Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Expert AI 5.0
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 11 月 16 日 上午 11:09
Patch notes (EAI 5.1 - HOI4 1.15)

Summary on mod-stuff

This update focuses on optimizing the AI's game plan more so than implementing economy side systems to help me do so, as the last major update did. Obviously there's the rework of Germany to deal with, but USSR and Japan had some major weaknesses with the type of army they built, and some general research and construction priorities needed optimizing.

The second focus of this update is on the waging war part. The scriptable AIFC strategies open up a whole another dimension to try out some fun stuff (for my own amusement of watching the AI go, whether you like it or not and regardless of how much it improves things).

The AI should generally have more armor now that it can put them to a useful purpose. Along with reworking regular AI strategy scripting for smaller scenarios, in this update the mod implements several new specialized scripted military strategy systems (Barbarossa, Pacific War, Allied/Axis invasions) that are intended to help the AI plan offensives on a larger scale, that combine all scriptable aspects of AI military under a larger scope decision making process for these specific fronts and operations.

Regarding the AI for the new DLC mechanics - raids and special projects - they are essentially not modified by EAI, nor the new unit types implemented by EAI. If something turns out to be very powerful (yet somewhat historical) that should be taken advantage of, I'll look into it later when I have a better picture of how things stand in the game.

Is the new DLC required? Technically no, the mod should work regardless. Is the mod tested and balanced with this DLC enabled? Yes. Could there be a bad effect on EAI when playing without the DLC? I think it is unlikely.


* Added an eastern front EAI setting: historical. This is for when you really want to make the eastern front progress historically between the AIs, or at least make it less likely to conclude prematurely. For instance, if you want to give Germany tons of buffs but don't want it to demolish AI USSR or vice versa. What it does is it makes the AI more passive in its attacks if it controls more of the eastern front than during that phase of the war historically.
* Removed a number of EAI general settings that are outdated or relevant anymore


* Reworked most front related scripts in the mod to take advantage of the new AI force concentration scriptable strategies: fronts in Europe, Russia, China (to be clear: the vanilla game has scripts for a lot of these cases but this being an AI overhaul mod has its own way of scripting things, and these scripts have been reworked.


* Something experimental for the eastern front using the new AIFC scripts: to simulate the historical pushes (towards Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad and vice versa) as well as to make things more difficult (in theory): the AI divides the eastern front into sectors and tracks how these sectors progress over time. Using this data, the AI selects a sector to focus on with its AIFCs. This system is *intended* to guide the AI to exploit breakthroughs or counter breakthroughs in fast moving fronts, prioritize dangerously lopsided areas, to try pushing through a different area of the front if it is stuck.

Allied invasions

* The four major invasion operations - Torch, Avalanche, Overlord and Dragoon - are conducted under a specially tailored AI system (not the other system this mod already had). As the historical date of these invasions approaches, the likelihood of the AI launching them increases - but only if it makes sense to invade at that time - this is not a railroaded system, it is not meant to make those invasions happen in the same order on the right date.
* The leader of the operation brings in all the faction members for a coordinated invasion if possible, focusing their fleet and air operations around the invasion zones, and prioritizing the landing fronts for force concentration and certain objectives around the landing area for AIFC targets.
* It will focus on one of these operations at any time, with a faction coordinated (to a degree) planning, execution and rapid phases (i.e. less likely for the AIs to launch invasions one by one and fail each) and tracking the progress of the invasion for deciding whether to continue or abandon it. The AI's will synchronize the front-wide operational offensives in the landing zone as well.
* Added some special strategies for ENG not to overload likely invasion staging areas, and to construct infrastructure and naval bases in them.

Axis invasions

* Similarly, operation Sealion and the invasion of America (and Japan's invasion of Australia) are handled under this system, however unlikely they are.

Pacific War

* The Pacific campaign for Japan and USA is guided by another specialized AI system. It aims to combine island hopping, fleet operations and air forces into one cohesive strategy where the AI sweeps through the Pacific in a more deliberate way, focusing forces and securing objectives within certain sectors of the Pacific before moving further, without being railroaded to some specific order of islands to go through for example.


