Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

(Official) Gravity Hull Designator - Localized Physics & Infinite Maps
slopseller 31 Mar, 2016 @ 11:58pm
Larger maps
Would it be possible to create a map 3 times longer than normal, but split into 3 peices vertically and then "sewed" together "infinite map" style?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Meowrailigence 3 Apr, 2016 @ 5:58am 
People have done that before..? Maybe. I think you're talking about the way Portal 2 did it, having only certain things render when you are in an area, but somehow all being one map.

It's a little hard to understand what your question really is, but clear it up when you get the chance.
slopseller 3 Apr, 2016 @ 6:14am 
Ok, so if we say that the default map limit is 1x1, I am asking if we can create a map file with 3 1x1 maps, layered vertically, then we use this addon to connect the 3 segments up and make a map that seems to be 1x3 instead of 1x1, 1x1 and 1x1
Meowrailigence 3 Apr, 2016 @ 10:30am 
Originally posted by Jammarman:
Ok, so if we say that the default map limit is 1x1, I am asking if we can create a map file with 3 1x1 maps, layered vertically, then we use this addon to connect the 3 segments up and make a map that seems to be 1x3 instead of 1x1, 1x1 and 1x1
Most likely, yes. But I recommend just doing the Portal 2 thing.
Look up "Portal 2 Impossible spaces."
Darian Stephens 6 Apr, 2016 @ 12:33am 
I think they want to make maps larger than the hammer size limit, but not infinite, using the same cell-based system as the infinite maps.
Last edited by Darian Stephens; 6 Apr, 2016 @ 12:34am
Meowrailigence 6 Apr, 2016 @ 1:12pm 
Originally posted by Darian Stephens:
I think they want to make maps larger than the hammer size limit, but not infinite, using the same cell-based system as the infinite maps.
I understand that. That's why I mentioned Portal 2. Portal 2 has this strange way of linking parts of maps together as one huge string, rather than multiple maps. But, you can't do it in this version of the source engine, sadly. But for anyone observing this, I recommend doing research on how they did it. Some maps in this version do that, but not like Portal 2.
slopseller 6 Apr, 2016 @ 4:16pm 
it is limited to a size of 1024x1024
Meowrailigence 6 Apr, 2016 @ 5:16pm 
Originally posted by Jammarman:
it is limited to a size of 1024x1024
Oh. Well, Gamzee exposed. Knows nothing about the source engine. EXPOSED.
David Ralphsky  [developer] 8 Apr, 2016 @ 1:17pm 
This could be possible by having your func_maprepeats on the Z axis, but not on X or Y, and adding a nodraw wall that will only appear at, say, cell 0 0 2, so that it's just a normal map that's three times the size. I did something similar to this with gm_infinipit, but I don't think that's included in the addon anymore, and I don't remember where I put the .vmf
pre infmap infmap
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