Steam Deck

Steam Deck

Steam Deck becomes completely frozen after boot, no game launched
I’ve become the unfortunate owner of a steam deck that is now unplayable because of an inexplicable total system lockup that occurs after a short, inconsistent duration of time after it has booted up. Sometimes, it locks up as it is booting up/during the startup movie.

I’ve playing No Man’s Sky a lot recently before any semblance of a problem showed up and it has only started after I’ve traveled via planes with it safely contained in my carryon luggage. I don’t know if this is the result of wear and tear or a fixable bug. Someone, please help me.
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ROKET 27 Oct @ 11:28am 
Big problem.
Something you can try is loading a previous version, if there is one:

Power the Deck down. Then press POWER + QAM (QAM is quick access menu with three dots on the right). This should display a menu allowing you to load a previous system backup. Try loading the the previous system version.

If that doesn't work, log a support ticket with Valve/Steam.
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