Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

10 Years Later Professions and Occupations
 Bu başlık sabitlenmiş, muhtemelen önemli bir başlık
Harrison  [geliştirici] 12 Eki 2022 @ 1:09
Help us Translate the mod!
Hello everyone!

We're looking for translators to help increase the ease of access to foreign players. Below, you will find the strings that need to be translated. Simply copy and paste the code into your favourite text editor, and change the text inside quotations. Do not change the text starting with UI_.

Completed Translations (Credits in Description);
- English
- Espanol (Spanish)
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Russian
- Francais (French)

When you're done, comment it below, and make sure to list what language it is. Thank you!

English Translation, last updated 12th of October, 2022
UI_prof_norole = "No Role", UI_profdesc_norole = "", UI_prof_common = "Common Survivor", UI_profdesc_common = "You are the average survivor. A bit of everything into one package.", UI_prof_hardened = "Hardened Survivor", UI_profdesc_hardened = "You have more skill and experience than the common survivor, with the downside of losing trait points. You know how to operate Generators.", UI_prof_sharpshooter = "Sharp Shooter", UI_profdesc_sharpshooter = "You are more proficient with firearms, and know how to operate them quickly.", UI_prof_medic = "Medic", UI_profdesc_medic = "You have more knowledge with medicinal items.", UI_prof_nimrod = "Nimrod", UI_profdesc_nimrod = "You have adapted to the outside world, and have better chances surviving outdoors.", UI_prof_cook = "Cook", UI_profdesc_cook = "You know how to create great food from post-apocylyptic scraps.", UI_prof_farmer = "Farmer", UI_profdesc_farmer = "You are an expert at growing healthy crops, and doing smaller tasks outdoor tasks like hunting and fishing.", UI_prof_builder = "Builder", UI_profdesc_builder = "You focus on rebuilding the destroyed civilisation of Kentucky. You know how to operate Generators.", UI_prof_thief = "Thief", UI_profdesc_thief = "You have a higher sneak level, and have a better understanding of small bladed weapons. You can hotwire cars.", UI_prof_scrapmech = "Scrap Mechanic", UI_profdesc_scrapmech = "You focus on creating and repairing anything that's metal. You know how to operate Generators.",
En son Harrison tarafından düzenlendi; 13 Eki 2022 @ 1:57
< >
17 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
Just so I understand. If I wanted to translate common survivor, I should do :

UI_prof_common = "(translated text)" ?
Harrison  [geliştirici] 13 Eki 2022 @ 1:55 
İlk olarak Loxer tarafından gönderildi:
Just so I understand. If I wanted to translate common survivor, I should do :

UI_prof_common = "(translated text)" ?
Correct :)
İlk olarak Harrison tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak Loxer tarafından gönderildi:
Just so I understand. If I wanted to translate common survivor, I should do :

UI_prof_common = "(translated text)" ?
Correct :)
alr, you got a discord ? where can I send you my translation ?
edit : bruh i wanted to translate it to french twt
En son Loxer tarafından düzenlendi; 13 Eki 2022 @ 11:03
added you on steam to send you the translation
Hi, this is the Italian version, ty!
UI_prof_norole = "Disoccupato",
UI_profdesc_norole = "",

UI_prof_common = "Sopravvissuto",
UI_profdesc_common = "Sei il sopravvissuto medio. Un po' di tutto in un unico pacchetto.",

UI_prof_hardened = "Sopravvissuto Indurito",
UI_profdesc_hardened = "Hai più abilità ed esperienza del sopravvissuto comune, con lo svantaggio di perdere punti tratto. Sai come far funzionare i generatori.",

UI_prof_sharpshooter = "Tiratore Scelto",
UI_profdesc_sharpshooter = "Sei più abile con le armi da fuoco e sai come usarle rapidamente.",

UI_prof_medic = "Medico",
UI_profdesc_medic = "Hai più esperienza con gli articoli medicinali.",

UI_prof_nimrod = "Nimrod",
UI_profdesc_nimrod = "Ti sei adattato al mondo esterno e hai maggiori possibilità di sopravvivere all'aperto.",

UI_prof_cook = "Cuoco",
UI_profdesc_cook = "Sai come creare ottimo cibo da scarti post-apocititici.",

