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How is Wukong? (for ER players)
full disclosure: i have an agenda, asking this question, and that's why i'm asking it here instead of in the Wukong forum

SotET has 60% positive recent reviews, Wukong has 95%

when SotET came out, there was a lot of talk on this forum about reviews and comments being "bombed" to support a forthcoming Chinese game, which turned out to be Wukong. i don't know if this counts as a conspiracy theory or not, but i did find the constant negative stuff about SotET, and comparisons to Wukong, and other games, annoying because i really like DS/ER.

i'm sure Wukong is a decent game, and the classic story it's based on is cool, but if it really is mid and fairly easy, like some reviews say, and if the "Overwhelmingly Positive" Steam rating is inflated, it would please me a little, because i have a (possibly conspiratorial) axe to grind now

so, if you have played both, is it a visually stunning mid-fest that has annoying features like invisible walls and overall plays like an early game from a new studio (no shame in that) or is it significantly better than SotER, like the Steam reviews imply?
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Showing 1-15 of 34 comments
Erik 17 Sep @ 7:54am 
Originally posted by Erik:
Who's schizo?
Senki 17 Sep @ 8:21am 
wukong is very mid outside of visuals yeah. Level design is complete garbage, some bosses are cool but most are pretty boring and the combat is way too basic with barely any build variety.

that being said ER's dlc is also pretty mid but still better than wukong
Zogtar 17 Sep @ 8:32am 
NGL, I stopped playing during chapter 4 and got distracted by other games I'd rather play.

It's not a bad game, just needs polish in certain areas.

*Certain areas like: Invisible walls, missing non-moving enemies right in front of you with heavy attacks, spells being on cooldown and not being cast, i have no clue wtf the plot is other than chosen one finds macguffins to truly be the chosen one next monkey god man.

The pig bro is cheeky, but idk. Not endeared to anything, just monke fight.
Last edited by Zogtar; 17 Sep @ 9:12am
Wukong is a gem. The sound and visuals are breath taking and gameplay wise AWESOME! Content wise game is designed (if you want to get all the achievements) to be played 3 NGs+ to unlock all weapons, endings and bosses so get ready for more than 100 hours of quality content.

Despite the game being quite challenging some times (secret bosses mainly) i think its fair to compare it with Dog of War.....It certainly "plays" better and resembles it more than Sekiro/Bloodborne.

Give it a go with an open mind. Despite the random vitriol (some comes from people who cant run it and because "ChInA" lol.....) the game production value is just plain immense and thats objective!

Just look at this giant roach! One of the most cinematic fights EVER


Michael bay? I dont know who she is.....
Last edited by Fineous🔥; 17 Sep @ 8:58am
Senki 17 Sep @ 9:08am 
Originally posted by Fineous🔥:
Despite the game being quite challenging some times (secret bosses mainly) i think its fair to compare it with Dog of War.....It certainly "plays" better and resembles it more than Sekiro/Bloodborne.

not really, dog of war combat has a lot more things. Wukong's basic combat with focus on i-frame dodges is much more similar to souls games
Originally posted by Senki:
Originally posted by Fineous🔥:
Despite the game being quite challenging some times (secret bosses mainly) i think its fair to compare it with Dog of War.....It certainly "plays" better and resembles it more than Sekiro/Bloodborne.

not really, dog of war combat has a lot more things. Wukong's basic combat with focus on i-frame dodges is much more similar to souls games

Nah. Wukong has 3 combat stances, tons of transformations with different movesets and truck loads of spirits/spells. You also get to parry with certain skills so overall MUCH more skillz than dog of war!
Senki 17 Sep @ 11:24am 
Originally posted by Fineous🔥:
Originally posted by Senki:

not really, dog of war combat has a lot more things. Wukong's basic combat with focus on i-frame dodges is much more similar to souls games

Nah. Wukong has 3 combat stances, tons of transformations with different movesets and truck loads of spirits/spells. You also get to parry with certain skills so overall MUCH more skillz than dog of war!

