Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

135 ratings
BLS Vehicles for the Alps
Scenario: Europe
Vehicle: Ship
File Size
408.831 MB
9 Mar, 2020 @ 3:58pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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BLS Vehicles for the Alps

Do you need strong electric locomotives and a new steamship?

This Pack includes some of the most Iconic Locomotives and Waggons from the swiss Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon Bahn short BLS.

If you are searching for a fitting Map check out the Loetschberg Map made by me.

Included in this pack are 1 Ship,
1 multiple Unit Passanger Train,
2 new Coaches
5 new Locomotives

A large thanks goes to a youtuber named GrandT who finnaly convinced me to convert the vehicles over to TPF 2. Check his series out:

Chro 2 Jan, 2023 @ 3:05am 
Hallo irgend was ist faul


Error message: error while reading mesh: corrupt or invalid .blob

File name: E:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/****/2018369221/res/models/mesh/vehicle/asset/lod_0_light_square_white.msh

Mod: "BLS Vehicles" (*2018369221, 1) (consider removing this mod and contacting the mod author)

In file: C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\1BJoMpBZ\0\ug\urban_games\train_fever\src\Lib\model\io\serialization_util.cpp:728

In function: auto __cdecl serialization_util::ReadMesh::<lambda_c080d605161f3017cea752cd35f00839>::operator ()(void) const

__CRASHDB_CRASH__ struct ConfigException: C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\1BJoMpBZ\0\ug\urban_games\train_fever\src\Lib\model\io\serialization_util.cpp:728: auto __cdecl serialization_util::ReadMesh::<lambda_c080d605161f3017cea752cd35f00839>::operator ()(void) const: error while reading mesh: corrupt or invalid .blob
optimusgd 18 May, 2022 @ 5:36pm 
Why not to put this advice here in English (sorta)? All that you need to do to prevent crashes is go to the mod folder (it's steam\steamapps\workshop\content\1066780\2018369221\) and inside "res\models\mesh\vehicle\" remove or rename "asset" folder. That's all.
Krabat1994 10 Apr, 2022 @ 6:34am 
@cule729 thx
Cule729 9 Apr, 2022 @ 7:05am 
@Krabat1994 Lights is not the modders fault, it's within the game.
Just goto your settings and adjust your Bloom settings
Cule729 9 Apr, 2022 @ 7:02am 
I found an easy fix to this on
Solution to stop BLS vehicles []

works smooth now with FLIRT3 and others that crashed.
Krabat1994 9 Apr, 2022 @ 2:28am 
can you pls fix your ligths? Thx a lot
Oldhip 29 Mar, 2022 @ 5:04pm 
fix it or remove it
Panda130307 20 Feb, 2022 @ 11:33am 
This mod crashes my game. I just wanted to add an FLIRT 3 to my map, so its a bit wired.
notardanielioan76 8 Aug, 2021 @ 9:20am 
stürtzt imme anb
Cule729 22 Feb, 2021 @ 10:43am 
I got the same crash too as the ppl below. I was going to put in a Lexygone FLIRT 3 and it crashed. It would blame this mod. I thought it must be wrong. So i loaded up again and same thing happen.
I never had a problem with this mod before. It's absolutely awesome when u play Swiss maps.