Arma 3
Some questions
1. Is there a way to save without quitting? I don’t like having to go back to base, save and exit, and recruit my squad every 20mins

2. What do I do with dead bodies? Friendly and enemy. Do I just leave them? Can’t civilian AI pick up their weapons?

3. What do I do with suicide bombers? I searched a guy and he had a suicide vest. I detained him but then he just followed me around so I killed him and it counted as a civilian kill

4. Friendly AI doesn’t seem to be doing anything. Like patrolling or going out after known installations or anything, they only act if they come under fire

5. Lastly is there and endgame? I’ve really been enjoying this mission it’s really well made and immersive. But am I doing things in vain? Like does destroying IED factories work towards something or will more just keep popping up

Thank you
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Also what do I do with roadblocks? I see a charge but I can't do anything with it
HeroesandvillainsOS  [geliştirici] 29 Eyl 2018 @ 16:39 
If you want to force a save without exiting, you can try this code in the debug console in the esc menu, then clicking local exec:

1 call ALiVE_fnc_AutoSave_PNS

That will force a save every one second. So run that, then run the same code with -1 to stop the saving. Though bare in mind you will always load into the mission alone and will need to either recruit more AI’s or request them (with Logistics).

If civs have suicide vest on them, it’s really up to you what to do. I usually just shoot and kill them. You could also confiscate their best I guess. I suppose if you’re feeling like role playing you could detain them (have them join your group) for a bit, then “release” them, or drive them to the edge of the map into Arma hell as torture, but for all intents and purposes none of that would really server a purpose.

One caveat to that is, civs are needed for the insurgency to actually work. So in theory, you could round up every civ, and the insurgents couldn’t really recruit any more of them to join their ranks. Conversely, doing this to the hostile ones (IE ones with suicide vests) could make hour patrols more safe, but I’ve never really spent time doing this myself.

Dead bodies, just leave them. The garbage collector will delete them over time.

I’ve intentionally made friendly AI more passive to insurgent objective areas. This is to ensure players do the bulk of the fighting. If you need reinforcements, call some in with Logistics or reroute a group’s waypoints in the Operations menu.

The end game is to clear all insurgent HQ’s (IED factories, Civ Recrut Centers, Weapons Depots) and kill all insurgents. Civ Recruit places are of critical importance and should be top priority, this is how the insurgents get new fighters. Fairly certain civs can arm from Weapons Depots so this is second priority. IED factories don’t currently have a function so for now, just get to those when you can.

Any area insurgents occupy or have occupied will continue to get HQ’s until you rid the area of insurgents.

Roadblocks you don’t NEED to do anything with. For the sake of performance, there is an option to disable them (make them disappear) by looking directly at the charge and holding the space button when you see the prompt.
En son HeroesandvillainsOS tarafından düzenlendi; 29 Eyl 2018 @ 16:41
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