the combat stances only change the heavy attack and you can only have one transformation at a time which are also pretty basic

it's nowhere close to having more things than god of war you're just straight up lying

Hell I can do more things even in elden ring if I use spells and 2 melee weapons lmao
Last edited by Senki; 17 Sep @ 11:26am
Holografix 17 Sep @ 11:26am 
Wukong is pretty mid. I haven't played it, but my opinion is as valid as those who have.
zero 17 Sep @ 11:39am 
average, its not a bad game and ultimately is a fine combat system, but i have personal issues with the translations, which at least upon release could use a lot of work ("see through attacks?" just say parry/invul)

which does lead into my second thought, the see through attacks mechanic is objectively a timing based system, in which if you press strong attack at the right time, you start your attack and invul a attack coming at you, which is a perfectly fine design: if it wasn't for the fact that basically any time after your first 2 attacks in your combo you are locked into an animation and cant suddenly brake out into your strong attack, which means your timing based attack is not locked behind an animation, making is functionally redundant unless you get lucky
If I absolutely had to compare, wukong is the power fantasy version of it, kind of. It's still hard, but it doesn't feel as hard, because the combat feel good. It's fast and fluid, to a point. once you get past like the second move in a combo, you are locking yourself into animations. But it not as critical. Things go much faster this way, you get to redo it much easier and you get to mess with all your "souls" (nothing like it really) at anytime for free. But, some of them bosses are on a fine line between fair and op bs. I lean more toward fair, but I also get, younger men did't play old games where beating it was far from a forgone conclusion. getting "stuck" somewhere can be frustrating.

I'm rambling, bottom line if you try it out, you'll understand why I say it's the power fantasy version of a souls game. It's not easier per se, that depends on the person. But it feels different, while feeling familiar.
Last edited by Nicodemous52; 17 Sep @ 12:45pm
Originally posted by Senki:
it's nowhere close to having more things than god of war you're just straight up lying

Hmm i dont know what is worse....You with your 20 hours contradicting me actually having no clue about what you are talking about or...You replacing good manners and social etiquette with insolence. Upgrade your PC and play more Wukong, until that you are not in position to discuss anything and beneath notice.
Last edited by Fineous🔥; 17 Sep @ 12:53pm
galaxy 17 Sep @ 12:51pm 
Originally posted by paincanbefun:
full disclosure: i have an agenda, asking this question, and that's why i'm asking it here instead of in the Wukong forum

SotET has 60% positive recent reviews, Wukong has 95%

when SotET came out, there was a lot of talk on this forum about reviews and comments being "bombed" to support a forthcoming Chinese game, which turned out to be Wukong. i don't know if this counts as a conspiracy theory or not, but i did find the constant negative stuff about SotET, and comparisons to Wukong, and other games, annoying because i really like DS/ER.

i'm sure Wukong is a decent game, and the classic story it's based on is cool, but if it really is mid and fairly easy, like some reviews say, and if the "Overwhelmingly Positive" Steam rating is inflated, it would please me a little, because i have a (possibly conspiratorial) axe to grind now

so, if you have played both, is it a visually stunning mid-fest that has annoying features like invisible walls and overall plays like an early game from a new studio (no shame in that) or is it significantly better than SotER, like the Steam reviews imply?
bruh you control a monkey, for me that's already goty
Wukong is fantastic. I think many quit playing it because you cant get the ridiculous power from buffs or cheese like you can in Elden Ring, I found Wukong harder than Elden Ring but easier than Dark Souls 3.

The story is better in Wukong also. They actually tell you one and put effort in its story telling.

Before any fan boy cries in his he-man pillow, Elden Ring is still a decent game. This is just my opinion and Fromsoft already has my money.
Solid 8/10 game. It has awesome combat, enemy variety and animations, and actual reasons to do NG+ (unlike Elden Ring).

However, the game has an obnoxious amount of invisible walls that often ruin the immersion. Also, the story will make zero sense if you know nothing about Journey to the West.

Also, Wukong has the coolest intro and (secret) final bosses in recent memory.
Last edited by CourtesyFlush09; 17 Sep @ 10:51pm
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