spindle."
So you will never get the correct answer in the Chinese version, Hope this feedback can help
Last edited by Nathan-117; 31 Oct @ 6:09am