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BIG Lockers
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14 janv. à 11h44
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BIG Lockers

This mod adds 2 safes to the game

Modification of this mod is prohibited. Repeated downloads of this mod will receive the appropriate DMCA warning.

16000 - Mini Locker(9x9)
16001 - Mega Locker(10x18)


Mini Locker - Locker(x3) + Metal Bar(x3) + Blowtorch(x1)
Mega Locker - Mini Locker(x3) + Metal Bar(x5) + Blowtorch(x1)
Discussions populaires Tout voir (1)
15 janv. à 5h29
24 commentaires
LeGunDa  [créateur] 13 juin à 4h36 
You can set up crafting for this mod yourself, it's not difficult
dynamic 12 juin à 21h50 
thats just a waste of my FREAKING METAL PRICK1!!!!
dynamic 12 juin à 21h50 
i can get 108 storage spaces out of 3 lockers and your mini locker is only 81 storage
and the mega locker is even worse at 9 lockers (324 storage spaces) for 180 storage
dynamic 12 juin à 21h48 
make mod better the math aint mathin
Liliz 28 avr. à 9h58 
wow,Thats BIG!XD
LeGunDa  [créateur] 12 avr. à 11h57 
Well done :wowscrab:
jadabandon 12 avr. à 0h40 
Finally found the mod its conflicting with in my game, some mod called "Hmmm", its some military vehicle mod pack, dunno if any maps I use needs it, but its gotta make way for me getting my Mega Lockers in my base.
jadabandon 12 avr. à 0h30 
Had this mod installed for awhile, only for it to mod conflict, 16001 gave some kind of missile, AIM-120, time to figure out which of the 367 mods I have installed the missile is coming from so I can use this mod xD
LeGunDa  [créateur] 18 mars à 13h44 
did you write /give 16000?
Froglover 17 mars à 20h41 
hey i typed the id and it did not give the locker plase chage the id pls