The Unfinished Swan

The Unfinished Swan

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Pesky 16 Sep, 2022 @ 12:42pm
Green ballon in the distance on 'First Castle'
In the 'First Castle' level you climb out of a dip next to a huge tank of water. Shortly, you can see a tiny green ballon in the far distance, with no way to get to it. Or am I wrong ? Because the game says I collected all the balloons and this one is still there.
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I have played this game several times over the years and I think that's just there as background
Pesky 23 Sep @ 12:33pm 
Thanks for your answer after two years. Heh.

Yeah, I was never able to do anything with it, even with power-ups. Hugely frustrating since one of the game mechanics is to interact with every balloon you can see.
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