Arma 3
Enhanced Movement
Blue 13 Dec, 2017 @ 10:35am
Object Blacklist
Hey! Would it be possible you'd make the framework for an object blacklist and communities would take the list and populate it with objects relevant to them? As currently I am sure you know you can climb razor wire, and i dont expect you to go through all of arma's object but maybe if you allow us to blacklist through an empty array you leave us to populate.

That would be great!
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SoulTechnology 1 May, 2018 @ 7:54am 
imean really, as of stock, you got the big razorwire barricades and literlaly a handfull of razor/barbed wire fencing. lookig ad mods ace just adds the conertia coil. and the enxt big things the CUP editor spam which is bascially a bunch of older lookig versions of the same stuff you see with stock game (10 versions of the same fence and some razorwire barricades).

whyll i dint make the mod its entirely possible id be to difficult to have a 'climbing blacklist'. however as an alterantive if its not possible would simple be to make these forms or razor barricades deal damage similar to a fireplace.

be hoenst EM has become part of my necesary mods as of recent however i avoided it for the longets time purly becouse its abit 'op' with climbing over barbed wire and minimal effect to smaina when climbing a building with 80lbs of gear.
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