Arma 3
F-14 Tomcat
Ace 24 Dec, 2021 @ 7:38pm
Decal index layers for scripters
Ever wanted to have a mission with Firewill aircraft but you don't want your dumb doofus friends putting anime girl insignias on the aircraft? Maybe you want custom insignias to be on the aircraft at mission start?

What's that? You can't figure out what layer the texture goes on? Firewill made this different for every freakin' plane and didn't document any of it and now you have to figure it out yourself?

Well fear not, because I had the same issue until someone on r/armadev taught me how to figure it out! But let me save you some time so you know exactly what to look for.

Index Numbers (All F-14s)
6 - Insignia (Located behind the air intake.)
7 - Nose Art
8 - Wings
9 - Tail

You can use this script to set the texture to what you want it to be. If you don't already know how to do this, please refer to other ArmA 3 scripting resources.
this setObjectTextureGlobal [IndexNumber, "TexturePath"];
Last edited by Ace; 27 Jun @ 5:18pm
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Ace 27 Jun @ 5:50pm 
Finally updated this. Oops. Should have done this sooner.
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