UI_prof_farmer = "Contadino",
UI_profdesc_farmer = "Sei un esperto nel coltivare colture sane e svolgere attività più piccole all'aperto come la caccia e la pesca.",

UI_prof_builder = "Costruttore",
UI_profdesc_builder = "Ti concentri sulla ricostruzione della civiltà distrutta del Kentucky. Sai come far funzionare i generatori.",

UI_prof_thief = "Ladro",
UI_profdesc_thief = "Hai un livello furtivo più alto e hai una migliore comprensione delle armi a lama piccola. Puoi collegare le auto.",

UI_prof_scrapmech = "Meccanico di rottami",
UI_profdesc_scrapmech = "Ti concentri sulla creazione e sulla riparazione di tutto ciò che è metallo. Sai come far funzionare i generatori.",
En son S4ro tarafından düzenlendi; 10 Kas 2022 @ 10:53
Hi, this is the "german" translation. Thx for your "mod.

UI_prof_norole = "Keine Profession",
UI_profdesc_norole = "",

UI_prof_common = "Gewöhnlicher Überlebender",
UI_profdesc_common = "Du bist ein durchschnittlicher Überlebender. Von allem etwas, als ein Gesamtpaket.",

UI_prof_hardened = "Abgehärteter Überlebender",
UI_profdesc_hardened = "Deine Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen sind etwas ausgeprägter als beim durchschnittlichen Überlebenden, mit dem Nachteil ein paar weniger Eigenschaftspunkte. Du kannst mit Generatoren umgehen.",

UI_prof_sharpshooter = "Scharfschütze",
UI_profdesc_sharpshooter = "Du bist erfahren im Umgang mit Feuerwaffen und weißt mit diesen schneller umzugehen.",

UI_prof_medic = "Mediziner",
UI_profdesc_medic = "Du hast mehr Erfahrung im Umgang mit medizinischen Gegenständen.",

UI_prof_nimrod = "Jäger",
UI_profdesc_nimrod = "Du hast die Aussenwelt verinnerlicht und dich dieser angepasst. Daher hast du bessere Chancen wenn du draußen bist.",

UI_prof_cook = "Koch",
UI_profdesc_cook = "Du weißt wie man aus post-apokalyptischem Schrott gutes Essen kocht.",

UI_prof_farmer = "Farmer",
UI_profdesc_farmer = "Du bist Experte in der Aufzucht gesunder Ernten und kannst zudem Jagen und Angeln.",

UI_prof_builder = "Baumeister",
UI_profdesc_builder = "Du konzentrierst dich in den Wiederaufbau der zerstörten Zivilisation von Kentucky. Du kannst mit Generatoren umgehen.",

UI_prof_thief = "Einbrecher",
UI_profdesc_thief = "Du hast einen höheren Schleich Level, und ein besseres Verständnis im Umgang mit kleinen Klingenwaffen. Du kannst Autos kurzschließen.",

UI_prof_scrapmech = "Schrottmechaniker",
UI_profdesc_scrapmech = "Du konzentrierst dich auf die Erstellung und Reparatur aller metallischen Dinge. Du kannst mit Generatoren umgehen.",
so uh.... if i had text UI_prof_thief = "Thief",
UI_profdesc_thief = "You have a higher sneak level, and have a better understanding of small bladed weapons. You can hotwire cars.",