* These systems are ALL experimental beyond making them functional. You are the tester.
* Also, this does not mean the AI has gained some incredible ability to micro its way around difficult situations (which invasions etc. usually are). They guide the AIs to cooperate with each other, or coordinate and focus their own forces into doing certain things.


* Reworked advisor pick order, national focus order, some decision logic, priority research, production, new mechanics etc.
* As usual, it will go for a strong air force, but it should have a lot more armor divisions than before.
* General diplomacy related focuses and such are meant to be fairly historically accurate with timing if nothing terrible happens, with a couple of exceptions like the invasion of Norway and Yugoslavia. * Reminder that this mod is not a 100% historical imitation and there is no guarantee that in a random game the AI doesn't get into some shenanigans (even without you pulling off meme strategies) that cause severe delays to historical operations and I won't railroad the AI into doing so.
* MEFOs: optimizations done here but will probably need further tweaks
* Germany does collaboration ops in Norway to make capitulation easier
* Will try to not spend its entire air force on Battle of Britain before Barbarossa
* Sync sealion/atlantic focuses with naval invasion ops
* Has prio strategies for developing rockets, researching the relevant techs, building some rocket sites

Soviet Union

* Focuses on making a very large army at first. It will only start up armor production if it can afford to. If you want it to field a horde of tanks, tough luck! Give it buffs.
* Added a specific prio construction strategy for refineries during rubber shortage
* Fixed random issue with AI/USSR running out of manpower because it took total economic mobilization while thinking it could also get women in the workforce but randomly lost the war support for it while waiting for PP and got stuck in a bad situation... Now it reserves enough PP to grab both at the same time and won't take total mob. unless both are available. If it can't get women in the workforce due to war support while also wanting total mob., it will reserve and use PP for propaganda decisions and then simultaneously take both total mob. + women in the workforce... no way this could go wrong
* Added some emergency production strategies for it to shift factories to infantry or air equipment from armor production when having shortages in those areas
* Tweaks to defense related decisions
* Re-enabled and expanded detection radius of all defense-in-depth strategies, for several more key cities for the AI to guard with troops when enemy is near, and gave Leningrad special consideration for the AI


* China doesn't rush to take away Indochina from AI Japan
* Significantly refined the stalemate setting AI for China/Japan and made it the default setting
* Fixed some early game factory assignments
* A lot of front strategies added/reworked for a more coherent overall strategy in China
* Made sure that it will research the SHBB project, wait until the focus is complete before queuing SHBB, and prioritizes finishing the focus inserted SHBBs
* China's United Front forms properly
* Optimized Manchuria's focuses/decisions/banditry (though vassalize MEN path is still blocked for AI)


* Increased island garrisons

Special projects and facilities

* Radar, super heavy battleship, rocket techs have some special prioritization in this mod to make sure the AI saves points for those if it wants them
* Added priority construction strategies to guarantee the bigger countries get relevant facilities


* Corrected a lot of mass assault infantry template widths and added cheaper versions for poorer countries
* Armor template scripts have been reworked again to allow the mod systems to work. The AI won't use 3 types of brigades in a template anymore, I don't know how to make it do that successfully anymore so don't ask. On the other hand, I am letting it upgrade to mech/modern types again, since there are ways to make it a little less painful for the AI now. Also, bringing back light flame thrower support with fuel drums since some issues with factory assignment can be fixed now.
* Made sure that all but the cheapest main infantry templates the AI uses have some sort of anti-air
* Marine templates the AI uses are always 35w if possible, and use pioneers instead of engineers if available

Naval invasions

* Found a few tricks to have more control over the AI's naval invasions, so now you may see massive coordinated invasions again where the entire Allied faction joins in on targetted invasions for example as it did years ago in this mod.
* Naval invasion coordination action: may work better now but its up to you to find out.


