

Misc. Training
Turkey 15 Dec, 2022 @ 8:59am
Pawns will not stop training
Just as the title says, paws will not stop training of their own accord, and will pass out from exhaustion, this only seems to occur when they don't have any other set work to do (no crafting hauling etc.), but still have another thing to do on the schedule (sleep, meditate etc.)
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Boromir 11 Mar, 2023 @ 11:23am 
Originally posted by Turkey:
Just as the title says, paws will not stop training of their own accord, and will pass out from exhaustion, this only seems to occur when they don't have any other set work to do (no crafting hauling etc.), but still have another thing to do on the schedule (sleep, meditate etc.)
You can bypass bug with colonists not going to sleep during training by not placing practice targets near each other. I started placing them in chess order and colonists now go to sleep better. If you grow sacrifi-unwanted-meat-soldier-colonists in restricted barracks with training order only - try to set their schedule to recreation instead, place practice targets in chess order.
Muscle Russell 4 Aug, 2023 @ 10:37am 
As of 8-4-23 this bug is still occurring. Perhaps the developer can look into it?
MrTink76 2 Sep, 2023 @ 4:47pm 
I, too, noticed this oddity when I had an archery target and a shooting target next to each other. My sniper pawn just spent day and night shooting the target hehe
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