which part of it am i supposed to not edit?
UI_prof_norole = "Bez roli", UI_profdesc_norole = "", UI_prof_common = "Typowy ocalały", UI_profdesc_common = "Przeciętny ocalały. Trochę wszystkiego w jednym.", UI_prof_hardened = "Zahartowany ocalały", UI_profdesc_hardened = "Więcej umiejętności i doświadczenia niż zwykły ocalały, z minusem w postaci utraty punktów cech. Potrafi obsługiwać agregaty prądotwórcze.", UI_prof_sharpshooter = "Strzelec wyborowy", UI_profdesc_sharpshooter = "Bardziej biegły w posługiwaniu się bronią palną i wie jak ją szybko obsługiwać.", UI_prof_medic = "Medyk", UI_profdesc_medic = "Większa wiedza na temat przedmiotów leczniczych.", UI_prof_nimrod = "Nimrod", UI_profdesc_nimrod = "Posiada przystosowanie do świata zewnętrznego i ma większe szanse na przetrwanie na zewnątrz.", UI_prof_cook = "Kucharz", UI_profdesc_cook = "Wie, jak stworzyć wspaniałe jedzenie z postapokaliptycznych resztek.", UI_prof_farmer = "Farmer", UI_profdesc_farmer = "Jest ekspertem w uprawianiu zdrowych roślin i wykonywaniu mniejszych zadań na świeżym powietrzu, takich jak polowanie i wędkarstwo.", UI_prof_builder = "Budowniczy", UI_profdesc_builder = "Skupia się na odbudowie zniszczonej cywilizacji Kentucky. Potrafi obsługiwać agregaty prądotwórcze.", UI_prof_thief = "Złodziej", UI_profdesc_thief = "Ma wyższy poziom skradania i lepiej radzi sobie z krótkimi ostrzami. Potrafi odpalać pojazdy na krótko.", UI_prof_scrapmech = "Mechanik złomu", UI_profdesc_scrapmech = "Skupia się na tworzeniu i naprawianiu wszystkiego, co metalowe. Potrafi obsługiwać agregaty prądotwórcze.",
En son Faalagorn tarafından düzenlendi; 26 Oca 2023 @ 15:51
Here's my Polish translation:
UI_prof_norole = "Brak Roli",
UI_profdesc_norole = "",

UI_prof_common = "Zwykły Ocalały",
UI_profdesc_common = "Jesteś przeciętnym ocalałym. Trochę wszystkiego w jednym pakiecie.",

UI_prof_hardened = "Wytrzymały Ocalały",
UI_profdesc_hardened = "Masz więcej umiejętności i doświadczenia niż zwykły ocalały, ale tracisz punkty cech. Umiesz obsługiwać Generatory.",

UI_prof_sharpshooter = "Strzelec Wojskowy",
UI_profdesc_sharpshooter = "Jesteś bardziej zręczny z bronią palną i umiesz szybko obsługiwać ją.",

UI_prof_medic = "Lekarz",
UI_profdesc_medic = "Masz więcej wiedzy na temat leków.",

UI_prof_nimrod = "Nimrod",
UI_profdesc_nimrod = "Dostosowałeś się do życia na zewnątrz i masz lepsze szanse na przetrwanie na świeżym powietrzu.",

UI_prof_cook = "Kucharz",
UI_profdesc_cook = "Umiesz przygotowywać smaczne jedzenie z pozapowojennych odpadów.",

UI_prof_farmer = "Rolnik",
UI_profdesc_farmer = "Jesteś specjalistą w uprawie zdrowych roślin, a także w mniejszych zadaniach na świeżym powietrzu, takich jak polowanie i rybołówstwo.",

UI_prof_builder = "Budowniczy",
UI_profdesc_builder = "Skupiasz się na odbudowie zniszczonej cywilizacji Kentucky. Umiesz obsługiwać Generatory.",

UI_prof_thief = "Złodziej",
UI_profdesc_thief = "Masz wyższy poziom chodzenia po cichu i lepsze rozumienie małych broni białej. Potrafisz włączyć samochód bez klucza.",

UI_prof_scrapmech = "Mechanik Złomiarz",
UI_profdesc_scrapmech = "Skupiasz się na tworzeniu i naprawie wszystkiego, co jest metalowe. Umiesz obsługiwać Generatory."
İlk olarak Pure tarafından gönderildi:
so uh.... if i had text UI_prof_thief = "Thief",
UI_profdesc_thief = "You have a higher sneak level, and have a better understanding of small bladed weapons. You can hotwire cars.",

which part of it am i supposed to not edit?

