

Herr Ping 25. aug. 2024 kl. 4.21
Error Report: Ghost Ship / Geisterschiff (1st Edt Seaside) Card Display
Hi everyone,
If you play (in German) with the Seaside-1st-Edition "Geisterschiff" and show the full version of the card, the "+2 Karten" is missing.
The card does it's job properly, but it displays not all functions. Players unfamiliar with that card have of course no reason to think, that they get 2 cards on top for the nasty ghost ship curse.
Please check and fix. I would like to give you a screenshot, but I don't see a picture supporting option here.
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phillip_lynx 25. aug. 2024 kl. 14.37 
F12 (iirc) is the steam intern screenshot function and if you make the picture open for all you can post the link.
It is a translation thing. The german taxts are mostly longer and do not fit always in the cards.

Und in Deutsch :)
Mit F12 (soweit ich mich erinnere) kannst du Screenshots steamintern machen. Wenn du den dann öffentlich machst, kannst du den Link reinkopieren und das Bild wird angezeigt.
Das Problem mit den deutschen Texten ist, das die öfter länger sind als die englischen und dann ab und an nicht in die Karten passen.

Inwiefern die Devs noch an den alten Texten arbeiten, hab ich keine Ahnung, aber ich hoffe die nehmen uns ernst :)
Sist redigert av phillip_lynx; 25. aug. 2024 kl. 14.38
Herr Ping 26. aug. 2024 kl. 8.00 
"Screenshots" are so big and ugly and very uncomfortable... The "+2 Karten" is the very first text part - so, if there is a space problem, then the text is pushed up to the picture part - but all rest of the card looks good and there is quite a big border (I play desktop, don't know how it looks on smaller systems).
phillip_lynx 26. aug. 2024 kl. 9.40 
OK, checked it rigth now and you are rigth :)

In english it is OK, in german not and there is enough room.

My first post was out of memory.
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