Garry's Mod
Fazbear's Ultimate Pill Pack Remaster 3: Reborn
Shadowtrap deleted?
I play with the fuppr mods a lot but I wanted to get shadowtrap so what I did was I got an auto clicker set my reload button to left mouse and left it over night I woke up without shadowtrap and I did this for two days still no luck.
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I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong.
I can assure you that Shadowtrap is not deleted. It's just the chances of you becoming him is incredibly small so it can take a lot of time and patience. It's really all luck based because you can possibly get him in just a couple tries or it can take days. But I promise you he's not deleted because I managed to unlock him permanently like 4 days ago as of the making of this comment and it took me specifically 5 to 6 hours to unlock him if I recall correctly, which if you think about it is a relatively short amount of tries to get him in that time frame. You saying that you spent two days trying to get him just shows you that he is very rare and you have to be very lucky. And I can confirm that you do get a permanent menu that allows to choose between Stage 3 and Shadowtrap if you get him at least once. So to sum it up, it's easy yet time consuming, but he's not deleted. You can still unlock him. It just requires tons of time and patience. I hope this answers your concern.
One more thing. There's nothing that you are doing wrong. All you have to do is become Springtrap and just keep transforming till you get Shadowtrap. You don't have to keep leaving and re-entering the Srpingtrap. You can stay as Springtrap and it won't affect Shadowtraps chance. You're doing it correctly.
Is there any other way to get or easier way to get shadow trap because it’s day three and still no shadow trap for more than five hours it may be bugged on my end.
There are easier ways to get Shadowtrap and that's by bypassing the RNG mechanic within the code, such as coming up with fancy ways to edit the script that allows you to become Shadowtrap (which personally I don't know how that works XD). In fact there are a couple people talking about it in the main chat if you wanna take a look. But personally, I wouldn't recommend it because if you do manage to bypass it, you'll become Shadowtrap but you won't unlock him permanently, meaning that if you wanna try to bypass again, you'll have to do it all over again is what I'm assuming because you won't get the menu.
Fruit berry thank you. I ended up getting shadowtrap with the auto clicker when I took a little nap for 3 or 4 hours.
i dont have a auto clicker so im gonna just use springtrap
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