You are not supposed to edit everything outside the " ". everything inside the " " needs to be translated
I was wondering if the mod description will include credit for the translators. It would be greatly appreciated by those who wish to assist with translating the mod.
İlk olarak PlayerMLG234 tarafından gönderildi:
Here's my Polish translation:
UI_prof_norole = "Brak Roli",
UI_profdesc_norole = "",

UI_prof_common = "Zwykły Ocalały",
UI_profdesc_common = "Jesteś przeciętnym ocalałym. Trochę wszystkiego w jednym pakiecie.",

UI_prof_hardened = "Wytrzymały Ocalały",
UI_profdesc_hardened = "Masz więcej umiejętności i doświadczenia niż zwykły ocalały, ale tracisz punkty cech. Umiesz obsługiwać Generatory.",

UI_prof_sharpshooter = "Strzelec Wojskowy",
UI_profdesc_sharpshooter = "Jesteś bardziej zręczny z bronią palną i umiesz szybko obsługiwać ją.",

UI_prof_medic = "Lekarz",
UI_profdesc_medic = "Masz więcej wiedzy na temat leków.",

UI_prof_nimrod = "Nimrod",
UI_profdesc_nimrod = "Dostosowałeś się do życia na zewnątrz i masz lepsze szanse na przetrwanie na świeżym powietrzu.",

UI_prof_cook = "Kucharz",
UI_profdesc_cook = "Umiesz przygotowywać smaczne jedzenie z pozapowojennych odpadów.",

UI_prof_farmer = "Rolnik",
UI_profdesc_farmer = "Jesteś specjalistą w uprawie zdrowych roślin, a także w mniejszych zadaniach na świeżym powietrzu, takich jak polowanie i rybołówstwo.",

UI_prof_builder = "Budowniczy",
UI_profdesc_builder = "Skupiasz się na odbudowie zniszczonej cywilizacji Kentucky. Umiesz obsługiwać Generatory.",

UI_prof_thief = "Złodziej",
UI_profdesc_thief = "Masz wyższy poziom chodzenia po cichu i lepsze rozumienie małych broni białej. Potrafisz włączyć samochód bez klucza.",

UI_prof_scrapmech = "Mechanik Złomiarz",
UI_profdesc_scrapmech = "Skupiasz się na tworzeniu i naprawie wszystkiego, co jest metalowe. Umiesz obsługiwać Generatory."

With my translation I wanted to keep it more in line with the current Polish one we have now, I consulted it with Geras a little back then, as he's the maintainer of the Polish localization: there should be no title case for roles and in the middle of the sentences, the roles description should not gendered, generator is "agregat prądotwórczy" and some terms are different (wędkowanie instead of rybołówstwo) plus there are some minor issues, but feel free to correct any mistakes you find as I could have done so too!
İlk olarak Faalagorn tarafından gönderildi:
With my translation I wanted to keep it more in line with the current Polish one we have now, I consulted it with Geras a little back then, as he's the maintainer of the Polish localization: there should be no title case for roles and in the middle of the sentences, the roles description should not gendered, generator is "agregat prądotwórczy" and some terms are different (wędkowanie instead of rybołówstwo) plus there are some minor issues, but feel free to correct any mistakes you find as I could have done so too!
I don't play PZ so i didn't know how these are called in Polish.
Please add Thai language
İlk olarak author tarafından gönderildi:
UI_TH = {
UI_prof_norole = "ไม่มีบทบาท",
UI_profdesc_norole = "",

UI_prof_common = "ผู้รอดชีวิตทั่วไป",
UI_profdesc_common = "คุณเป็นผู้รอดชีวิตโดยเฉลี่ย ทุกสิ่งเล็กน้อยในแพ็คเกจเดียว",

UI_prof_hardened = "ผู้รอดชีวิตที่แข็งแกร่ง",
UI_profdesc_hardened = "คุณมีทักษะและประสบการณ์มากกว่าผู้รอดชีวิตทั่วไป ด้วยข้อเสียของการเสียคะแนนคุณสมบัติ<br>คุณรู้วิธีใช้งานเครื่องกำเนิดไฟฟ้า",

UI_prof_sharpshooter = "นักแม่นปืน",
UI_profdesc_sharpshooter = "คุณเชี่ยวชาญเรื่องอาวุธปืนมากขึ้น และรู้วิธีดำเนินการอย่างรวดเร็ว",

UI_prof_medic = "แพทย์",
UI_profdesc_medic = "คุณมีความรู้มากขึ้นเกี่ยวกับไอเทมยา",

