Guv's Beastmen Overhaul Mod (Updated Patch 6.0 / 2024-12-14)
Guvenoren  [developer] 26 Dec, 2022 @ 4:54pm
Mod Details
Better beastmen mod:

This mod changed a lot of details on both the players side, and a lot for the AI. I mainly wanted this mod to focus on the AI, but after playing the beastmen so much I felt there was a lot of things that could
be tweaked and "improved". Improved can be taken in different ways, so maybe some ups and downs?

Never the less, where are the changes:

Faction effect changes:

The Player and AI beastmen factions gain the following bonuses:
Faction effects: Khazrak has +20% experience gain for units when fighting Human races
Faction effects: Khazrak has +25% tunnel evasion chance rather than +15%
Faction effects: Malagor has +40 relations with other Beastmen factions
Faction effects: Morghur has -15% casualties suffered from all attrition for all armies factionwide
Faction effects: Taurox has bonus charge speed, but reduced charge resistance in battle for all units factionwide
Faction effects: Taurox has -15% ambush success chance for all armies

Trait changes:

Khazrak now applies a mapwide debuff for all enemy units during offensive ambush battles (-3 melee defence and -15% armour for 120 seconds)

Beastmen Techs changes:

A bunch of Technology icons have been changed to fix some nonsensical icon choices.
I see the beastmen tech tree as less of a tech tree but more as "challenge bonuses". Beastmen aren't really bookworms.
Some techs have gotten some minor edits to spice up their tech tree slightly:

Beastmen have recieved 4 new technologies of each "strata". A total of 16 new technologies.

All technologies now takes 1 turn to research, but they cost a varying amount of dread to purchase.
AI beastmen have a longer research time to not burn though the techs too quickly.

Many different techs have additional effects:

"The Unnatural Order" Now also affects Ungor Herd, Ungor Spearmen Herd and Bestigor Herds.

"The Rewards of Ruin" missile resistance also affects jabberslythe, Minotaurs and Chaos Spawns units

"Horns of War" gives additonal +5% unit experience for all units (factionwide)
"Messenger of the Bray" Campaign line of sight increased from 15% to 25%
"The Strong Survive" gives additonal recruit rank +1 for all melee infantry units
"Primal Fury" +4% casualty replenishment rate (all armies)
"The Warherd Ravages" gives recruitment slot for hordes +1 (factionwide)
"Kadon Unleashed" gives +10% charge bonus for all monster units (factionwide)
"Consume Order" gives -15% horde construction cost (all armies)

The Major Beastmen Factions now get faction unique technologies,
unlockable after meeting a hefty condition and paying some dread.
Condition being researching all unlockable technologies and beating their challenges,
Cost is 1000 Dread for each technology.

They are as follows:


Marks of Blood: (Category name)
Tributes in Blood & Skulls:
Flavour: "Your armies fuel themselves in the blood gods wrath and perform sacrifices in his name."
+10% weapon strength for all dual wielding axe units (all armies)
+4% missile resistance for all units (all armies)
+3 Khorne Corruption (all characters)

Blessing of the Blood God:
Flavour: "A tiny glance from Khorne can drive the beastmen into an unmatched frenzy."
Passive ability: "Frenzy" for all units (Taurox's army)
Passive ability: "Gorefeast" for all units (Taurox's army)
Healing Pool +200% (all armies)
+10 Khorne Corruption (all provinces)


Unify the Herds: (Category name)
Cry of Doom:
Flavour: "There can be a thousand promises of destruction from a single roar."
Attribute: Cause Terror for Harpies units (all armies)
Passive ability: "Feasting on Fear" for Harpies units (Malagor's army)
Diplomatic relations +50 with Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos and Norsca (factionwide)

Pledge of Allegiance:
Flavour: "Although unconventional in the eyes of the beastmen, following the Warhosts may increase your chances to gain the favour of the gods."
+ leadership +5 for borrowed chaos units (all armies)
+500% Allegiance points for Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos, Norsca and Beastmen (factionwide)


Twisted World: (Category name)
Sprawling Mutation:
Flavour: "Just being neat Morghur twists reality into complex amalgamations."
+10 Unit cap for Chaos Spawn units (factionwide)
Enemy units have no magic resistance when attacked (Morghur's army)

Feast of Change:
Flavour: "Morghur is the untamed power of Change and distortion. An army of Spawn will inhabit the blood soaked earth."
Contact phase: Armour sundering for all Chaos Spawn units
Passive ability: "Spirit-Essence of Chaos" for all Chaos Spawn units (Morghur's army)


