Steam Deck

Steam Deck

Creeper of Doom 16 Aug @ 4:24pm
Most Stressful Device i have ever used
The Steam Deck is unbelievably stressful to use, for so many reasons.

most of which have not been fixed. Including Games not launching, Internal and Bluetooth Controller issues and so much more. (Including one where my SD Card keeps ejecting and trying to reformat itself, appearing as USD00)

Shader Caches
Games having absurdly large Shader Caches, especially Non-Steam ones which fill up most of my storage. Some of them are unreasonably large such as a Lightweight title named Riddle Joker having a 4 Gigabyte Shader Cache,
one time it jumped up to 25 Gigabytes during play and bricked my device forcing me to boot into a recovery medium to delete it and make it boot once again.

Native Linux Executables have their own Cache for some reason even though when launching em in Desktop it doesn’t generate them, those Caches are unusually large which is a problem.

Steam Deck crashes and freezes all of the freaking time, sometimes when doing certain actions in games. Losing Unsaved data in the process, SUPER irritating

More Mentions
Quiet Audio Mixing, Non-Functional Auto Brightness, Joystick Drift (internal), Constant Black Screen issues which forces the user to put it to sleep mode then wake it to fix it or blindly navigate to exit the running title

Docked Mode Not Working, Bluetooth Controllers Disconnecting or Not working at all (Which made me and others SO mad when trying to Local Multiplayer for various games), My Steam Input binds randomly resetting, Input Latency problems, Frame Limiter problems (it not working or randomly turning on and off during play)

Random Noise when using Touchscreen or Buttons when Headphones / Speakers are used, Minor Lag when Changing Volume or when Pressing Steam / QAM, Which causes Desync for some things. Randomly the audio will lag a ton when in use (usually happens on Startup) its more painful when using Headphones.

Device never actually turning off when pressing Shutdown, UI Constantly bugging out, The device sometimes logging me out of my account when booting it offline (sometimes online too), Online Mode cannot be turned on unless you reboot, Achievements and game info don’t show offline for some reason, Major Stuttering (Occasionally happens in some lightweight titles from Steam for some reason)

I am grateful for this device but the infuriatingly humongous amount of Bugs and Issues make me want to put it in the closet and never use it again. It’s super duper annoying having to constantly either reboot or tinker with the device to fix it up.

I got this device for simplicity and to use it on the go and i can’t even do that due to it freaking out when trying to use it offline, the Two years i had it most of these software based problems are still not solved.
Last edited by Creeper of Doom; 19 Aug @ 10:46am
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Showing 1-15 of 67 comments
invision2212 16 Aug @ 4:37pm 
Be careful pointing out steam decks issues or youll anger the fanboys
YUP.... most expensive thing ive ever purchased and boy do i regret it....
give them 7 more years to work out all the bugs
You should definitely go into steam deck ownership expecting some level of linux jank....after all the device is a pc for pc gamers, who already expect to do more screwing around than console people.

I do agree that there are aspects of the deck where the jank is out of control though.
Haruspex 17 Aug @ 12:08am 
There's certainly a bit of jank. PC gaming in general has some expected jank, but people tend to be more used to the Windows jank. The Linux jank is different jank. It's unfamiliar jank.

Across all three of the Steam Decks in my household (Early year 1 LCD, year 2 LCD, and an OLED) we haven't experienced anywhere near the level of problems you've described here, and of the problems we have run into, a fix was typically easy to find. Keep in mind, one of those decks belongs to my non-tech-savvy wife, and the other one belongs to my son, a child. They've enjoyed theirs, but when they do run into a snag I step in and help a bit. I'm not sure if they would feel the same way if I wasn't around.

It does seem to take a little bit more patience to get the most out of it. Not necessarily know-how, just patience. The patience to read and research, to follow guides and troubleshoot and to apply easy fixes to known problems if/when the arise. I feel like once you get it running smoothly and where you want it, it does a great job of staying there.

Do you have the 64 GB model? That's one legitimate criticism I have about the Deck. That's just not enough. It wasn't enough when it came out in 2022, and it's especially not enough today. I'm glad they retired the 64 GB model and made the minimum spec have 256 GB. The first one I bought was a 64 GB, and the first thing I did was tear that drive out and install a 1 TB drive. I put a 2 TB in my OLED.

Maybe it's just not the right device for you in particular. You may be better served with something else.