UI_prof_nimrod = "ฤาษี",
UI_profdesc_nimrod = "คุณได้ปรับตัวเข้ากับโลกภายนอก และมีโอกาสเอาตัวรอดนอกบ้านได้ดีกว่า",

UI_prof_cook = "คนครัว",
UI_profdesc_cook = "คุณรู้วิธีรังสรรค์อาหารที่ยอดเยี่ยมจากเศษซากหลังหายนะ",

UI_prof_farmer = "ชาวไร่",
UI_profdesc_farmer = "คุณเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญในการปลูกพืชเพื่อสุขภาพ และทำงานเล็กๆ น้อยๆ เช่น ล่าสัตว์และตกปลา",

UI_prof_builder = "นักก่อสร้าง",
UI_profdesc_builder = "คุณมุ่งเน้นไปที่การสร้างอารยธรรมที่ถูกทำลายของรัฐเคนตักกี้ขึ้นมาใหม่<br>คุณรู้วิธีใช้งานเครื่องกำเนิดไฟฟ้า",

UI_prof_thief = "หัวขโมย",
UI_profdesc_thief = "คุณมีระดับการแอบที่สูงมาก และมีความเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับอาวุธใบมีดขนาดเล็กมากขึ้น<br>คุณสามารถต่อสายตรงรถยนต์ได้",

UI_prof_scrapmech = "ช่างเศษเหล็ก",
UI_profdesc_scrapmech = "คุณมุ่งเน้นไปที่การสร้างและซ่อมแซมทุกอย่างที่เป็นโลหะ<br>คุณรู้วิธีใช้งานเครื่องกำเนิดไฟฟ้า",
Hello, here is the Turkish translation of the mod. [encoding is Windows-1254 for special characters]
UI_prof_norole = "Uzmanlık Alanı Yok", UI_profdesc_norole = "", UI_prof_common = "Sıradan Hayatta Kalan", UI_profdesc_common = "Ortalama bir hayatta kalansın. Her şeyden biraz tecrübeye sahipsin.", UI_prof_hardened = "Uzman Hayatta Kalan", UI_profdesc_hardened = "Sıradan hayatta kalandan daha fazla beceri ve deneyimin var, ancak fazla puan dezavantajı vardır. Jeneratörlerin nasıl çalıştırılacağını biliyorsun. UI_prof_sharpshooter = "Keskin Nişancı", UI_profdesc_sharpshooter = "Silahlar konusunda daha yeteneklisin ve ateşli silahları hızlı bir şekilde kullanmayı biliyorsun.", UI_prof_medic = "Sağlık Uzmanı", UI_profdesc_medic = "Tıbbi ürünlerle ilgili daha fazla bilgiye sahipsin.", UI_prof_nimrod = "Doğada Hayatta Kalma Uzmanı", UI_profdesc_nimrod = "Dış dünyaya adapte oldun ve dışarıda hayatta kalma şansın daha yüksek.", UI_prof_cook = "Aşçı", UI_profdesc_cook = "Kıyamet sonrası kalıntılardan harika yemekler yapmayı biliyorsun.", UI_prof_farmer = "Çiftçi", UI_profdesc_farmer = "Sağlıklı ürünler yetiştirmede uzmansın ve dışarıdaki avlanma ve balık tutma gibi küçük görevleri yapabiliyorsun.", UI_prof_builder = "İnşaatçı", UI_profdesc_builder = "Kentucky'nin yıkılan medeniyetini yeniden inşa etmeye odaklanıyorsun. Jeneratörlerin nasıl çalıştırılacağını biliyorsun.", UI_prof_thief = "Hırsız", UI_profdesc_thief = "Yüksek gizlilik seviyesini sahipsin ve küçük kesici silahların kullanımını daha iyi anlıyorsun. Arabalara düz kontak yaparak çalıştırabilirsin.", UI_prof_scrapmech = "Hurda Mekanikçi", UI_profdesc_scrapmech = "Metal olan herhangi bir şeyi oluşturmak ve tamir etmek üzerine odaklanıyorsun. Jeneratörlerin nasıl çalıştırılacağını biliyorsun.",
En son Renixaus tarafından düzenlendi; 22 Ara 2023 @ 11:45
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17 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
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