* Minors more pre-emptively raise conscription against bigger enemies
* Improved how war trend is calculated
* Improved Spanish civil war and North African AI behavior scripting that nudges it towards historical results
* Increased armor division production/tweaked factory assignments
* Fixed an issue with AI selecting the wrong doctrines instead of those set by EAI (using the allow tech triggers to force the AI because it is otherwise uncontrollable)
* Infantry division related techs are generally prioritized more
* Aggressively prio constructs infrastructure in states that have a decent amount of a specific resource the AI needs.
* Added a number of checks and warnings that will surely stop anyone using the mod in unintended ways
* Disabled EAI managed army/air/navy XP as there should be no issue forcing the AI's xp use by other means
* Adjusted AI's MIO trait selection to prefer everything that makes production easier, attrition less
* AI assigns more dockyards relative the amount it has to floating harbors to build a decent stockpile (so a lot for USA)
* Researches improved transports and attempts to build them a little more, though I don't know how useful they are even now.
* Made sure the AI takes the spec ops doctrine branch it needs
最後修改者:Kondi; 2024 年 11 月 17 日 上午 8:09
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目前顯示第 1-11 則留言,共 11
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 11 月 17 日 上午 11:00 
-poked the AI more to make it launch certain invasions, it was refusing to invade Italy
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 11 月 18 日 下午 1:08 

* Added some early game factory and research strategies for Germany in order to avoid random issues later with Poland
* Tweaked invasion of Poland strategies a bit
* Minors should build up their army more as threat level increases. Poland should be closer to a historical army size. Except against AI Germany, until I'm sure it doesn't randomly get stuck there.
* USA will prioritize Pacific war over Allied invasion operations if it is losing there
* Other stuff optimized for Germany and in general
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 11 月 22 日 上午 11:41 


* The AI in the game seems to have random trouble assigning MIOs to designs and updating the MIOs in designs. Whether it's intended or not, it's a bit too slow for this mod, so I added a scripted workaround which is only active for the majors. The mod defines MIO teams for the AI to use in each equipment category, target equipment and priorities for them. EAI then adds design teams to equipment or updates them periodically, depending on how many traits have been added to the MIO since last update as well as depending on how much XP it has to spend. Most non-designer equipment are updated by EAI, as well as fighters. Covering every equipment type would be a stupid amount of work and would require changes to the designs, but the missing stats from the AI's fighters were brutal.


* Experimenting with something to help the AI deal with submarines: AI avoids convoy escort missions because they don't seem to do much and now those ships are freed for other missions that may actually deal with the subs.
* Patrol fleets are also increased in general.
* Added some Atlantic raiding/convoy routing strategies for Germany, Allies


* There is now a basic armor version without advanced supports, one with the supports (armored engineer, flame tank), a mech upgrade and modern upgrade
* Richer countries start researching the techs for the upgraded version, but before they actually start building those divisions or upgrading to them, they first start production of those equipment and wait until the production lines have powered up and it has a small stockpile of equipment before actually switching to those advanced templates
* Countries check if they have shortages of resources needed for mech or modern types before upgrading to them, and should switch back to less resource intensive types if it runs into trouble
* Added/improved special project/research/production prioritization strategies for flame tank, armored engineer, mech and modern armor
* Hopefully fixed an issue that prevented the AI from producing/upgrading armor divisions in some cases

Soviet Union

* Reduced the size of the army it wants before starting armor production, now that it can deploy a lot of cheap infantry if needed
* As mentioned already, hopefully fixed an issue that prevented USSR from recruiting armor when it was intended to deploy armor


* Fixed Germany sending volunteers to China and possibly other cases
* Made USA properly prio nuke techs, projects. Not sure how likely it is to use them.
* Rebalanced various production strategies for army and armor equipment
* Fixed an issue with AI stopping fighter production in some cases
* Disabled mothership special project for the AI as it actually started producing them for some reason, which is a little too crazy even for this mod.
* Allied invasions may start a bit sooner if USSR is losing badly
* Added early infantry template variants that don't even include engineers or anti-air, that smaller countries use when their enemies don't have a lot of air, or in case of Japan fighting early in China
* Added a mass infantry role that is simply 9xINF with a special strategy where it starts mass producing this template when the AI is losing ground and having its armies destroyed too quickly and it doesn't have equipment to deploy more expensive infantry.
* AI prioritizes excavation techs more based on need, not just shortages
最後修改者:Kondi; 2024 年 11 月 23 日 上午 12:12
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 11 月 23 日 上午 1:46 

* Fixed visible EAI reserved building
* Adjusted probabilities of Allied invasions happening, and made it more likely to launch an invasion if it goes a long period without launching any
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 11 月 23 日 上午 5:42 

Some minor tweaks and then I promise I'm going to let the mod be for a while.