Nuis-Ghurleth: (Category name)
Dominion of the Beasts:
Flavour: "When the number of beastmen increases, the more chance you have to find more "suitable candidates"."
+1 Recruit ranks (all armies)
+10% experience gain (all armies)

Ruination of Order:
Flavour: "The destruction of order, shall be lead by the beasts."
+25 armour for Bestigor Herd and Chariot units (Khazraks army)
Attribute: Ogre Charge for Bestigor Herd and Chariot units (all armies)
+2 bestial animosity (all armies)
+10% experience gain (all armies)


Due to the increased survival rate of the beastmen factions, cost to confederate them via dread has massively increased.
Meaning that if you confederate them, you get all that they own. Meaning buying out Beastmen Legendary Lords has been massively stronger.
Cost to purchase Legendary Lords increased from 1200 dread to 15000 dread.

Disabled the innate relationship bonus Beastmen get towards Chaos. Feels like a carry over effect from Warhammer 1.
No longer has innate +30 relations with Warriors of Chaos.

Beastmen bloodlust has been minorly altered:
High bloodlust gives +75 experience per turn for all units in the army. (since they don't get +75 exp from first red line skill)
But, it drains slightly quicker as a response. (-1 quicker)
And if the horde is on very low, they even lose a bit of experience. So keep it high!

Beastmen factions can now properly utilize the Ruination resource by getting a small portion of ruination every turn.
To achieve this, I had to edit the resource slightly. But it won't affect player experience one bit.

The AI beastmen factions gain the following bonuses:

Scripted Effect bundles:
+1 herdstones per turn (factionwide)
+1 army capacity
+10 unit cap for gor units (factionwide)
+10 unit cap for lategame units, to not make the AI spam them too quickly (factionwide)
-50% cost for heroes and lords (all armies and provinces)
-50% horde building costs (all armies)
-50% building costs (all provinces)
+100 horde growth (all armies)
Can replenish in any territory (all armies)
+3% casualty replenishment (all armies)
+100 Dread per turn (factionwide)
+4 Ruination per turn (factionwide) (edited ruination pooled resource to allow persistent factors and to not be AI ignored. Should not affect the players experience. This is AI only)
+2 bestial rage (all armies)

The beastmen have had their personalities altered:

New Budget allocation
New Strategic profile
New Profile variables
Generic Beastmen factions (example: Blooded Axe Tribe) can use the Mustering stance to recruit units.
Generic Beastmen factions (example: Blooded Axe Tribe) can use the "occupy", "colonise" and "resettle" occupation options.
Generic Beastmen factions (example: Blooded Axe Tribe) now use similar campaign personality behaviour to that of the Major beastmen factions.

Script edits:
Custom scripts: (AI ONLY) Khazrak, Malagor, Morghur and Taurox start with better units to increase survival.
Edits "wh2_dlc17_bst_ruination_progression.lua" to increase dread spending frequency and reduced cooldown to spend dread.
Edits "wh2_dlc17_beastmen_tech.lua.lua" to fix a bug where the AI couldn't research challenges.
Last edited by Guvenoren; 15 Apr, 2023 @ 4:53pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Alecthelm 16 Jan, 2023 @ 5:18am 
the Update from Today is an Burner:) it really left the Mod -statue its more like an ingame update, wow. did rtead it, dont get everything, but ancious to try it out at home.
Guvenoren  [developer] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 5:23am 
Yeah the details here need to be updated. I got no time for that right now tho :(
Alecthelm 17 Jan, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
how much do you get paid for making modes? so, take your time, when you feel good about it.
havent found the discrepance with mixxu, should an pro search for, just said:)
i did try to get my game going now for 4 hours....the moment i click on lord or hereo recruit, it freezes and crash, first ofc data wipe, steam data banks looking for errors, turning out all interface mods, then all hereo and lordfs mods. at the end starting with modmanager and normal launcher without mods- same, even watched this creepy intros :). and i am sure i missed an point, but simply no nerve to reinstall . not today. good night;)=(its 23:06 here)
Guvenoren  [developer] 17 Jan, 2023 @ 2:12pm 
I don't get paid at all :P
Alecthelm 17 Jan, 2023 @ 2:15pm 
you see? so do what you like:) and i end my search for today:)
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