We're enjoying the crap out of ours over here though.
Terentia 18 Aug @ 10:21am 
Yup, its definitely young. New tec is just bugs. I expected all of this. Its in no way a replacement for a pc. My pc broke so thats why I have this. It was a gift from my friend. He bought it and it just collected dust. Now its mine. Im grateful for it but boy can it be frustrating. This things is going to be absolutely amazing one day. Like having this makes me excited and sad all at the same time. I would of loved to have grown with this. Imagine what this is going to be like for the next gen after all the bugs are worked out.
Originally posted by invision2212:
Be careful pointing out steam decks issues or youll anger the fanboys
Fanboys? Fanboying over a Gaming System is pretty strange... People seem to do such things (Because they are bored)
With Every Update they fix 2 Bugs and Introduce 10 More. Now my Right Trackpad doesn't work and i cannot change the performance overlay, Also the Touchscreen is wacky now

The people who fanboy over this device should agree its SUPER Buggy Software Wise.
I literally cannot Navigate the UI using the Built In Controller, I have to navigate the UI using the Touchscreen, Which is ALSO mostly broken.

The Internal Controller randomly and somehow disconnects during Gameplay. Also Bluetooth: It NEVER works properly, I can’t pair my Dualshock 3 anymore and it always Disconnects Devices during use: So many times during Local Multiplayer games other players get an advantage because one controller decides to disconnect because the Steam Deck doesn’t like them apparently
Last edited by Creeper of Doom; 18 Aug @ 4:33pm
My problem with my deck is it's just too damn heavy for prolonged use and I wish it was less bulky and more slim. I'd be happy sacrificing speed and power for that tradeoff
Originally posted by 🇫‌‌ish🇱‌izard:
My problem with my deck is it's just too damn heavy for prolonged use and I wish it was less bulky and more slim. I'd be happy sacrificing speed and power for that tradeoff
Not a problem for me. But i do think the material used for the Device is very uncomfortable, Seems to wear off if used alot too, does not feel good on my bare hands
Terentia 19 Aug @ 11:30am 
Originally posted by 🇫‌‌ish🇱‌iver:
My problem with my deck is it's just too damn heavy for prolonged use and I wish it was less bulky and more slim. I'd be happy sacrificing speed and power for that tradeoff

I find it too heavy too but im not willing to sacrifice anything maybe trying different things or for them to introduce a lite model.
Originally posted by VahidSlayerOfAll:
YUP.... most expensive thing ive ever purchased and boy do i regret it....
give them 7 more years to work out all the bugs

Either sarcasm at every caveat (trolls gotta troll), or too young to be in possession of your own steam account?

The deck isn't even the most expensive console I've bought in the last 5 years.

Nearly every piece of exercise equipment I own is more expensive than my deck. And the deck is outperforming my 4 year old laptop which barely has as much value as the deck does, and was 3x the cost.
GuRu Asaki 19 Aug @ 10:43pm 
Originally posted by Creeper of Doom:
Originally posted by invision2212:
Be careful pointing out steam decks issues or youll anger the fanboys
Fanboys? Fanboying over a Gaming System is pretty strange... People seem to do such things (Because they are bored)

There Are No Fan Boys With The STEAM Deck...

There Is Only 2 Types Of People Here:

-- Those Who Refuse To Buy The STEAM Deck
-- & Those Who Have This Infuriating Experience With STEAM Deck

I Don't Really See Where The STEAM Deck Fandom Is,
Especially When Many Of You Have Stated It Is An
Expensive Purchase You've Made That Hasn't Been
Met With Anything, But You Storing It In A Closet...

If That Is Everyone's Mentality Here??

And That Bugs Haven't Been Getting Fixed At All Since Launch??

I Just Have 1 Question To Ask:

What Did You Expect Out Of The Last 8 Years??

Some Fascinating Experience With Good Games,
During An Entire Decade Where Gaming Is At It's Worst??

I Mean, What Did People Expect Here??

What Did People Expect To Get Out Of The STEAM Deck??

Just Be Honest, You Paid Too Much For Hardware
That Was Never Intended To Work...

& You Bought The Hype, & Were Lied To In The End...
Completely agree, I got rid of my last deck because it was driving me insane, everytime I looked at I just got angry because everytime I used it there was some massive problem.

The controls are terrible and to make it worse controller templates break constantly so you have to restore the entire device to get community templates to apply, they continue ignoring the issue because it mainly affects people that play non steam games.

Just gross behaviour
deaddoof 20 Aug @ 4:57pm 
Originally posted by Creeper of Doom:

My main complaint was the gigantic amount of bugs and unpolishness plaguing this device. i have had this device for 2 Years and bugs are sometimes fixed and much more are introduced in the process

Valid complaint.

Btw, it seems like AMD and Valve are getting a handle on the worst freezing bug on the steam deck.

I believe they will fix it by next year.
D. Flame 20 Aug @ 8:37pm 
If you don't like it, then just sell it. There are plenty of people who would like to pick up a used Steam Deck.
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