* Another fix for nuke research
* Tweak to SOV convoy routes
* Tweak to allow the AI to invade a bit more freely
* Prio fighter stats in MIOs
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 11 月 24 日 上午 11:29 

* Refreshed Italy/UK strategies in Africa a bit. UK invests more into fighting in Ethiopia.
* Improved China's strategies, vs player or on non-stalemate setting. Should invest a lot in coastal defense unless its frontlines are breaking. Tries to deal with landings even more aggressively. Otherwise focuses on building up its army rather than attacking a lot.
* Fixed some volunteer related issues, like Portugal not sending volunteers to Spain
* Limited AOI army buildup if against AI UK, until a time when I can really figure out what to do about Ethiopia which is very strong now for some reason. Strong AOI is nice for UK players who want a fun campaign in Ethiopia but bad against the AI that has trouble dealing with supply issues and can't be made to send low supply divisions to Africa for example. Getting rid of AOI will just put us back to the situation where ITA does not place troops properly into Ethiopia, causing unit shuffling over seas and a boring fight in Ethiopia. So there you have it.
* Made control over north africa a prerequisite for launching operation Avalanche/Dragoon... it was pretty ugly
* More tweaks to invasion operations
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 11 月 28 日 上午 8:50 

More stuff to address naval issues

* A number of tweaks made by Aigle to AI's choices of naval related spirits, traits, advisors
* USA focuses on building a massive amount of convoys, and ASW ships earlier in the game.
* The AI makes its patrol fleets smaller so that it can cover more areas.
* Unblocks blocked naval zones due to lost convoys sooner so that it is less likely to completely block all convoy paths
* Adjust air priorities so that it is more likely to send fighters to deal with enemy air threats on sea zones
* Allies avoid the seas around Malta unless invading or having overwhelming naval superiority. It was wiping out the Allied navy. There are downsides to doing this but there's no good solution either way it seems.


* Added a new difficulty custom bonus: negate resource deficits. The nuclear option to guarantee (...maybe) the AI does not stall its industry just because it can't protect its convoys or such. EAI adds resources to its capital state to more or less cover whatever deficits it has periodically. You won't be able to capture these resources except for a short duration. The problem with the other setting that reduces resource penalties is that the AI sometimes stops assigning factories (including creating new ship productions) if its missing resources.
* Reworked the trade law selection AI. It considers the effect of raising or lowering the trade law on each resource separately, lowering exports if any resource with a significant deficit gains a significant improvement on law change, raising exports if no resource gains a significant deficit on law change.
* Tried to address a situation where the AI has massive infantry equipment deficits but doesn't assign more factories to it.
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 12 月 4 日 上午 11:04 


* Add bonuses: invasion penalty, invasion preparation time, supply units (grant x supply to each division weekly)
* Default difficulty setting bonuses adjusted to include surrender progress, invasion bonuses, slight supply bonus
* If you want the AI to have an easy time invading, you'll want these: invasion prep, invasion bonus, supply units (50-200), attrition reduction


* AI prioritizes fort construction according to provincial distance to the enemy
* AI dynamically builds fortification lines behind rivers facing the enemy fronts as well as some single province bottlenecks (generally when losing ground or stalemate situations).
* USSR assigns more CIC to fort construction and even more at the start of the war and starts preparing forts further away from enemy.
* USSR focuses on building up its main defensive line first


* Tweaks by Aigle: ASW ship, light cruiser design, naval production, AI fleet composition and strike force size, UK focus order and decision tweaks
* Certain infantry, artillery, air techs have additional prio if delaying too long
* Some fixes to how the AI upgrades its infantry divisions
* XP prioritization adjustments between MIOs, doctrines, spirits, templates, designs
* Made Allies use a very specific convoy route that the AI seems more likely to defend with patrols and made the AI very unlikely to block off any zone completely
* UK conserves fuel for critical naval missions like patrols if low on fuel
* Improved UK/Japan home island defense in case of invasion or destroyed navy.
* USSR builds slightly fewer CIC
* Updated army officer corps spirit choices: bold attack, theatre training, quick improvization, relief of command, logistical focus, flexible organization
* Updated army ability AI a bit. Generally should avoid last stand/force attack if it doesn't have a lot of equipment and manpower.
* War on USSR should be more likely to start on historical time
* ENG builds more dockyards
* AI uses cheaper garrison templates with a smaller industry. Japan especially should have a lot more divisions to cover the its large fronts, garrison islands and home at the same time.
* Improved how USSR garrisons backlines and other important locations
* Improved AI garrison division choices
* Increased GER air production later


* Some naval invasion operation adjustments: may launch invasions from further away, avoid deploying fleets before it has had time to prepare
* Allies may declare war on VIC earlier in order to launch invasions
* Made overlord much more urgent depending on USSR's surrender progress
* Factor faction strength into invasion operation frequency

Rework of motorized templates

* AI is more willing to build these divisions again since there are less XP related issues and the AI may utilize them for AIFCs. Still very low priority for XP use as the AI doesn't have much to spare.
* Template width is determined by armor width in the EAI settings
* Three variants the AI may build as before but with updated templates: MOTART/MOTRART, MSPART, LSPART depending on their other military focuses
* Similar to armor, AI upgrades them to more advanced versions based on industry and resources
* Updated the ancient MSPART LSPART AI equipment designs
最後修改者:Kondi; 2024 年 12 月 4 日 上午 11:05
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 12 月 6 日 下午 11:15 

* The HOI hotfix seems (?) to have made the AI stop assigning MIOs to plane production lines, which meant the MIO fix to I did earlier was undone as the AI didn't level up its plane MIOs, and the AI was back to using weak fighters. The plane MIO starting bonuses have been slightly modified by this mod to make the AI use them again.
* Fix loc issue with new custom bonuses
* Fix various minor issues
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 12 月 18 日 上午 8:01 

USSR rework in coordination with Aigle

* National focus order reworked, adjustments to decisions (make sure order 227 is used etc.), production
* On challenging mode, USSR has a significantly different army build than on normal mode. It builds high-hp infantry divisions and only later may build armor. If USSR having armor is important to you, switch to normal mode.

Fix Allied convoy situation round 24353 with Aigle's help

* ENG builds a lot more dockyards
* Updated ENG focus order
* Re-enabled convoy escort missions
* Adjusted naval strategies, radar construction, advisor choices
* The convoy situation does not look so bad right now (vs Axis AI), hopefully improves the invasion situation later
* AI fleet size changes


* Fix AI upgrading starting cav divisions to suppression templates
* Added template width variations to "mass infantry" role
* Tried to address some issues with AI upgrading armor divisions to mech/modern without having the equipment for it (though this again results in less armor divisions overall in some situations)
* Mech infantry tech is prioritized more
* Countries in general may expand naval industry more late game
* Block an ahistorical focus for GER colonies on historical
Kondi  [開發人員] 2024 年 12 月 21 日 上午 10:28 

* Reworked free france focuses decisions for africa and added some workarounds to AI not using related divisions properly in invasions as well as made it try coups as fallback if the invasion fails. They are more optimized instead of historical now to avoid various issues.
* Invasion of Iran is initiated now by UK instead of USSR. Although the historical operation countenance can only be initiated by USSR as far as I know, those USSR focuses are expensive and it risks USSR AI shuffling troops between multiple fronts.
* For major invasion operations the AI will rush naval base construction on existing large ports in invasion areas.
* Relief of command spirit removed when it is not needed anymore
最後修改者:Kondi; 2024 年 12 月 21 日 上午 10:30
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